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Sony TRV950 / PDX10 Companion
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Old October 10th, 2003, 02:05 AM   #61
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Wonderful Steve, congratulations on your PDX10 purchase. I'm very interested in your coming experience with a telephoto add on on this cam; I'm wanting to do some closeup insect shooting and have yet to work with an adaptor.
Breakthrough In Grey Room

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Old October 18th, 2003, 08:57 PM   #62
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about the tapes used for PDX10

I read the menu carefully ,and according to the menu it seems that we had better use tapes with memory. I am wondering is it just because the tape memory can make certain search easier? I am not sure whether it is OK to use sony premium DV tapes, what is the major difference between sony Excellence Dv tapesand the Premium DV tapes? The Excellence DV tape with 4k memory is very expensive , at BH it is $13, if so I would prefer to buy the mini DVCAM tape... Can anyone tell me what kind of tapes are you using for PDX10 ? Thanks.
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Old October 18th, 2003, 10:23 PM   #63
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I have only used Sony Premium tapes without the chips in my PDX-10. Have shot in both DVCAM and DV SP mode without any problems whatsoever.

I'm sure there are better places to order in quantity, but at CompUSA you can buy 3-packs for just under $20. This is the best price I could find locally; Best Buy was charging over $7, local camera shop wanted over $8. Most places don't seem to carry the Sony DV tapes at all.
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Old October 28th, 2003, 10:10 AM   #64
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PDX-10 on the way!

After much discussion, research and head scratching I finally made the order to B&H yesterday for my PDX-10! 16:9 native, MPEG to memory stick, included XLR's, smaller pro-look, price and cross compatibilty with my surf/snorkel housing all made me sway away from the VX2000/DVC80/GL2. Overall, I am super excited and look forward to the challenges of getting better with light use/composition and taking full advantage of the 16:9 capabilties which was one of my big selling points. I also made the splurge on a new wide angle lens for skate/snow/surf footage, anybody use the Century Optics 0.3x with their PDX? Let me know, plus if you've got any good newbie info for settings or tricks with the PDX pass those along as well.
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Old October 28th, 2003, 10:47 AM   #65
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Congratulations on the purchase Ryan, you're going to have fun learning and exploring. If you read back through this forum you'll find lots of discussion on settings and so forth.

Let us know what you think of the .3x wide lens, that sounds interesting.
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Old October 28th, 2003, 01:13 PM   #66
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I use it as long as year. Overall great outside, isn't so good inside, but acceptable ( needs light ). Great DOF. You will notice a softening of corners a bit ( I mean a BIT ). Resolution of field is down about 25%, nothing unusual for such 0,3 lens. And let me say one more thing - you MUST keep a front element immaculate clean. Due to great DOF every little part of dust may ruin your job at all. Best wishes with your new camera!
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Old October 28th, 2003, 02:32 PM   #67
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<<<-- Originally posted by Dmitriy Volper : you MUST keep a front element immaculate clean -->>>

That is an excellent point Dmitriy. I've gotten rather fanatic about this on the PDX-10 and always carry lens fluid, cleaning tissues, microfiber cloth and a brush. This is even more important when using a WA adaptor or external filters. When I first got the camera I ruined a few nice shots with dirt on the lens and learned this the hard way!
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Old October 29th, 2003, 07:33 AM   #68
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Good points Boyd. I know its difficult to do, but if possible hood that front element. That way even if you have dust on the surface of the glass the 'shade' will make the imperfections far less obvious. Being less obvious the auto focus will be less inclined to vote for that rather than your intended subject, too.

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Old December 10th, 2003, 02:59 PM   #69
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close encounters of the pdx kind

Seasons Greets

Inspired by the latest Honda Car advert which is screening on TV. I thought I would check out the macro performance of the pdx.

With a subject distance within about 50 mm of the lens and a limited zoom range of 3 clicks from the left the pdx produces some amazing macro video.

Having this limited zoom is great for image magnification and with the right lighting you could even use it as a telecine device stright off the film itself

dust particles the size of pebbles ......... wow
John Jay

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Old December 10th, 2003, 10:41 PM   #70
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Replacement Lens Cap for PDX10?

I let somebody borrow the PDX over the weekend, and they misplaced the lens cap (for the smaller lens hood). I have a UV filter, so the lens is still protected, but I like having the lens cap. I haven't been able to find anywhere online to order a replacement. Anybody here have a source?

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Old December 11th, 2003, 09:23 AM   #71
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Hi Michael
I did some looking around, made a few calls--and came up with this, the Sony Business and Professional Parts number. 1-800-538-7550, menu option 1. The sales guy there quoted a price of $19.95, plus a shipping charge of (get this!) $11.50. The part number is X39525951, if I got that right. You can order it directly from them.

I suppose there are generics that might fit, but I don't know. I have a love/hate thing going on with lens caps--they want to be attached, so they don't get lost, but then they have to be removed (or tucked into the velcro on the strap, or somewhere similar) if they are to stay out of the way. I have more than a few shot-from-the-hip clips with the sound of the dangling lens cap clicking against the cam or tripod...doh!

Good luck finding what you need. That phone number is a good one to have on hand!
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Old December 11th, 2003, 09:49 AM   #72
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Thanks Chris. I'll keep that number handy. I'm not sure about $30 for a lens cap, though (after shipping)! Wow!

I've got the same love/hate thing. I originally attached some velcro to the side of the hood and the other piece to the cap to prevent the dangling, but it still seemed to get in the way, so I usually keep it detatched, which in this case resulted in a loss, of course.

Thanks again for the info.

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Old December 15th, 2003, 05:32 PM   #73
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If you pull the string that is attached through the metal loop that binds it together it can be pulled up so only the string is dangeling down and the cap is snuggly against the body of the camcorder.
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Old December 16th, 2003, 08:18 AM   #74
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35mm film maybe, nothing smaller. Not even sure about the 35mm film as that is 'half frame' when used for cine. Hold up a 35mm transparency to the front element and go to max macro to see what I mean.

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Old January 1st, 2004, 09:12 AM   #75
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"Soft" onboard light for the PDX 10

Happy new 2004

I hope you all have had a great new year celebration.

I, (You all know that i freedive) together with my fiance, spend the chance off the year in the water. Beside beeing an exceptional experience, it was my first winter bath in the northern water, and I can promis you it was just as slipping into a bath tub with ice cubes. If you think that a diving suit helps, well, it doesn't! :-)

Back to Digital Video

I am thinking about low-light, and how to balance the low lux of the PDX 10 with an onboard light. What I am looking for is an onboard light which following characteristics:

It must have a broad or wide light as to avoid spot light feeling.
It must be soft enough not to disturb the people.

I want to use the onboard light at occasions where PDX 10 is not capable to film in the current light situation. I just want it to light up smoothly the scene where the area is at most 5 meters.

Any recommendations (light kit, watt and accessories)?

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