Singing it's praises, again at
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Sony TRV950 / PDX10 Companion TRV900, PD100A and other Sony DV camcorders.

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Old December 20th, 2003, 06:10 AM   #1
Major Player
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Location: Santa Rosa, California
Posts: 745
Singing it's praises, again

Just reviewed a bunch of footage I took around the local junior college campus. Lots of natural beauty, nestled against some of the foot hills of a valley.
I'm rediscovering the PDX10 all over again.
I love this camera.
It does low light, or at least low sunlight, much better than many give it credit for. Blacks are black, noise is exceptionally suppressed, colors remain quite vivid.
This is outdoors low light I'm talking about.
Dusk remains dusk. Truly beautiful.
Does the vx2000/pd150 look this good in normal light? It had better.
I don't know if I can take anything less now, better low light performance or no.

Breakthrough In Grey Room

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Old December 20th, 2003, 06:30 AM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Santa Rosa, California
Posts: 745
Oh, and I test shot a singing group in a church tonight. They were all lined up where the altar might be, it's more of a long podium, with an off white wall behind them.
The singers were the darkest objects in that general direction, so I was busy finding the exposure balance between they and this wall, keeping the whites tastefully warm without reddening the singer's faces (there are five of them: 3 ladies and
2 men, all having relatively pale skin EXCEPT this one guy who is just plain sunburnt, or wind chapped or something; a very difficult balance of color). At one point, for kicks, having found my levels for everything and written them down, I decided to experiment a bit, and cranked the exposure as high as it would go, which was only four clicks more....AND IT LOOKED GREAT! It made the offwhite, textured wall behind them this pure, holy wall of light (I'm not a religious man, per se), and added this whole accentuation to everything, their faces, the available colors, the music (15th century?), it took away all extraneous details, and added this marvelous focus to what mattered.
And then I switched on the 16:9.........
Breakthrough In Grey Room

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Old December 20th, 2003, 06:33 AM   #3
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Does the vx2000/pd150 look this good in normal light?
They look pretty good to me in normal light, and I'm sure the VX2000/PD150 will look this good in even lower sunlight (bigger CCDs/bigger pixels/bigger lens); and a cam with 1/2" CCDs will do even better (in low sunlight). :-))
Frank Granovski is offline   Reply

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