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Old November 23rd, 2013, 08:44 PM   #76
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

I agree with the previous two comments, after reading the review I did not expect such a good video documentary. Now to look at it on a big screen
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Old November 23rd, 2013, 09:43 PM   #77
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

That was great to see the RX10 in action, sure it's not a C300, PMW500 like the cameras I own but for a point n shoot outa my bag when I need something small this will do but I have yet to test drive one myself.
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Old November 24th, 2013, 03:32 AM   #78
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

Originally Posted by Philip Lipetz View Post
He refers to both these things in areas of low exposure, not in the overall image. That is the NR working as designed.
does the NR cause "micro blocking in low light parts of the picture” like was described?
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Old November 24th, 2013, 04:07 AM   #79
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

Dear friends.

Thank you for taking the time watching the RX10 video and commenting. Appreciated!

NR (and other un-necessary features for video) were turned off.

The camera was studied carefully before starting to shoot. (together with the A7, A7r). True, it is a photo camera first BUT, sony is heavily promoting its video side.

I guess if one align expectations, he/she can be happy with the end results.

One thing in favour of Sony's team, they are listening very carefully to the given feedback and very eager to improve their products to meet our needs.

Thank you!

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Old November 24th, 2013, 05:43 AM   #80
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

Thanks for weighing in on the conversation, Johnnie.

Great review, and terrific mini-documentary.

As with all of your work, I forgot what it was shot on and was caught up in the story.

All the best,

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Old November 24th, 2013, 06:29 AM   #81
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

Slashcam reports that the moire is from the electronic IS system, and with that turne off it approaches C300 levels of moire free detail.

Test: Sony DSC-RX10 - The camcorder Killer: From the measured laboratory

They call,this a camcorder killer and say that with IS turnd offit approaches the very best results.

Other tests show the smearing of low light detail from NR.

So turn n all the automatic goodies and it is a good camcorder, and turn them off and it approaches the best results if you stay within the optimal DR and ISO range,
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Old November 24th, 2013, 10:21 AM   #82
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

Originally Posted by Bill Bruner View Post
Thanks for weighing in on the conversation, Johnnie.

Great review, and terrific mini-documentary.

As with all of your work, I forgot what it was shot on and was caught up in the story.

All the best,

Bill, thank you for your warm kind words. appreciated!

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Old November 24th, 2013, 10:22 AM   #83
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

Originally Posted by Philip Lipetz View Post
Slashcam reports that the moire is from the electronic IS system, and with that turne off it approaches C300 levels of moire free detail.

Test: Sony DSC-RX10 - The camcorder Killer: From the measured laboratory

They call,this a camcorder killer and say that with IS turnd offit approaches the very best results.

Other tests show the smearing of low light detail from NR.

So turn n all the automatic goodies and it is a good camcorder, and turn them off and it approaches the best results if you stay within the optimal DR and ISO range,
Hi Philip.

I will try and verify Slashcam findings with Sony engineering.


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Old November 24th, 2013, 10:45 AM   #84
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

Originally Posted by Johnnie Behiri View Post
One thing in favour of Sony's team, they are listening very carefully to the given feedback and very eager to improve their products to meet our needs.
Not to sound abrasive or arrogant here -- but I'm curious to know what experience you have had and/or how you know that Sony will "listening very carefully to the given feedback and very eager to improve their products to meet our needs." That's certainly a very different experience I've had with my complaints & suggestions for their RX100. Pray tell.

-- peer
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Old November 24th, 2013, 11:04 AM   #85
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

Hi Peer.

We at cinema5d are very much in close contact with the leading camera and accessories manufactures due to the nature of our work.

I can tell you from my experiance that there is an open ear and genuine willingness from most of them and Sony being at the front to try and make products that will serve us better.

Thank you!

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Old November 24th, 2013, 03:16 PM   #86
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

Sony might listen to their clients for developing features for every new model that comes out but my experience is also they don't listen to clients of existing models, a good example is the nex-ea50 where several improvements where asked of which being able to quickly scroll through all iso values with the menu wheel just like you can do with the shutterspeed was one of the most requested. Sony did release a firmware update but that included features almost nobody asked for.
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Old November 24th, 2013, 03:20 PM   #87
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

Johnnie -

Thanks for popping in, that piece was quite enjoyable! Always helpful to actually hear from the shooter firsthand, and one with experience who can clarify what they found, and how a shoot was done! Would be curious how much if any "external" gear you needed or if this was just mostly camera handheld - looked very very good from the standpoint of camera work. As everyone says, the story took precedence over "technical", meaning the camera work was doing it's "job", but it's still interesting to know the behind the scenes!

In my mind, while I could find a few little things to pick at, overall the video looked good. Better than the typical "HD" over cable good, and better than a lot of HD stuff I see on my computer screen. Not bad for a camera at this price point!

I'm sure Sony can release a firmware update to address any little "annoyances" - and I'd also suspect they are still "fine tuning" this new design, glad to hear they are listening to feedback, and it may well be that they can squeeze even more out of the camera with updates?

Phil -
Interesting results... sort of a tradeoff, active IS is of course handy for "run and gun" handheld use, but you have to give up a "little" image quality... OK, I can accept that. One more setting to experiment with! Very deep feature set... methinks having time on the RX100/M2 will be helpful, but there will still be a learning curve...

I noticed Slashcam mentioned the WB in video, I presume from the translation they couldn't figure out how to set custom WB... you can SET (one push) custom WB in stills mode, and then SELECT (but oddly not SET it!?) in video, not intuitive, stumbled across the way to set it while fumbling around! Their low light results were fairly consistent with how the RX100M2 performs - you bump the ISO and drop shutter speed, it'll get noisy, but still get you the shot - that f/2.8 will be quite helpful.
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Old November 25th, 2013, 12:23 AM   #88
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
Sony might listen to their clients for developing features for every new model that comes out but my experience is also they don't listen to clients of existing models, a good example is the nex-ea50 where several improvements where asked of which being able to quickly scroll through all iso values with the menu wheel just like you can do with the shutterspeed was one of the most requested. Sony did release a firmware update but that included features almost nobody asked for.
Hi Noa.

It has been a long time since I've touched the EA50 pre.production model.

I will do my best and send your request to the responsible product manager.
We have nothing to lose by trying...

Thank you!

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Old November 25th, 2013, 01:50 AM   #89
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

Originally Posted by Dave Blackhurst View Post
Johnnie -

Would be curious how much if any "external" gear you needed or if this was just mostly camera handheld - looked very very good from the standpoint of camera work. .
Dear Dave. Thanks for watching the video and commenting.

The only other piece of kit I've used is Sony's XLR-K1M (Professional XLR adapter and microphone kit).
I've used it in the "Pizza scene" as I wanted to test it in a relative loud environment.

Other then that I did some interview with the guys but it never made it to the final edit. There I used a small Manfrotto tripod F&V Z180 LED light and Sennheiser's G2 wireless system.

Thank you!!

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Old November 25th, 2013, 02:37 AM   #90
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Re: Sony RX10 point-and-shoot camera

Originally Posted by Johnnie Behiri View Post
It has been a long time since I've touched the EA50 pre.production model.
I will do my best and send your request to the responsible product manager.
We have nothing to lose by trying...
That would be great, thx! How is it with the rx10, can you quickly change the iso values? With the ea50 you can only assign 3 iso values to the switch on the side of the camera, if you want to change a iso you need to re-assign iso values to that same switch through the menu which is a big waste of time in a run and gun situation. My experience working with dslr's is that you need to be able to quickly change to whatever iso the camera has.
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