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Sony RX CyberShots and CX Series Camcorders
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Old September 16th, 2012, 10:00 AM   #31
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Re: What about the CX760?

Originally Posted by Nick Kolias View Post
We've been flying the CX760 around and the stabilization is impressive.


AC/Radian demo on Vimeo
Aren't RCs still illegal in the US? As far as I know, the FAA still haven't set their guidelines and rules for commercial video/photo RC flying.
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Old September 17th, 2012, 02:21 PM   #32
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Re: What about the CX760?

Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
Have you tried shooting at 60P instead of 24P? If I shoot at 25p or at 50P I honestly can't see any difference in the image I get, only that with 25p I need to be very carefull when panning and with 50P I don't as I have the double amount of full frames, so for this reason I have been shooting 50P the last weddings I did.
Noa, the look of different frame rates can be very subjective. I work with a variety of different cameras and many times we shoot 60P. But shooting at 24/25 provides a look I happen to like- it looks less like traditional video to me. It's true you need to be careful with fast motion or quick camera moves at 24 but I tolerate that. Certainly 50/60P has more information and more visual data to manipulate in post so that can be a very good thing. And factors like who is watching your material, what they watch it on, where they watch it and other things will all help determine what frame rate to shoot a project with. In my opinion, with you being in Europe, shooting weddings at 50P makes perfect sense. I wish the little 760 had a 30P option.

Warren, I don't want to take this thread off topic too much but that is a gray area for sure. The FAA says it is not legal but no FAR's currently exist that specifically address this. For the past four years they have been drafting and redrafting a notice of proposed rulemaking that specifically addresses commercial sUAS but have yet to release it. They keep pushing back the date. Obama's mandate to congress and the FAA to integrate commercial use of sUAS by 2015 is encouraging and in the meanwhile we are operating by the same primary rules as law enforcement and public agency users- line of sight ops, stay under 400' and no overflight of crowds/persons. I'm a little bit of a libertarian and I find the FAA's current restriction arbitrary. The fact we can do this for recreation or research use is fine but commercial use is not is unfair in my view. I do understand that safety must always be first and foremost and avoiding full size aircraft is priority one. As a practical matter we rarely fly over 50' AGL and usually under 20'. The eye level to 20' range is really where this kind of a platform shines and what produces the magic. Other than an airport most full size aircraft are never at those heights so I feel it's reasonable to operate at or below tree top level. I'm actually an advocate for FAA regulation of this kind of stuff as long as it's fair and equitable. I can not stress enough that it must be fair and equitable. If they only cater to special interests and closed doors (for Boeing, Insitu, Lockheed and other DoD, big player types) they will open a pandoras box of contempt and rogue operators. And maybe even class action suits. It has to be fair- i.e. a micro business or single operator is able to demonstrate proficiency and get a ticket to operate commercially for a few $k or less. If they don't do that it's not going to work because the cat is already out of the bag- the growth of RC aircraft doing aerials has been almost logarithmic. From a reasonable persons perspective there is absolutely no reason we can't be worked into the system (line of sight/under 400' AGL and insured).

Jalan, I think the CX and PJ are very similar with the only difference being that one has a built in projector on the flip out LCD. I believe the camera and optics are otherwise identical.

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Old October 1st, 2012, 08:16 AM   #33
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Re: What about the CX760?

I see where the price has dropped on this camcorder. If it can drop some more then I would seriously consider buying one. The only thing that is holding me back, besides the price, is the possible frailty of the moving lens.....can it withstand the punishment of being in the field: like out of doors in the mountains, woods, with me being on horseback, etc.

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Old July 16th, 2013, 02:08 PM   #34
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Re: What about the CX760?

I often move from group to troop filming the while. Is the advanced stabiliser going to be a help or a liability in this situation ? I can see the advantage when following people in more or less a straight line but what about following them at right angles when you are stationary and forced to pan the camera ?
Premiere CS5, EX1, 2xFX1,SonyA1,GlideTrack.
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Old November 13th, 2014, 05:55 AM   #35
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Re: What about the CX760?

filmed yesterday a general performance from a stage show.
Filmed with a sony hxr-nx3, nex-ea50 and a panasonic hx-x920.

I placed the little panasonic on stage on side. When i watched the footage I noticed this camcorder
is too noisy. (the stage was not fairly light up) It was in intelligent auto. My nx3 was zoomed in for close ups and was even less noisy.

Now the question is: I'm thinking to sell my HC-X920 and buy and buy a second hand CX730/740.
Based on the sony noise from my nx3 the cx730/740 must be have less noise than my panasonic.

I read about the panasonic it doesn't uses real 1/2inch sensors but 1/2.3" total sensor size: Approx. 1/4" active area.

So the sensor in the little sony is bigger.

Can someone help me out? My wife will kill me if I buy the sony and find out that I better kept my panasonic. I'm only concerned/interested about the low light noise.
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Old November 13th, 2014, 08:09 AM   #36
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Re: What about the CX760?

Hi Tom, If you want you can drop by my place and compare your camera against my sony cx730, I have 2 of them and no, I"m not selling :) but you are always welcome to shoot some testfootage. Just that you know, I moved since beginning this year and live in Heusden-Zolder now.
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Old March 14th, 2017, 12:09 PM   #37
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Re: What about the CX760?

NOA, just bought a second hand CX730E this weekend for only 125 euro + external microphone + 32gig SD card. I wasn't looking for an extra camcorder but I saw this and I thought: that's an amazing deal for that price (was on kapaza.be)
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Old March 14th, 2017, 01:14 PM   #38
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Re: What about the CX760?

I still use my cx730's for specific assignments and no way I"m going to sell them :)
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Old February 26th, 2019, 12:59 PM   #39
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Re: What about the CX760?

my cx730 doesn't work anymore. When opening the screen it does not start even when pressing the power button.

When attaching the power supply it gets power, I see the orange color from power. But when opening the screen the orange color goes away.

I think the only solution is repairing but this in old camcorder and the cost will be too much I guess. I loved the optical balance system.
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Old March 2nd, 2019, 07:34 AM   #40
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Re: What about the CX760?

I had a Sony 96Gb HDR-PJ790 but it developed a problem with a speck of dust inside the sealed lens assembly which resulted in it being unusable, I replaced it with a Sony AX53 4K which has the same BOSS system of the PJ970 or CX730.

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