It's finally reality! Odyssey 7Q v1.1 firmware adds ProRes and 4K RAW - Page 2 at
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Sony NXCAM NEX-FS700 CineAlta
4K EXMOR sensor with SDI, slow-motion recording.

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Old May 12th, 2014, 10:06 PM   #16
Inner Circle
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Re: It's finally reality! Odyssey 7Q v1.1 firmware adds ProRes and 4K RAW

Originally Posted by Leonard Levy View Post
I did some testing on this recently and as others have attested the downrez from 4K 12Bit raw to HD is very very clean and naturally sharp. It looked quite a bit better than the F3. the 7Q output was very sharp even with the detail completely off while the F3 just looked soft with detail off. My guess is it would uprez to 4K very well.
My only disappointment was that the FS700 doesn't give you access to all its gamma options in 4K Raw. you get sLog 2 which many of my clients don't want to deal with, 709 800% (think that's what its called - just looks like a brighter sLog2 and isn't the same as that gamma in an F5 or 55) and straight 709. I would like to have access to the cinegammas.
Are the LUTs available for this yet? That might help.
Dear Leonard,

For now, we recommend using S-Log 2 or Rec. 709 800%.

But, due to an error, please do not use regular Rec. 709, using the Rec. 709 800% is ok, as is S-Log 2.

We do not support the CineGammas at this time.

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old May 12th, 2014, 10:23 PM   #17
Inner Circle
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Re: It's finally reality! Odyssey 7Q v1.1 firmware adds ProRes and 4K RAW

Originally Posted by Josef Heks View Post
Thanks so much for all that info. 7Q sounds great!
So what would be my best option (apart from shooting 4k raw - too much data to manage for an out-in-the-field shoot), if I wanted to shoot higher frame rates with the best possible latitude? Dont need to go above 1080p res, but latitude is most important to me. Being a music vid will be shooting a lot of higher frame rates.

Also interested in the LUT question which was asked above..
Dear Josef,

At this time, with our latest firmware 1.11.100, we support up to 1080p30 in our 4K to Apple ProRes 422 mode.

As soon as we finish our high priority current project, we will support 1080p60 in this mode and in regular Apple ProRes 422 mode.

We are close to being done with this, but I do not know if this will make it into our next firmware release or not.

Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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