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Sony NXCAM NEX-FS700 CineAlta
4K EXMOR sensor with SDI, slow-motion recording.

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Old January 22nd, 2013, 01:46 AM   #1
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shooting with an ex1r that i love, lots of events, docs, corporate. shot my first film this summer on it. came out nice except for too videoish a look.didnt try the 24p.
ive read posts by some that are using the 700 for their films. other than the great DOF on the 700,
theyre not really achieving any more of a film look with this unless they shoot 24p? does the 700 give just as much a videoish look to those shooting films?
seems alot get this cam for the slomo, although very good, are you using that much slomo in your projects or just love how good it is and use it rarely

is the lowlight on the 700 as drastic a difference as ive read compared to the ex1r?

overall input appreciated.
lastly i use my servo zoom alot and understand that zooming on the 700 is 100% manual.this would pretty much wipeout using it for weddings wherre i need to do a slow zoom
one more thing is the main diff between the 700 and 100 slomo and nd filters?
Jim Stamos is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 22nd, 2013, 10:16 AM   #2
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Re: opinions

Hi, the 700 has a different sensor then the fs100 and f3. I like the fs100 and f3 look much more.

Hope that after the 4k RAW upgrade we will be able to achieve the "film" look.

this is the only fs700 video that I i've seen so far that had a look that I liked.
Sergiu Macarescu is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 22nd, 2013, 04:17 PM   #3
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Re: opinions

Hi Jim I baught an EX1 when they first came out then baught (amongst other cams) an EX1R loved them. a couple of months ago i baught an FS700 its knocks spots of my ex'es . I mostley film weddings and events i can nearly 85% get good zoom with stock lens no problem. Low lite stock lens is pretty good but i baught a TAMRON 24 70 IS lens which is very good but i also took Alister Chapmans advise and baught a SAMYANG 35mm 1.5 full manual lens (450 Quid) that turns nite into day its fantastic.I went to THORNBURY CASTLE last weekend it looked so magical in the snow at daytime ( Tamron Lens) but just as beautifull in the dark (No added lites) Samyang lens. its so versatile best image i have had yet to date. If you are worried about zoom lens it won't be long before Mr Sony brings one out. I could ramble on all day but i won't personaly i love it, just one last point it does take a while to get used to handling the fs700 but when you get used to it its fine. hope ive helped a little bit Thanks Wilf.
Wilf Davies is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 23rd, 2013, 10:03 AM   #4
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Re: opinions

I too have an EX (3) and an FS700. I don't have a need for a servo zoom lens but I admit it would be nice to have on occasion. I'm still waiting for Sony to introduce a faster/better version.

As for comparisons, the FS700 is about 2 fulls stops faster, and the resultant image is much less grainy. The control over a shallower DOF is, obviously, the biggest difference, but even if you have to crank up the gain to absurd levels, the noise is much less objectionable than with the EX.

I do wish the SDI output was 10bit, since I record to Prores via a KiPro Mini. Maybe that will come with a 4k upgrade?
Will Salley is offline   Reply

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