Sony announces baby, baby, baby brother to NEX-FS700 (sort of) at
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Sony NXCAM NEX-FS700 CineAlta
4K EXMOR sensor with SDI, slow-motion recording.

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Old August 30th, 2012, 03:03 AM   #1
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Sony announces baby, baby, baby brother to NEX-FS700 (sort of)

I realize this may be considered a bit off topic by some, and I apologize in advance for that. But it seems many people here are fascinated by the FS700 slow motion features, so it would follow that some of you, like me, might be interested in the very recent announcement of the Sony HDR-AS15.

It's a little action camera, a la GoPro, but with one very unique feature - it records 1280x720 HD video at 120FPS - continuously, until your micro-SD card is full. No buffering. No waiting to save to flash card. No missing of great shots while writing buffered slow motion to card, or having to punch out early because a better shot came along.

Supposedly will ship at the end of September, at a shockingly competitive price. Sony also apparently had the WiFi monitoring of what was being shot via smartphone actually working during the demo, so that is considerably ahead of GoPro's WiFi offering. There is also a cheaper version without WiFi called the HDR-AS10 which you point & hope for the best, since there are no onboard screens to monitor what you are shooting due to the tiny size and ~3oz weight.

Of course, at this price, it does not create footage conformed to your base frame rate such as 30p or 24p like the FS700 does. Rather, to achieve slow motion you must conform the footage in your favorite NLE. But for the price - WOW!
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Old August 30th, 2012, 04:11 PM   #2
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Re: Sony announces baby, baby, baby brother to NEX-FS700 (sort of)

Discussion already underway:
Tom Gresham is offline  
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