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Old June 8th, 2014, 03:05 AM   #1
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NX3 and the Clear Image Zoom

I have posted a query about this elsewhere on the forum in a thread which I located by Search - but I have now realised that that thread is relatively obscure and is unlikely to provide me with any answers. So I apologise for the double post!

I have read through various threads on the new Sony NX3, but cannot find any objective mention of the performance of the "Clear Image Zoom".

Sony make claims for this feature that, to me, seem extravagant.

Has anyone used this feature, and are Sony's claims justified? Is it really superior to the useless digital zoom "feature" that many cameras have
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Old June 8th, 2014, 02:57 PM   #2
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Re: NX3 and the Clear Image Zoom

Don't know the NX3, but from other Sonys with the CIZ feature, it is actually pretty decent - you can find samples of video with other cameras testing CIZ mode.

On the one hand it may be just "digital doulbling" which is not that noticeable with higher resolution, but I suspect that Sony also does some tricks with how the sensor is processed since there are likely more pixels than are being "used", they probably do a bit of fancy math to use them to create a cleaner "digital zoom" effect.

Generally speaking, the general concensus of those who have tried it... it works well enough that it's useful, with little noticeable image degradation.
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Old June 8th, 2014, 08:00 PM   #3
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Re: NX3 and the Clear Image Zoom

I'm not sure if the CIZ on the NX3 is integral to the engagement of the Active Steadyshot. If it is then you may have to weigh the degradation of the image against the need to more effectively stabilize the image especially at the higher zooms. And even if it isn't, whenever the Active Steadyshot is engaged, the camera has to employ digital zooming to fill the frame to compensate for the cropping out of the edges of the frame. I have no idea it would be equal to 2x the maximum optical zooming at the tele end or more, or less but it certainly does require digital zooming.
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Old June 9th, 2014, 12:24 AM   #4
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Re: NX3 and the Clear Image Zoom

Thank you both. I have looked at some of the footage available on line, but the inevitable limitations of streaming to a computer are not ideal for assessing the relative quality of the images.

Sony talk about "Super Resolution Technology" providing excellent image quality. This certainly implies some pixel processing. Elsewhere I have read about the use of an LSI for the necessary number crunching, so it would appear that there is more to it than the simple digital doubling.

The camera would only ever be used on a heavy duty Sachtler tripod, so the Steadyshot would be turned off.

I am wanting to replace an aging Sony V1, which of course has 1/4" sensors, and so gave a narrower field of view with an 80 mm lens than the newer 1/3 or 1/2" cameras. The camera is used exclusively for wildlife filming, so it spends most of its life at the telephoto end of the range.

I am getting on in years and so the compact and relatively lightweight NX3 has its attractions over something like a JVC GY-HM750 and heavy Nikon glass!
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Old June 9th, 2014, 02:00 AM   #5
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Re: NX3 and the Clear Image Zoom

Assuming the Steadyshot is turned off and you separately turn on the CIZ, the image degradation should fall somewhere between nil at the max optical zoom and a straight digital zoom in PP. You can search for "Sony NX3 clear image zoom or digital zoom..." in YouTube. There is a sample posted on the subject using the camera. The compressed sample may not be representative of the actual footage from the camera but you will be able to see the difference relative to each other.
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Old June 26th, 2014, 10:45 PM   #6
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Re: NX3 and the Clear Image Zoom


I have this camera. I bought it to compliment my EX1s, which only have a 14x zoom. This baby has a 20x optical, and 40x with the 'clear image zoom'. It also has the standard 'digital' zoom up to around 100x or so...

We bought it specifically to use on longer-throw shoots for iMag and such. For our purposes, it works wonderfully. It does need a decent amount of light (think stage lighting) to avoid noise, but the clear zoom is wonderful, and give the camera the reach of a FAR more expense camera and lens setup. VERY useable for conference/ENG settings....

It also has the longer, digital zoom, but that's basically useless. Very pixel-y, like a consumer camcorder.



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Old September 19th, 2016, 02:27 AM   #7
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Re: NX3 and the Clear Image Zoom

I have always found the ClearImage zoom function to be about as degrading at 0db as lens diffraction.

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Old September 24th, 2016, 10:11 AM   #8
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Re: NX3 and the Clear Image Zoom

Thanks, but I long since (over two years now) bought a second hand EX3 and Nikon 80-200mm F2.8, with which I am very happy!
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