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Old July 2nd, 2011, 04:16 PM   #1
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Wide Angle lens

I need to buy a wide angle lens for my NXCAM.
What do you recommend.?
I saw:
* Opteka OPT-724PF 72mm 0.4X HD2 Large Element Fisheye Lens for Professional Video Camcorders
* Cavision Industrial Series 0.6x Wide Angle Adapter Lens with 72mm Rear Thread

Where can I see some examples of shots with these lenses?

Please give me an idea.
What I want is to give a cinematic effect.
Thank you.
Mauricio Rodriguez Campos is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 3rd, 2011, 07:22 PM   #2
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Re: Wide Angle lens

I purchased the Sony NX wide Lens, its Wide and Really Good... The Lens Hood also makes it look more busty... Sony VCL-HG0872K
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Old July 3rd, 2011, 07:46 PM   #3
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Re: Wide Angle lens

Here is a good video of the lens, and at the end it show the camera with the lens attached to the NX5. Nice
YouTube - ‪Sony VCL-HG0872K Wide Lens Test / Demo‬‏

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Old July 3rd, 2011, 11:22 PM   #4
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Re: Wide Angle lens

Thanks for the information...but it's expensive for me.
I have not alternative.
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Old July 6th, 2011, 07:09 AM   #5
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Re: Wide Angle lens

That Youtube clip shows something I didn't expect to see - that such a big, expensive and (let's face it) mild wideangle converter barrel distorts so much, especially when the Son's G lens is so well corrected down the wide end.

MRC, the Optica will barrel distort hugely - good if this is the effect you're after. The powerful Cavision will do likewise I'm afraid. The only way around this is to use one of the aspherical elements - such as from here:

www.wittner-kinotechnik.de: Katalog

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Old July 10th, 2011, 01:01 PM   #6
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Re: Wide Angle lens

I use the Impact brand wide angle lens... http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/445219-REG/Impact_DVP_WA70_72_DVP_WA70_72_72mm_Wide_Angle.html with my NX5U and AX2000.. Excellent quality and does a very good job for the price.....no complaints other than it adds noticable weight to the front of the cam....
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Old July 18th, 2011, 09:05 AM   #7
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Re: Wide Angle lens

Does anyone have experience with the Century Precision Optics 0HD-06WA-Z7U 0.6x Wide Angle Adapter Lens?

My current need is a wide angle adapter for doing real estate walk thru videos.
Vic Wilcox, http://wilcoxvideoproductions.com/Default.aspx
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Old July 19th, 2011, 10:27 AM   #8
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Re: Wide Angle lens

Real estate walk-through videos would suggest you don't want a wide-angle converter that exhibits barrel distortion, otherwise you'll be walking through bowing out door frames and seeing walls, ceilings, windows and fittings all being bent. Might look fun for a bit, but customers and clients might well think otherwise. The 0.6x needs to be tried on your camera (you don't say what you've got) because it'll exaggerate any barrel distortion you have already.

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Old July 23rd, 2011, 07:51 AM   #9
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Re: Wide Angle lens

So basically the only wide angle that that does zoom through and has no barrel disttotion is the Sony, correct?
I'm used to the amazing Canon hd wide angle lens that on my XLH1, but I'll be selling the whole rig to help pay for an nx5 (which will be my companion camera to my new fs100).
For a lot of what I do, I need a high quality lens (or adapter) that lets you zoom through and has no distortion.
Bruce Yarock

Last edited by Bruce S. Yarock; July 23rd, 2011 at 07:52 AM. Reason: grammar
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Old July 23rd, 2011, 08:00 AM   #10
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Re: Wide Angle lens

Sony do make a high quality 0872 for the NX5 and it comes with a clamp-on hood. It's good, but then again it's heavy, big and expensive. The 0.8x (for comparison purposes) converts a 35mm focal length into a 28mm. If you must have zoom-through then it's one of the best.

For a wider field of view without barrel distortion you'll need an aspheric single element. My Aspheron takes my NX5 down to 16mm (equiv) and it still gives me a 16.8x zoom.

This is a good place to start

www.wittner-kinotechnik.de: Katalog

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Old July 23rd, 2011, 08:19 AM   #11
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Re: Wide Angle lens

The link that you included- I can't understand German, so don't know which one I'd need. I assume that goes right over the camera lens, right? Does it also let you zoom through? That would be used instead of the sony when you need to go real wide, correct?

The first sony model you mmention sounds good and has good reviews.
For comparison sake, maybe you can help me. The big Canon hd wide angle lens that I've been using on my H1 says the following "HD video lens 6x zoom xl- 3.4-20.4 mm". How wide does the Sony go in relation to the Canon?
The sony w're talking about is the
Sony VCLHG0872K Wide Conversion Lens Kit

Also, what was the model of the more expensive sony that you mentioned?
Bruce Yarock
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Old July 25th, 2011, 02:58 AM   #12
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Re: Wide Angle lens

For some reason my google translate has trouble with this page, but the one you want (maybe) is this:

Original Schneider-Ersatzlinse für UWL III
Nur Linse, ohne Fassung, neu, selektierte Exemplare, "finished" in Produktionsqualität.
Front-ø/Lichteintritt ca. 90mm, Lichtaustritt (Rückseite) ø ca. 62,5mm.
Best.-Nr. 5106 - (80.00 EUR netto) 95.20 EUR brutto

You could buy the UWLII as this works on my NX5 (I have one) but it's physically smaller and has to be fitted right up against the Sony's front element.

You'll get the big aspherical lens element on it's own, devoid of any sort of housing or attachment thread. This is not really a problem as I'm sure you'll be able to devise some sort of fixing - especially if you're going to be shooting with it all day, say.

It's powerful and sharp - it converts my NX5 to something like a 17mm lens - with zero barrel distortion. This is impressive, but here's a couple of warnings.

1) The UWL is uncoated, so flare could well be a problem. Hooding such an extreme wideangle is difficult.
2) It's injection moulded plastic so is not as tough as glass (though lighter and cheaper)
3) Such a powerful element gives CA in the corners. This is the laws of optics at play, nothing to do with this lens as such.

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Old July 25th, 2011, 08:30 PM   #13
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Re: Wide Angle lens

Originally Posted by Tom Hardwick View Post
Real estate walk-through videos would suggest you don't want a wide-angle converter that exhibits barrel distortion, otherwise you'll be walking through bowing out door frames and seeing walls, ceilings, windows and fittings all being bent. Might look fun for a bit, but customers and clients might well think otherwise. The 0.6x needs to be tried on your camera (you don't say what you've got) because it'll exaggerate any barrel distortion you have already.

My camera is Sony HXR_NX5....thanks
Mauricio Rodriguez Campos is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 24th, 2011, 10:37 AM   #14
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Re: Wide Angle lens

I thought I would share some video shot with the Century Precision Optics 0HD-06WA-Z7U 0.6x Wide Angle Adapter Lens on my NX5.

Kiwi - I Can Fall - Shrine, Harlem, NYC - YouTube

For the most part, the lens is full wide for the majority of this video since I was at the foot of the stage.

Maybe this will help some of you choosing between wide angle adapters.

I am very happy with it. However, on another shoot where I was shooting in to the sun - you have to be REALLY careful to be sure there is no dust on the adapter, since it is very visible when shooting in to the light.

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