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Old June 6th, 2010, 02:22 PM   #1
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Standard Def Workflow

I am looking for the best/fastest workflow to get NX5U standard definition files from the camcorder to the Mac for editing in Final Cut Pro. Please explain your workflow that works best for you.

Thank you

Stephen Pinchback is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 6th, 2010, 07:23 PM   #2
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Assuming you are taking the AVCHD H.264 wanting to create a Standard Definition DVD
1 - Ingest AVCHD in FCP via Log and transfer (select ProRes LT)
2 - Perform video editing
3 - Export edited video in stand alone Quicktime format
4 - Drag your stand alone Quicktime video in Compressor
5 - Change the parameters in Compressor
6 - Create video menu in DVDSP
7 - Create the SD DVD

Create a HD output file
I still have to create a workflow. At this time, I need to see if the created video will be a Blue-Ray or a HD media file.
Daniel Paquin
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Old June 7th, 2010, 07:01 AM   #3
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Thanks for the reply Daniel.

Is there a reason you would shoot HD only to deliver in SD? I shot a wedding in HD and converted to Prorez LT which ate up about 200 gigs worth of hard drive space. I am trying to shoot SD and edit in FCP. The Log and Transfer function in FCP does not convert SD files.

Please post your standard definition work flows with the NX5U.
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Old June 7th, 2010, 11:34 AM   #4
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Stephen, I have doing the same thing you want to do. Shoot in SD, edit in FCP and burn a SD DVD.
I am taking the original SD mpeg2 original files into MpegStreamclip, convert them into Quicktime mov. files and then take those mov. files into FCP for editing. It works for me.
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Old June 7th, 2010, 03:39 PM   #5
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In converting the file in ProRes LT there are no lost in the quality of the image.

I've taken a shot which I had recorded in both format SD and HD 720p/60 in brought it in FinalCut Pro. To bring the MPEG-2 file within FCP I used something like MpegStreamclip to convert the SD file in a .mov format.

I did not like what I've got and found the image quality was way better in dowconverting HD with Compressor rather than using a MPEG-2 file which had been converted with MpegStreamclip.

I do not need to edit the MPEG-2 file created with the NX5U camera. I record in this format as a backup. If need be I will create a DVD in using Toast Titanium 10. I select never encode and the SD DVD created is perfect. I find the MPEG-2 file not being the right format when performing video editing.

This is totally the contrary when using the HD file. One of the downside is the size of the HD file converted in ProRes LT. They are huge, but there are no loss in the image quality. Video editing is tedious due to the size of the file.

I had my MacBook Pro running Compressor for hours and I've really liked the result.
Daniel Paquin
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Old June 8th, 2010, 05:53 AM   #6
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Why not just shoot in HD and drop that footage into a SD timeline and resize?

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Old June 8th, 2010, 02:47 PM   #7
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Before starting to film I already know the whole thing is to be delivered on a SD DVD. Therefore, when I shoot I use the guide on the LCD screen to ensure my filming is done in 4:3.

For the last project, I've used the guide in FCP and resize the recording to fit 4:3. I found the footage not to be as nice as what I had in the beginning. Sounds good but did not look so good.

When filming I recorder in 720p/60.
Daniel Paquin
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Old June 8th, 2010, 07:43 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Stephen Pinchback View Post

Is there a reason you would shoot HD only to deliver in SD? I shot a wedding in HD and converted to Prorez LT which ate up about 200 gigs worth of hard drive space. I am trying to shoot SD and edit in FCP. The Log and Transfer function in FCP does not convert SD files.

Please post your standard definition work flows with the NX5U.
Before I purchase I'm trying to verify a couple of things. First of all I will still be delivering DVDs in SD. But are you saying that if you shoot your project in SD mode that Log and Transfer does not work? If it's been shot in SD ... is it not ready to just be dumped into FCP or does that have to be converted? I'm obviously completely confused.

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Old June 8th, 2010, 08:57 PM   #9
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The SD format created by the camera is a MPEG-2 which cannot be ingested directly into FCP. FCP will need to have it in .mov format in order to perform video editing.

When bringing a NX5U MPEG-2 file on FCP timeline it will not be fluid and you will not be hearing the audio. This is why you would us a utility such as MpegstreamClip to convert the MPEG-2 file into a .mov file.

SInce I find the image is not the same quality when being converted with MpegstreamClip this is why I am going HD all the way. In the end I use compressor to create final video file in 4:3 or 16:9 to be then sent to DVD SP for DVD authoring.

- MPEG-2 file you would use MpegstreamClip to create a .mov file
- AVCHD you would use Log and transfer and covert the file in ProRes LT.
Daniel Paquin
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Old June 8th, 2010, 09:15 PM   #10
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Thank you for clearing that up for me.
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Old June 8th, 2010, 09:40 PM   #11
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So, is there any real use for the SD MPEG-2 that the camera produces? Or is the real answer to just shot AVCHD and convert as necessary?
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Old June 8th, 2010, 11:06 PM   #12
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It all depends on what you want to do in the end.

If you requirements is to create a SD DVD and to perform video editing. Use the AVCHD file and log and transfer in FCP with the option ProRes LT selected. Be careful when filming, have the 4:3 guide on the LCD of the camera and stay in those limits else you may have to do some resizing in FCP.

If your requirements is to create a SD DVD without performing video editing. Use Toast Titanium and select all the MPEG-2 file (clip) you want. You can use Toast to eliminate some start en end of each of selected clips and create the DVD in using "Never encode". This will create the best SD DVD you can create with the exact image quality produced by the camera.

If you shoot with more then one camera this imply a high probability of performing video editing.
Daniel Paquin
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Old March 19th, 2011, 10:22 PM   #13
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Re: Standard Def Workflow

I'm also trying to get SD MPEG-2 into FCP; along the lines of this conversation, what's the *fastest* way to get these files into a format that's natively editable in FCP?

I tried converting to ProResLT and DV via mpegstreamclip however both took about 50% of realtime to do so.
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Old March 20th, 2011, 10:02 AM   #14
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Re: Standard Def Workflow

In windows systems (XP, Vista & 7) you can work MPG2 video without any problem since 2006, or before.
You can do it DIRECTLY, without conversion, with PREMIERE PRO (since CS3, more or less) and Ulead MediaStudio 6 or 7 (2003 apps. now out of production) and Corel Video Studio 10 to X4 (14 version).

Premiere Pro, before let you editing the video, process it about 10 minutes for an hour (or less if you have fast HD and CPU): it "conforms" the clip (I think separates audio/video tracks, converts audio to PCM uncompressed or similar and detects the frames structure for better scrub).

Corel VideoStudio recommends to do something similar but also can edit video clips without any process, directly. Is faster than Premiere.

After all, if you don't do color grading/correction, lot of wipes, titling and other effects, MPG2 editing is VERY FAST and the quality from de NX5/AX2000 ir VERY VERY near to DV-DVCAM.

I work a lot recording SD MPG2 720x576 Wide 25p editing video for streaming. 100% satisfactory.

I don't know if Premiere Pro manipulates MPG2 files similar way to the Windows system.
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Old March 26th, 2011, 10:44 AM   #15
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Re: Standard Def Workflow

I have a similar problem importing SD footage. I need it for legal depo that have to be in standard def with minimal editing, no converting from HD.

I can import MPG2 directly into CS4 directly but it looks soft blurry and needs to be rendered. It must be converting it to dv and doing a bad job of it. How do I get around this?

In FCP it won't import directly unless if I convert it using MPEGstream first. It looks good if I save it as a dv but seems like a bad process having to re-encoding the video before even editing it.
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