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Sony NXCAM / AVCHD Camcorders
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Old March 15th, 2010, 08:41 AM   #1
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Which NLE are you using on a Mac? Share your workflow :)

I am interested in all feedback on your Mac NLE of choice and how importing/editing the NX5's AVCHD has worked for you and what if any issues have been discovered and better yet overcome! :)

I use both platforms ( PC / Mac ). I also use Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 on both platforms and Final Cut Pro 6.0.6 on my Macbook Pro. I lean towards PP CS4 as it imports AVCHD natively. However some projects require I use FCP and I have found transcoding via "log and transfer" of the AVCHD files to be very cumbersome (even with audio set to digital dolby). I really don't wish to introduce yet another NLE into my workflow other then PP/FCP. So I'm hoping to find some work around/fixes. I will share what I find/figure out as well.

I've had my NX5 for a week now and I really like it. I have not even begun to muck with settings yet, the footage I have shot in manual mode with just a white balance have been very pleasing. I think it is a big bang for the bucks spent. Going next tier "EX1R" was pretty tempting but hopefully the NX5 proves to be a better value.

Anyhoo, hope to hear from many and wish for sunny days and smooth post production sessions to all! :)

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Old March 15th, 2010, 09:54 AM   #2
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Log and Transfer issues seem to be abundant on the Final Cut products, but there is a way around all of that. If you're willing to think outside the box a bit, consider this AVCHD workflow:

(I don't have that camera, so I don't know what wrapper the clips are output in. On my consumer AVCHD cam, the files come out as .MTS files.)

First, I get the MTS files off the card onto the Mac.

I use Movist to preview the mts files directly, just for auditioning to see what clip "0215.MTS" was, etc. (VLC will open these directly too, but far less intuitively). Then I can rename these files in the Finder to something I can search for later for archiving. (AppleScript can help automate this a bit.)

Then I use ClipWrap 2 to transcode the files I've chosen into a MOV wrapper for Final Cut. ClipWrap can transcode into ProRes (including HQ, Proxy and LT), Apple Intermediate Codec, DV, DVCProHD, and Avid DNxHD. It also can leave the samples untouched and just rewrap as a MOV file, if you want to archive the files that way and view them with QuickTime Player, etc. I can't recommend ClipWrap highly enough, it really is a nice step in between these hassles between delivery codecs and editing codecs.

THEN, when you've transcoded, bring it into Final Cut or whatever. No Log & Transfer needed.

Of course if you know you're going to need all your clips on the memory card transcoded, Movist is purely optional.

Hope that helps.

Last edited by Geoff Kaiser; March 15th, 2010 at 10:26 AM.
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Old March 16th, 2010, 10:18 AM   #3
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Hi Geoff

what is wrong with Log and Transfer?

Your method seems to be way more complicated!

Also, removing the .mts files from their companion files causes all sorts of trouble. All the gurus advise archiving the whole contents of the card.

It's fun to think up different means of doing things, but sometimes...


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Old March 16th, 2010, 07:45 PM   #4
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I think that I have too found a solution(-: I have been using Adobe Premiere (currently using CS3) for years and now Adobe CS5 is projected to launch in April 2010. I just watched a sneak preview of Premiere CS5 and the native support of AVCHD files. Check out this link http://cs5.org/?p=594

By the way, this is for PC usage; however, I hope that I will get the same effect for the MAC side.
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Old March 16th, 2010, 08:02 PM   #5
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the original poster himself said Log & Transfer was "cumbersome" and was looking for alternative workflows. Myself, I haven't been able to get L&T to work with Final Cut Express 4. If it worked, it would be a nice solution. But it doesn't, and I'm happy to think outside the box and transcode before importing. Why in the world is that more complicated? It's called taking control of your system.

There's no reason to preserve the SDHC card structure if you won't be using L&T, which only knows how to parse the clips if the structure is intact. To me, L&T is what makes it limiting.

I archive all my MTS files in the Finder, by date and all named with the subjects shot. That way I can have them in a folder like "digital negatives" and save disc space with archiving; searching thru them is easy and I can transcode a file if I need it in the future.



from everything I've heard, Premiere CS4 already edits AVCHD material; I don't think it's a new feature for the upcoming CS5. CS4 is already a solution for some folks, I believe.
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