FCP log and transfer: is it preserving NX5U camera tc after converting to ProRes?
Preserving original camera timecode is a great advantage to me for the kind of work that I do...and in particular, I wanted to see if anyone out there had success with FCP's Log and transfer while converting to Pro Res. And did the Pro Res file successfully maintain the camera tc? If I had to put up with each clip having its TC reset to zero, that would probably be a dealbreaker for me.
A few weeks ago I had posted a similar question but no response. Hopefully by now there are more FCP users around now who have had experience converting the NX5U's AVCHD files to Pro Res using the Log and Transfer function.
I am aware of the side issue of long clips with PCM presenting conversion problems. But the nonetheless, I hope I can get some reports of success with the Pro Res conversion, via FCP, maintaining the camera's source TC.
Thanks in advance for any info that users can share in this regard!