NX5U test footage we shot last night at DVinfo.net
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Sony NXCAM / AVCHD Camcorders
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Old March 12th, 2010, 04:15 PM   #1
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NX5U test footage we shot last night

P.S. I notice the playback quality in here s*cks, I suggest clicking n the link and viewing from Vimeo :)

This is fresh out of the box. Manual mode and a white balance, no fancy settings. My handheld camera skills suck but I aim to get better. I think this camera did very well in low light. I am impressed. Downloading was a snap and everything dropped right into PP CS4 with no problems. Editing was a snap (of course nothing fancy here). My initial concern was dealing with the data that such a good front end would bring to AVCHD (the files are pretty big). I'm running an AMD Quad core with Vista 64 Bit and it did just fine. I did notice that trying to get these .mts files into FCP 6.0.6 was SLOW!!!! You have to log and transfer right from the camera and it takes longer then real time. I assume FCP 7 is better from what I have read. I will be playing with this camera EXTENSIVELY so let me know if there is anything you specifically would like me to comment on and or try.


Last edited by Dave Luda; March 12th, 2010 at 04:28 PM. Reason: cuz I can
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Old March 12th, 2010, 04:49 PM   #2
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Switch the audio in camera from PCM to Dolby, speeds up transcodes in Final Cut for me. PCM was seriously hampering the log & transfer process - took 45mins to take in 15mins of footage. Now takes about 5mins, faster than real time on my mac pro.

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Old March 12th, 2010, 04:58 PM   #3
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sweeet! I will give that a try, tanks Scott :)
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Old March 14th, 2010, 08:37 PM   #4
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I changed the audio setting from "LINEAR PCM" to "DOLBY DIGITAL" and it still takes forever to transcode to Apple ProRes 422. a 13 sec clip took 20 seconds to trasncode, a 2:40 clip took 4:48 . Per Sony there is only a workflow for FCP 7. I am running FCP 6.0.6 on a Macbook Pro. So I suspect it's a combination of the older version of FCP and perhaps the 2.5 duo core? I don't know I see no difference from either audio setting. As of right now it is quicker to just log and capture in real time. (until I, 1. figure out why it takes so long or 2. earn the $1k for FCP 7). Premiere Pro transfers great but I still prefer that FCP look.
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