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Sony NXCAM / AVCHD Camcorders
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Old February 21st, 2010, 11:16 AM   #16
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I think Adam Wilt puts the effective vertical resolution of the NX5U at around 800 lines (what you get after the effects of the lens, imager, and codec are all lumped together in the final product file). That's about the same as the XH-A1. I have been thinking about selling my A1 and getting one of these new Sony cameras.

The Sony's have much better image stabilization and much better LCD and viewfinder displays. These alone would be reasons for me to "trade up". The AVCHD codec also seems to handle scenes with motion much better than HDV. I compared a raw file from the new Sony CX550 to a file from the XH-A1 (somewhat similar motion and scenery) and the CX550 (which probably uses the same implementation of AVCHD as the NX5U and AX2000) seemed to do a better job of maintaining detail with similar motion.

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Old February 21st, 2010, 09:05 PM   #17
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If you look at the rez charts in Adam Wilt's articles, the HMC40 and NX5U look pretty close, as far as resolving image detail, and those rez charts are images after compression. I've got an A1 and an HMC40. I'm going to put them side by side someday pretty soon, and do some careful comparisons of both recorded detail and practical low light performance, but at a glance, it's pretty obvious the 40 records a sharper image. I don't think there's any way that the A1 could shoot those same charts, and record that much detail. I'm not so sure I believe the HMC40 is really three full stops behind the A1 either, for practical purposes. Gain is quite a bit cleaner with the 40, and that makes a real-world difference.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 10:41 AM   #18
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Picked up my NX5U yesterday afternoon so haven't had a lot of time to do any real detailed comparisons. Just did some quick shots through the window of the snow falling with the NX5U and the XR500 both in full auto.
Played back on my Sony 240hz LCD they look almost identical !!! Both looking just like the view out the window.
Looking at the data code gives some insight.
The XR500 varied the shutter speed between 60 and 250 to maintain F3.4 all at 0db.
The NX5U had shutter at 60 all the time, wanted ND2 ( which I did ) and varied F stop between F3.4 and F 6.8 with gain all the time at -3db.

Compared to the FX1 the NX5 seems a little bulkier and heavier though I am sure there is not much difference. LCD on the XR500 is much bigger than the NX5U and is more useful as such.

The NX5U came with a full copy of Vegas Pro 9 ( glad I didn't upgrade now !!!) and a mail in rebate for the FMU.

Ron Evans
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 12:17 PM   #19
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The NX5U came with Vegas Pro? Was that through a special deal at your retailer? I didn't see Vegas 9 in the box.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 01:08 PM   #20
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Quite often you don't see the rebate deals being offered in Canada or, if so, not as publicized compared to the States Did you buy it in Ontario?
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 02:05 PM   #21
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Bought in Ottawa,Canada. Vegas Pro 9 disc was in the box and label on the box. It is full version of Vegas Pro 9 not including DVD Architect but there is 30 day version of DVD Architect 5.0 on the disc to try. I have DVD Architect 5.0 anyway and didn't upgrade to Pro9 so everything is working out well!!! Rebate on the FMU is less than the rebate in the US will know when I get it but I think its $400.

Ron Evans
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Old February 24th, 2010, 12:36 AM   #22
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Does the NX5 have a touchscreen (some specs seem to imply it does)? If so how do you NX5 owners like it? Does it allow touch to focus or anything usefull, or is it just another way to navigate the menu's?

The AX does not have a touchscreen.
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Old February 24th, 2010, 02:33 AM   #23
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No. No touchscreen on the NX5U. I have read a few similar accounts. I haven't actually touched the lcd yet though :-)
Maybe I'll try that tomorrow. Lol
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Old February 24th, 2010, 07:30 AM   #24
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Yes it is a touch screen. But it is only for menu button selection. I too wish it was like the XR500 with touch spot focus/exposure etc, but that is not the case. You still have to press the menu buttons get the menu to display but then you can use the touch screen for selection. The XR500 consumer family is a lot more useful!!!!!! ( And is a bigger screen). The selection is a little confusing as some things need real buttons and others don't !!!!

Ron Evans
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Old February 24th, 2010, 08:35 AM   #25
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Some corrections. I was convinced the LCD was smaller on the NX5U than the XR500 but have now measured and its exactly the same !!! Real illusion. There are more possible indicators on the NX5U so the screen can get really cluttered and appear smaller if they are all displayed. The display button has 3 position, All indicators, simple or none. It would be nice to select what is shown but that is not the case ( or at least I can not figure out how to change!!!)

Ron Evans
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Old February 24th, 2010, 10:55 AM   #26
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Ive been sitting here smudging up my lcd for the past 5 minutes. No touch on the menu side of things. JUST the MODE part . Not even that useful. I guess if you are used to it. But it reminds me of one of Sonys handycams
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Old February 24th, 2010, 01:11 PM   #27
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Touch screen only works for playback and editing. Push visual index button and then the clips will appear and can be played by touching. Press MODE button and the edit buttons will appear to go back to camera, play, edit, dub/copy or manage media. All touch sensitive.

As I have noted before its not as useful as the XR500 by a long way.

Ron Evans
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Old February 24th, 2010, 02:46 PM   #28
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touch screen

Hi guys

the touch screen works for lots of things for me, not just playback and editing.

Also, I have yet to find something that I actually NEED the touchscreen to do -- I can navigate options using the four-way buttons around the EXEC button on the front top array, or use the SEL/PUSH EXEC roller and buttons on the lower left.

I think the system works well -- you have the touchscreen option if you want it, but you don't really have to use it.

I do wish that the flip-out screen was the same size as the EX1's though -- it's the same as the Z5's, which makes it very sharp but a touch smaller than the EX1. I also think it's a way better screen than the larger one on the Panasonic HMC150-series (I don't think that screen is high-res enough to judge focus on, but I think the NX5's is OK).


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Old February 24th, 2010, 03:45 PM   #29
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What else does it work for Adam as I can't get anything else other then visual index and mode to work.

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