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Sony NEX-VG10 / VG20 / VG30 / VG900
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Old August 4th, 2012, 11:40 AM   #16
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

AS to overheating issue, it seems the 5n silver body would reflect heat, and the black body would absorb heat in shooting in sun. Since most buyers seem to prefer black, I wonder if that is an issue.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old August 6th, 2012, 07:21 AM   #17
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

Originally Posted by Chris Barcellos View Post
I just tried the 5n, having owned a VG20 since November 1, 2011, the day it was released. I have to say that the more I use the VG20, the more I like it. I was one of the primary complainers about the lack of saturation, contrast and sharpness controls, as was advertised. But the images out of the camera are just great, and it is clear why Sony left the additional features out. The VG20 would have been a clear competitor with their FS100 which is priced twice as much.

When I had the 5n for a couple of days, I did not have an overheat issue, but I was mainly test, on warm days, but just shooting short clips. I sent it back, despite the adjustment capabilities. I was thinking of converting it to my main cinema camera, but it just seemed like too much of a step backwards in usability.

Even with the baked in settings, the VG20 exhibits a good degree of range in post grading, if you develop a work flow. It appears to me that Sony did not set sharpness, contrast or saturation real high on the camera, so there is room for adjustment.

I simple powered Juice Link, or unpowered XLR adapter work well with the camera in term of feeding sound from professional mics to the camera.
I'm still really intrigued by the VG20, with the rest of the Nex lineup getting a refresh I wonder if there's a VG30 in the pipeline or if the VG lineup will just fade into the sunset. I saw what you posted in the other threads and it looks like there's a lot more DR in the VG standard settings that can be preserved in post compared to Nex.

After buying the FS100, I sold the GH2 (too many cameras) and the Nex7 (overheating got considerably worse, rendering the camera completely unusable) and replaced them with a dirt-cheap, barely used Nex5n body and a Olympus EM5 (silly impulse buy, but IBIS makes it a great walkaround camera). The 5n still overheats, but not nearly as bad as the 7 so far, and its a later model that doesn't have the clicking issue. But I still long for a better video form factor after going back to a real video camera with the FS.

My camera merry-go-round might spin again with something like the A57 as it appears that Steadyshot will work with legacy glass, 1080/60p and the same awesome sensor as the 5n/VG20 and its crazy cheap.
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Old August 16th, 2012, 03:26 PM   #18
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

Possible theory on overheating.

I was shooting an interview recently and the NEX 7 constantly overheated -- like every 3-5 minutes it would completely shut down. Keep in mind this was inside an air conditioned building. However, the camera was mounted to a Stroboframe, which meant the camera's underside was snug against a large piece of metal and a small amount of rubber. The camera had a Konica 50mm 1.8 attached with an adaptor.

Just now, in my home office where it's not air conditioned and probably around 85-degrees+ (ugh) I just rolled the camera for the full ~30 mins and it didn't overheat at all - not even a warning. Same Konica lens attached.

Obviously, the ambient temperature can be ruled out, since the much (much, much) warmer room was not an issue. Also, the fact that it was a non-OSS lens can also be ruled out, since both times I was using an old-school piece of glass. Also, in the first condition the LCD was propped open slightly, and in my test today in the hot office I kept the back LCD closed and active the whole time (to mimic a "worse case scenario" based on reports of others). The same SanDisk Class 10 SDHC card was used both times.

The only difference working against the camera when it was overheating was that it was mounted flush with the stroboframe, and when it didn't overheat it was "loose" - picked up, or sitting on a table for the duration. Since I can clearly feel the hottest spot on the underside of the camera is right under the lens, just next to the mounting screw, my theory is that the overheating condition is caused by adding a tight-fitting rubber and metal mount which acts as an insulator and bumps the camera's otherwise razor-thin heat limits to shutdown territory.

My question for everyone else is if the same conditions are possibly leading to your overheating? Is the camera loose or mounted when you've experienced an overheat leading to shutdown? Is your mount covering the full underside, or are you just attaching a small plate?
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Old August 16th, 2012, 03:39 PM   #19
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

I shut off the camera for 5 minutes, mounted a Manfrotto plate to the base, and started the test again. This time the camera gave an overheating warning in just 2 minutes.
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Old August 16th, 2012, 03:46 PM   #20
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

Letting the camera sit, yet again, for 5-minutes (off) I turned it back on and started rolling it "loose". This time it overheated after 5 minutes. Which is slightly better than with the plate mounted - however, I'm guessing it may need more than a 5 minute cooldown for the test to be accurate.

Still interested to hear other's results.
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Old August 18th, 2012, 10:49 AM   #21
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

If that theory pans out, the next logical thing would be a heat sink on the BOTTOM of the camera... with a tripod adapter?

Don't have a NEX (SLT-A65/57 user), but have dealt with the heat issues in earlier SLT's, so far not seeing any with the new models, despite the warnings in the manuals. Will have to be more observant as to where the "hot spots" are, if any - spreading and dissipating heat in electronics can be tricky business, and your thoughts that attaching a plastic or metal plate with an insulator (rubber or cork "anti-twist" surface) are adding to the problem makes sense.

Perhaps replicate the original overheat by attaching to the stroboframe? Then after a cooldown, try it without... that should validate the theory?
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Old August 19th, 2012, 06:56 AM   #22
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

My 7 was very unpredictable, when I first got it - I could go handheld, set it on a table or tripod and get 15-20 minutes out of it one day before shutting down, then on another it would crap out in 3 or 4 minutes in the house with A/C on. I shot a triathlon, in sunny/hot Florida, outside for almost 4 hours - with clips anywhere from about 30 seconds to 8 or 9 minutes and it only shut down a couple times IIRC. Most of the time it was on the Manfrotto video monopod which uses a standard tripod plate. The triathlon was my first shoot with the 7, it got progressively worse over the course of the two months I owned it - to the point where I was never getting more than a few minutes before it would shut down, on the desk or on a tripod.

Since selling the 7 and getting a 5n body on the cheap, its been better. But the Nex is always my B cam because I'm a little weary of relying on it for critical footage. I've noticed no overheating issues when I use the LAEA1 adapter with an Alpha lens, but the adapter has a tripod collar so the bottom of the 5n doesn't touch the monopod at all and when I hold it - I'm cradling the adapter. The added airspace seems to make a huge difference, at the expense of having a giant lens on the camera. Same seems to apply with the MD/Nex adapter and Rokkors. I sold all my E-mount glass so I can't say how it performs with native lenses.

I always shoot with the LCD tilted out and shut the camera down when not using it. YMMV...

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Old August 20th, 2012, 09:18 AM   #23
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

Anyone tried the trick where you power down, and remove and then replace the battery? somewhere that that will perform a reset function for the temp. monitor....
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Old August 20th, 2012, 04:06 PM   #24
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

I started a thread on the official Sony Support Forums. I would suggest others add to my thread in the hope that the issue gets escalated.
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Old August 20th, 2012, 05:22 PM   #25
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

I am guessing that Sony has accepted a certain amount of latitude in its chip production specifications which result in wider variance of heat production in the camera, in order to keep the price down. Since the camera is primarily considered a still camera, and most still users wouldn't have an issue, Sony is willing to accept a certain amount of complaints from those using it primarily as a video camera. I predict you will likely get no response from Sony-- a lot like my thread started on the VG20 advertizing by Sony that the camera had scene profiles when it had nothing on board like that. They just ignored it, though I think they offered me $ 150.00 through their support/complaint program.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old August 20th, 2012, 05:42 PM   #26
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

Given the erratic nature of the "overheating" I'm guessing that the issue is not caused by any actual thermal issues and is, instead, an overly-sensitive restriction placed on the camera that - in the real world - is a huge inconvenience. I'm hoping they will loosen this restriction with a future reflash. I've read at least one account of someone still getting overheating shutdowns with the camera placed *in a freezer*.

There is no way this imaging sensor is getting as hot as even the common processor. Granted, I do not know the standard operational perimeters for the chip, but there is a lot of prior examples of everyday microcircuits that work just fine in the environments this NEX 7 is getting used in.

Unlike the VG20's lack of features, this literally makes the camera inoperable. I don't see the two issues as being quite on the same level. Though, yes, both are made worse by Sony's over-reaching marketing departments.
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Old August 20th, 2012, 10:20 PM   #27
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

Actually my point is that since these cameras weren't intended for professional users, they do not feel obligated to treat professionals who buy the cameras any different than "Joe Consumer". The NEX line from VG20 down are considered consumer level by Sony and not entitled to professional consideration.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old August 21st, 2012, 03:26 AM   #28
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

You're right, Chris. But can a company that treats consumers like this expect them to buy their products when/if they become professionals?

I'm looking seriously at selling my Panasonic TM900 to get a NEX-EA50 - but these advertising versus reality issues with the 5N/7 and the VG20 give me pause.

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Old August 21st, 2012, 11:25 AM   #29
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

I agree that it is bad policy, but that seems to be what they have decided was best for their bottom line.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old August 21st, 2012, 11:46 PM   #30
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Re: NEX 5N or 7 overheat issues...

Beautiful Indonesian culture on show. :)
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