I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20? at DVinfo.net
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Sony NEX-VG10 / VG20 / VG30 / VG900
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Old November 17th, 2011, 10:11 AM   #1
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I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?

Im thinking of getting the Nex7 rather than the VG20.

What does the VG20 offer me, besides "longer" recording time? huh?

Ive been shooting with the Nex 5N..and it takes great video and stills. Maybe the 5N is all I need...and just put money into better lenses/accessories etc. Music vids/commercials/interviews...would all be clips less than the time limit of the NEX 5N OR 7

I have a XHA1 Canon, should I need to shoot long events, with a lot of image manipulation features, actually much more than the VG20.

Any comments on this logic?


Last edited by Jeff Hinson; November 17th, 2011 at 11:59 AM.
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Old November 17th, 2011, 11:23 AM   #2
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?

Originally Posted by Jeff Hinson View Post
Im thinking of getting the Nex7 rather than the VG20.

What does the VG20 offer me, besides "longer" recording time? huh?

Ive been shooting with the Nex 5N..and it takes great video and stills. Maybe the 5N is all I need...and just put money into better lenses/accessories etc. Music vids/commercials/interviews...would all be clips less than the time limit of the NEX 5N OR 7

I have a XHA1 Canon, should I need to shoot long events.

Any comments on this logic?


More expensive longer lens with active Steadyshot
Built in viewfinder which can be angled up
Manual Gain Control
Hard buttons for Focus white balance iris etc
Good Sound built in
Cold shoe and alpha flash shoe
AV/Lanc socket
LCD now rotates fully around
Remote control
2 recording buttons on body and touch button on lcd
Larger Long lasting Battery
Touch Spot meter
Touch Focus
Touch Focus/Spot meter (one function)
Mic/headphone jack
Frame picture without pressing record (unlike NEX5, which does not show the video crop until pressing record
Less waiting time in between stopping and starting video button
IMO more comfortable body shape for traditional filming


Last edited by Paul Rickford; November 17th, 2011 at 11:24 AM. Reason: typo
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Old November 17th, 2011, 11:25 AM   #3
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?

In short its designed for video shooting, not stills.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old November 17th, 2011, 11:53 AM   #4
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?

Originally Posted by Paul Rickford View Post

More expensive longer lens with active Steadyshot (on the A1)
Built in viewfinder which can be angled up (on my A1)
Manual Gain Control (on my A1)
Hard buttons for Focus white balance iris etc (on my A1)
Zebras (on my A1)
Good Sound built in (on my A1)
Cold shoe and alpha flash shoe (a plus)
AV/Lanc socket (on my A1 and can use motorized zoom)
LCD now rotates fully around (on my A1)
Remote control (on my A1 and motorized zoom)
2 recording buttons on body and touch button on lcd (record buttons on A1, no touch screen)
Larger Long lasting Battery (on my A1)
Touch Spot meter (plus)
Touch Focus (plus)
Touch Focus/Spot meter (one function) (Plus)
Mic/headphone jack (on my A1)
Frame picture without pressing record (unlike NEX5, which does not show the video crop until pressing record (on my A1)
Less waiting time in between stopping and starting video button (on my A1)
IMO more comfortable body shape for traditional filming (big plus)

Thanks for your comments.

The advantages I see over my Canon A1 are
........tapeless recording
........Lighter weight, easier to handle. which is a big plus for me.
........an extra shoe
........better match to my 5N ? less CC in post
........interchangeable lenses (but I could shoot those clips with the 5N..the A1 has 20x zoom)
........better HD resolution

Still thinking. I may just have to order one so that I can "get some rest" ha

Thanks for posting,
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Old November 17th, 2011, 11:56 AM   #5
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?

The fact is thay many people think the NEX-7 is a cheap replacement for the VG20, Im not so sure about it myself and to be honest the NEX-7 looks to small to produce any useable shots while shooting handheld.
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Old November 17th, 2011, 12:03 PM   #6
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?

@ Chris Law

This is a tuff decision for me. I wish money were not an issue...Id just buy them all and be done with it. ha

Im, for once, trying to NOT fall prey to the hype and consider my options using what I have.

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Old November 17th, 2011, 12:48 PM   #7
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?

Originally Posted by Chris Law View Post
The fact is thay many people think the NEX-7 is a cheap replacement for the VG20, Im not so sure about it myself and to be honest the NEX-7 looks to small to produce any useable shots while shooting handheld.
Oh I'd think the VG20 wouldn't be much better in that regard - it's a tiny camera. Pretty much every large sensor camera out there needs some sort of rig for hand held stuff. Of course, there's a million and one companies providing such gear (and good DIY solutions as well).

What about battery life? One of my large gripes about the Canon T2i is short battery life. When you have a DSLR all kitted out, only to have to remove it from the rig to switch batteries, it gets old REAL fast. Of course, the battery is easier to get to on the 20 regardless.

Clearly the VG20 would be better suited for taking video, however the lack of controls is a very large issue.

One other question I have regarding the VG20 - does the HDMI out generate a 4:2:2 or a 4:2:0 signal?
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Old November 17th, 2011, 01:08 PM   #8
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?

I'd be careful making assumptions about the resolution of the VG20/NEX-7 being that much greater than your XHA1 without seeing some tests. Certainly, the 1080/60p will have more temporal resolution, but spatially the XHA1 is already at 800 lines which is pretty darn good, especially considering its HDV spec 1440x1080 native raster. The VG20 may or may not show much improvement over that, one reason is that the sensor is covered by a bayer filter that the 3 chip XHA1 is not. The XHA1 is also good about not introducing moire into the image and has lots of image controls. A large point in favor of the VG20 would be the expected advantage in low light situations, and of course shallow depth of field which may or may not be of advantage, great for cinema but harder to maintain focus.
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Old November 17th, 2011, 01:53 PM   #9
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?

@ Tom...

The A1 has and is serving me well. Im sure a technical shootout under sufficient light, withe the A1 & VG20, the A1 would win.

Both the A1 and VG20 have attributes the other is missing. The A1 has nearly unlimited control over the video, but lacks interchangeable lenses. The VG20 may be better in low light, but limited control over the video.......you get the idea.

My point was, the Nex 5N, fills the gaps between the two cameras. It has interchangeable lens capability and is good in low light. So do I really want to invest in the VG20, pay out $2k, when I can do basically the same thing with the A1/5N combo......with a little more work in CC.

Im watching the reviews of the VG20 and hoping the firmware will be backdated to put back the control and presets as originally advertised.

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Old November 17th, 2011, 07:06 PM   #10
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?

More expensive longer lens with active Steadyshot <<< IMO, not a great lens. The point is buy the 18-55 and then buy primes. One is shooting cinema.

Manual Gain Control <<< It's called ISO as is the case with Cinema cameras

Cold shoe and alpha flash shoe

Touch Spot meter <<< don't know about 7 but the 5n has it

Touch Focus <<< don't know about 7 but the 5n has it

Touch Focus/Spot meter (one function) <<< don't know about 7 but the 5n has it

Mic/headphone jack <<< NEX-7 only

Frame picture without pressing record (unlike NEX5, which does not show the video crop until pressing record <<< Set PHOTO to 16:9 to fix this.

IMO more comfortable body shape for handheld shooting. Much better camera stability.

IMO, large-sensor products are CAMERAS -- not CAMCORDERS even if you put it in a "camcorder." shape.
Switcher's Quick Guide to the Avid Media Composer >>> http://home.mindspring.com/~d-v-c
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Old November 17th, 2011, 08:23 PM   #11
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?

By the chart I shot, and matched against the 5D, I am guessing the VG20 will come in somewhere around 700 lines or less.

Chris J. Barcellos
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Old November 18th, 2011, 05:04 AM   #12
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?

More expensive longer lens with active Steadyshot <<< IMO, not a great lens. The point is buy the 18-55 and then buy primes. One is shooting cinema.
********IMO a good general purpose stock lens over a wide focal length - can't be that bad as the FS100 comes with the same lens, no active steadyshot on 18-55, only normal. you can buy body only if lens not req.

Manual Gain Control <<< It's called ISO as is the case with Cinema cameras ***** VG20 GAIN control can be worked as you shot through the viewfinder, the ISO on the 5n is deep in the menu

Cold shoe and alpha flash shoe***** 5n only has contacts for dedicated NEX flash or viewfinder at extra cost

Touch Spot meter <<< don't know about 7 but the 5n has it *******only face detection on 5n no dedicated function

Touch Focus <<< don't know about 7 but the 5n has it ******5n is only Active touch focus with a mind of its own, not the same a fixing focus at a certain point as the VG20 will do

Touch Focus/Spot meter (one function) <<< don't know about 7 but the 5n has it, ***** not on my 5n?

Mic/headphone jack <<< NEX-7 only, **** VG20 very good built in mics plus jacks

Frame picture without pressing record (unlike NEX5, which does not show the video crop until pressing record <<< Set PHOTO to 16:9 to fix this. ********Yes but If you then want to take a quick 16m still picture as its a camera first you have to dive back into the menu to reset to 3-2 ratio

IMO more comfortable body shape for handheld shooting. Much better camera stability.

IMO, large-sensor products are CAMERAS -- not CAMCORDERS even if you put it in a "camcorder." shape.[/quote]********* the VG20 is now very much VIDEO camera both in shape and function, menu and features, stills are there but very much take a back seat, it's says HANDYCAM on the body

Last edited by Paul Rickford; November 18th, 2011 at 05:06 AM. Reason: typo
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Old November 18th, 2011, 05:23 AM   #13
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?

Hi Chris,

Ive been watching your videos using the Canon 5Dmkii and the tests of the VG20. Do you feel the VG20 can match the quality of the 5D once you get use to using the camcorder?
Im impressed with the video you shot with the 5D..especially the rich look of this one and others.

the Dead of Winter...Choices Made

I realize the limitations of the 5D, short recording time and others, but I love the look of the video.
Im anxious to see a similar video made with the VG20..please post any clips of a production you're starting with the VG20.

p.s. Ive never atemped to shoot a film. Would it be possible to get a copy of this screen play written by Ellen Martinez to experiment with?

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Old November 18th, 2011, 11:09 AM   #14
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?


I will see if I can track it down. That was a few years back. Ellen is actually my sister. She may have it too.

Meantime, download the Celtx script writer here, Its free, and helps you produce a real looking script.

Celtx - #1 Choice for Media Pre-Production
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old November 18th, 2011, 11:15 AM   #15
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Re: I think the Nex 7, instead of the VG20?


Re: Your question on the 5D v. VG 20

I think right now that the VG will be as good as the 5D, if not a bit better in the noise department. I am looking at shooting another one of these for the DVChallenge in next couple weeks. Its a lot of fun. I have been doing it for years now and you learn something big every time you do one.

Chris J. Barcellos
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