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Sony NEX-VG10 / VG20 / VG30 / VG900
Interchangeable lens AVCHD camcorders using E-Mount lenses.

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Old October 27th, 2010, 11:55 AM   #571
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Originally Posted by Paul Curtis View Post
Also day to day shooting very rarely happens at super wide apertures. This nice thing about this sensor is that it's APS-C and so those normal f5.6 apertures will still show depth of field but at more useful focus ranges. I'm sure the first thing we've all done is get a dSLR stick it a f1.4 marvel at the bokeh then realise that if the subject matter breathes they're not longer in focus - and pulling focus on modern lenses just isn't pretty!

A point that hits home for battlefield wedding shooters like me, hehe

check out this

shot on 10/18

What has me pretty excited is the prospect of using old manual lenses. I was over at a computer client's who has a lecia m6 gathering dust with a sweet 50mm sumicron onboard which i hope to borrow for some testing. With the current adapter rings you can use so many lenses.

The contax G 90mm sure looks impressive:

NEX 5/Contax G 90mm lens: Sony NEX Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review

the kipon adaptor allows for manual focus as noted. aperture control is on the lens, if i am not mistaken---

YouTube - CONTAX G to SONY NEX E Mount Adaptor

for budget bokeh:

SLR Magic 35mm f/1.7 MC lens for NEX-3 NEX-5 - eBay (item 250685129615 end time Nov-17-10 04:26:36 PST)

video with same:

check out this selection of adaptors from german site:

if you click on the specific adaptor it gives details on aperture control, etc and actually has utube for each

Below NEX with Voigtlander Nokton 40mm f/1.4 M-Mount Lens

Last another movie which shows a bunch of sony lenses, note esp the 100mm macro

the 70-400 is something too, but I have to say the kit 18-200 looks spectacular, and the e-mount 16 seems very sweet also--I will have this with the NEX-5 kit I ordered--yum.

the 100mm macro is spendy at 679, but OMG the images!. There is a 200.00 a-mount macro which has some fans, 30mm f/2.8.

and this just in re NEX-5 firmware v3:

"updated mine too and to my surprise, other than AF working with my sony 50 1.8, the AF works with my Sig 70-300 OS! this means AF will work on sigma HSM lenses too "

127.5mm F1.4 lens with working AF anyone?

What a great low-light tele, review:

OK OK I'm obsessing

Last edited by Charlie Webster; October 27th, 2010 at 03:46 PM.
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Old October 27th, 2010, 04:23 PM   #572
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Originally Posted by Paul Curtis View Post
...........i would like to remind people that the moire could have been seriously reduced if sony had used a suitable OLPF. It seems insane to me to suggest a video camera could shot full res stills as well.
I think you need to remember this is a CONSUMER camera, at a consumer price, and think of the market it's intended for. Yes, consumers, who may just want to take one camera on holiday with them, but want that to take either video or (high quality) stills as appropriate.

Until this camera, the best option was a DSLR - optimised heavily (not surprisingly) for stills, but able to produce pretty fair video, if with limitations, especially ergonimic ones.

The VG10 may be aimed at a similar market - but with video given a higher priority relative to stills - whilst maintaining the high res still capability. Which any OLPF inclusion would have lost.
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Old October 27th, 2010, 06:02 PM   #573
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...a CONSUMER camera, at a consumer price, and think of the market it's intended for. Yes, consumers, who may just want to take one camera on holiday with them, but want that to take either video or (high quality) stills as appropriate.

Until this camera, the best option was a DSLR - optimised heavily (not surprisingly) for stills, but able to produce pretty fair video, if with limitations, especially ergonimic ones.
Close.....but that camera is the NEX-5, which can shoot basically just as good video as the VG10, except it overheats in about 10min. For holiday there is no comparison, the NEX-5 is tiny and can use any lens the VG10 can.

Sony's marketing is very clear in the Bali promo for the VG10. Submissions to the film festivals are through the roof and I think sony is marketing to the indie wannabe.

For all it's short comings, the fact is no fixed lens video camera can compete with the variety of visual images which the VG10 can produce. Cost: no motor zoom. No XLR? BFD. The on-camera mic is the best ever seen on any camera, and to top it (for the same purpose) you are going to have to spend some big bucks. If you wanna get fancy on the audio you have many stand alone options for recording.

They are talking about this camera in the indie forums.

The VG10 has brought the glass and the sensor to the digital filmaker in a small, attractive video camera form factor. Who would rather shoot from a DSLR?

NEX-5 with 50mm nikkor 1.4

Just found one of these on ebay, 90 shipped, fingers crossed

Last edited by Charlie Webster; October 28th, 2010 at 02:05 AM.
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Old October 28th, 2010, 02:23 AM   #574
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Yes, it's a consumer camera. Sony isn't about to produce something that will eat into sales of XDCAM. However the market for indies is tiny (the vocal minority) and may not be addressed directly by someone like Sony. I can't see them coming out with an XDCAM style APS-C sensor for sub $10k prices. Their APS-C pro camera is rumoured over $30k, which makes sense when you look at their line up. I hope i'm wrong.

So the idea of ripping the OLPF off and sticking a HDMI recorder is tempting.. I much prefer the APS-C size to micro 4/3s. I'm not against a bit of jury rigging.

What i would like to see is that they start sampling full res frames down to HD size. Canon are rumoured to be working on that for next year. Obviously this would mean next gen sensors and hardware. But you'd end up creating super pixels out of individual pixels and would get amazing noise characteristics if they did.

In the meantime this cam is so cheap for what it offers that it's a great deal. The little Nex's are amazing in that regard too. If perhaps the firmware can be hacked and the compression sorted out that would be perfect.


The beauty is all that glass out there. I've a voigtlander 35mm f1.4 on the way as a walk around lens. And i'm eyeing the 50mm f1.1 too. Characterful glass, manual focus, Just like it used to be. From a stills view point i'm mainly a canon guy but i will be grabbing a little nex to experiment, a modern day rangefinder. I'm also curious whether the HDMI in these little guys is recordable too. But that's just playing with toys!


It's difficult to pinpoint where the moire comes from in broadcast, there's every chance that it's a result of low sampling and compression before broadcast. I see that all the time on satellite feeds. It's awful. As an industry quality levels are getting worse and worse...

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Old October 28th, 2010, 09:05 AM   #575
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sorry, a bit off topic, but I believe i have a right to reply :)
Originally Posted by Henry Olonga View Post
By the way Buba. Jannard is a billionaire ..
Oh really? I thought he has a couple part time jobs struggling to pay bills, and that’s why Scarlet release getting “delayed” :)
By the way Henry, I don't really care about personal wealth of anybody, including Mr. Jannard, I'm talking about public announcements of the company with regards of specific product line,
if I’d give my clients different price and delivery date every time they ask - I wouldn’t have any
Originally Posted by Henry Olonga View Post
You seem like the typical Red hater and skeptic.
No my man, you got it all wrong :)
I love RED camera, worked many times with it, and I will definitely get Epic when it’s available; it’s just that I can’t take serious anyone who can’t keep his own words,
few years in a row :)
sgain, I'm talking about Scarlet only as a product line

Originally Posted by Henry Olonga View Post
Just so you know they have showed off a working Epic at a few trade shows
now I know Henry , thank you :)
Originally Posted by Henry Olonga View Post
.......apparently Scarlet is a little behind that in the schedule.......
Not even funny
I love this place!
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Old October 28th, 2010, 09:14 AM   #576
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Is there a peaking or some sort of focus assist function to help focus properly; how do you handle focus; I have EX1 (which has same LCD) and can't imagine get sharp shots without peaking function.
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Old October 28th, 2010, 02:05 PM   #577
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You the VF not the LCD for manual focus. Works very well.
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Old October 28th, 2010, 02:11 PM   #578
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I rarely use VF to focus; specially when I run and gun or have camera elevated high on tripod; so there is no expanded focus nor peaking I HOW do you focus when you have camara mounted on tripod higher than your eye level??? As I said I have EX1 with same LCD and it is impossible to forcus in HD without peaking or expanded focus (specially with such a shallow dept of fileld).
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Old October 28th, 2010, 02:12 PM   #579
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Originally Posted by Paul Curtis View Post

What i would like to see is that they start sampling full res frames down to HD size. Canon are rumoured to be working on that for next year.
Perhaps we won't need to down sample. :)

Japanese broadcaster NHK is planning public displays of its Ultra High-Definition TV system which supposedly offers a picture 16 times clearer than today's HDTVs.

However, before you get too excited, the publication adds that it could be 2020 before you see UHDTV in anyone's living room.

Still, NHK says it will shoot some of the 2012 London Olympics in the format and then transmit the images to public displays in Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The format offers 8K resolution; 7,680 horizontal pixels x 4,320 vertical pixels.

One obstacle in UHDTV's way: To display the ultra-clear image, sets should be in the 80-90 inch range.


My comment: Having been in Japan when the transition to NHK lab HDTV to actual selling product, that's about the right time frame. But, Japan is desperate for a new product and 3D may not be it. So it could be pushed sooner. I'm going to have one installed in my coffin!
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Old October 28th, 2010, 04:34 PM   #580
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Originally Posted by Marius Boruch View Post
I rarely use VF to focus; specially when I run and gun or have camera elevated high on tripod; so there is no expanded focus nor peaking I HOW do you focus when you have camara mounted on tripod higher than your eye level??? As I said I have EX1 with same LCD and it is impossible to forcus in HD without peaking or expanded focus (specially with such a shallow dept of fileld).
Nex-5 has very good manual focus assist, but vg10 not. Some speculate this feature will be added in nov firmware update.

I just ordered several manual primes, 35mm f2 and 50mm 1.4. I will let you know next week how hard the focus is.

Nex-5 is rapidly becoming a legend.
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Old October 28th, 2010, 05:53 PM   #581
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Buba - don't take everything I say too seriously but I get your points. Red have the tendency to have a love hate relationship with some folk and I guess it's not a bad thing what they are doing...........just bad at scheduling.....Good luck with everything.

I would so love to get this Sony but it seems prosumer oriented. Lovely images but same old issues...moire, aliasing etc.
My vimeo page:
My website:
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Old October 28th, 2010, 07:20 PM   #582
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Nex-5 Focus assist in still mode only.

Just borrowed out a few sweet lenses to try on the VG10

elmarit 28mm

elmarit 90mm

summilux 50mm

and a somewhat more run of the mill nikkor 50mm 1.4

I will have 3 1.4 50mms to try: pentax, nikkor and summilux--- will be interesting to compare sharpness wide open and bokeh in general.

I have a bid in on one of these but don't expect to win:

Below NEX-5 auto focus with sony 70-400 SSM A mount lens (VG10 should perform the same)

here NEX-5 alongside new a55 and normal dslr.

and NEX-5 Mounted on RC helicopter shooting wildlife at 1:51 in video below

if yout think that's just one crazy german, check this:
NEX-5 shooting HD from another RC heli which features articulation

NEX-5 is also likely to be underwater video camera of choice, with many housings already available.

The adapter selection is vast, including to telescopes--all adapters should work with VG10: here is a list
Including at least four tilt adapters to produce effects like this:

and a nice comparison of VG10 vs GH1 vs 5D2 in video

and this guy pulled the infared filter from his NEX-5 for some spectacular stills:

full review of the VG10 kit lens:

Last edited by Charlie Webster; October 29th, 2010 at 01:50 PM.
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Old October 31st, 2010, 09:32 PM   #583
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Originally Posted by Charlie Webster View Post
The NEX-5 can shoot basically just as good video as the VG10, except it overheats in about 10min. For holiday there is no comparison, the NEX-5 is tiny and can use any lens the VG10 can.
Curious where you got the 10 minute number. From Sony? Or, from someone posting on the net?

The lack of magnify on shooting video is both a pain and a blessing. Without the VG10's VF it's going to be much harder to MF focus! On the other hand, trying to follow a moving subject with TWO pictures displayed simultaneously is crazy making.

I suspect the NEX 5 will be used in AF mode.

But, don't assume you can do this with non E-mount lenses. I've seen many demos and it requirers about 5 seconds. Not good for video. Also, non E-mount lenses can be noisey. Frankly, I plan to stay with e-mount lenses except for some PRE-MAXUUM very fast lenses. These will bring back fully manual shooting.
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Old November 1st, 2010, 12:43 AM   #584
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I suspect that there's a mixup between the NEX5 (E mount mirroless) which I don't recall seeing any heat issues with, and the SLT-A55 (translucent mirror A mount) which has very short "working" times under certain conditions, as short as a few minutes when using the in body SSS.

All these new cameras, so many details!
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Old November 1st, 2010, 12:48 AM   #585
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Hey Steve,

10 mins is a bit exaggerated--sorry

here is the thread about nex-5 video overheating

NEX5 Overheating during video...: Sony NEX Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review

And a newer thread
NEX-5 overheated: Sony NEX Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review

I think you are right, any sort of event shooting would require e-mount lenses for the live action or key sequences, with exotic primes reserved for set shots. But I'll have a nex-5 and a vg10, so I can potentially put an exotic prime on the little nex and shoot atmosphere here and there. That is if I can get confident enough with VG10 in that circumstance.

worried about the ND, but Bob Young says (over at vimeo):
"Just got the VariND and it seems to work as advertised.
In daylight shooting I can just leave it on the cam, leave shutter at 1/60 or whatever, then dial in the f-stop I desire by rotating the filter.
Recorded images look crisp and clean.
IMO, the definite way to go with the VG10.
I only need to remove the filter in true "low light" situations.
Now the VG10 operates more or less like my EX1"

What I learned yesterday was the variND has vignetting at the wider focal lengths and is 390.00

Instead I will try the ND fader, which requires no step up ring and is less than 100.00

Light Craft Workshop - Fader ND adjustable ND filter (ND2~400)

Last edited by Charlie Webster; November 1st, 2010 at 10:56 AM.
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