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Sony NEX-EA50 (all variants)
Including NEX-EA50UH / EA50EH / EA50H / EA50UK / EA50EK / EA50K

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Old April 2nd, 2015, 06:26 AM   #16
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

Aaron, I really appreciate the EA50 and FS100 comparrison, as I am trying to decide on the two cameras myself.

I currently shoot events (weddings, stage, sporting events) and corporate ( green screen, interviews, social media) with Sony NX5Us. I want to move to a large sensor camera. And due to budget and the fact that I already have a lot of Sony accessories (batteries, FMU flash drives), am leaning to the EA50 and FS100.

I already know that the FS100 will shoot cleaner (less alliasing and moire) and will be more sensitive and better in low light than the EA50.

But since I do a lot of run and gun shooting was curious how the two compare for this.

How are you rigging your FS100 up for field shooting?
As the form factor and lcd placement is not optimal for this.

Also with a fast lens on the EA50 how does it perform in low light situations?

And is the EA50 aliasing that bad and a problem compared to the FS100?

Do you think the FS100 could be good for run and gun field work, or would it require a lot of mod work (shoulder rig, rails, follow focus, 2nd monitor)?
Where EA50 requires little in the way of mod for field use.

Thanks again for the I sight as it's appreciated.
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Old April 2nd, 2015, 05:55 PM   #17
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

Ok here is an update.

I ended up getting 3 FS100 cams. I will sell one and also will sell my EA50 after deliberating. You may ask, "why did you buy so many and then going to sell them." Good question... I bought them because as I studied the going rate of the FS100 I got some great deals and I knew I would be able to resale and make a few bucks. The accessories alone I got with 2 of them would be great resale chips for future upgrades and also give me some cushion.

After playing a bit I realize what many were talking about when it comes to the form factor. But here is the thing for me the quality means more to me. With the form factor there are many work arounds and it comes down to what works for you. I have a shoulder rig on order and and I have already purchased a 7" Fraiming Monitor for a $100 bucks. It turned out so well i purchased another for the second FS100. With the shoulder stabilizer that is on the way I'm sure it may take some getting use to but I'm super excited about having two FS100 cams.

Tonight is my first night where I can conduct my little comparison of the EA50 and FS100 for my own personal curiosity and will share what I find. I normally work so many hours on my main job that keeps me from spending a lot of play time with my cams.
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Old April 2nd, 2015, 06:17 PM   #18
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

Hello Aaron,

What 7" monitor did you buy?

Anyone have suggestions of monitors that will start automatically with EA 50?
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Old April 2nd, 2015, 09:58 PM   #19
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

Hi Bruce,

I purchased this monitor Viltrox DC-70, i got it from Ebay for $109. It works great so far for framing. I don't think it is a HD monitor. For I know my shots that I want to get and having a bigger view with this monitor helps me see what is in my shot, how my shot is framed, and also eases the back from not having to hunch or be so close to cam to see through the smaller LCD view. My main reason was to have an alternative for using my FS100 in a high position. With this monitor off to the side it helps see what is going on. So I purchased a second one for my 2nd FS100. The monitor has a few little features but I only use it for framing and that is it...
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Old April 3rd, 2015, 02:18 AM   #20
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

Hi Michael,

Your Sony HXR-NX5U is a better version of my AX2000 that I just sold recently. What I have found to be a good practice was to use my AX2000 as my B Cam and the EA50 as my Main. The AX2000 was great for sports and things like that because of the small sensor. As I have learned on this forum the smaller sensors have their place as well.

Ok First let me talk rigging to make the FS100 a Run & Gun unit. I have been looking at:

Proaim Shoulder Rig with Matte Box and Follow Focus and Zoom Focus
Proaim Without Matte Box and Follow Focus
Camtree Hunt Basic

It depends on what your budget is and your plan and style of shooting. I myself will cater around the form factor use a shoulder rig with a external monitor. I shoot mostly wedding and I will just tripod the FS100 for the ceremony as I have planned shots that I will get. I will mount to rig for receptions just in case i need to grab from tripod and do some Run & Gun. I'm mainly a tripod shooter. I have been getting a little more into hand held as I try different things knowing I have multiple cams getting the shot.

I went out to night and shot with the EA50 then with the FS100. I was out in the foggy night air just getting some sample shots. First with the EA and then with the FS. Of the bigger sensor was prominently better in the low light.

The aliasing was not much of a factor on the FS100 and it was clearly more noticeable on the EA. For me that does not matter as much because the way I shoot I normally have a plan and aliasing normally is not a factor to me. For predominantly Run & Gun guys it may be a little bit of a hindrance but again to me I know that it is a little bit of a problem with the EA so I would just ease my pans. I did not bench mark Moire.

i think the FS100 could be a great run and gun with a shoulder rig. Depending on how much you are will to spend on one is up to you. Me I'm a Electrician so I will always try and analyse to try and get the most bang for my buck. Actually it is a little competition with myself to find low cost gems. I'm leaning toward the rig above with the matte box and follow focus. I can always strip it down to bare minimum or dress it up for the occasion if needed.

That 7" monitor I mentioned before has an awesome picture for the money. My wife who is a professional photographer was amazed at the quality of the picture.


**The Form Factor is a con (But it is also a Pro in my eyes) - In order to make it Run & Gun it looks like I will spend another $200 to $270.

**The LCD Mounted on top center of cam (Also a Pro as Well) - Limitation is when i want to raise my Tripod up to it's high range and I can't see the LCD screen as good to make sure I have the focus i would like. This is why I got the external monitor. If you don't do much of that then it is not needed.

**Placement of the Mic Jack - When using the hand grip I found that I really like to rotate the grip where the Start and Stop button is facing straight up and the mic jack does not block the position but my wrist kind of against it. Not directly in the way but just not good placement.

**Hand Grip & FMU Placement - I can not take the FMU off or put it on while the hand grip is connected. I have to take the hang grip off first. Since the FMU is 128GB I don't really take it off but still that could have been placed differently.

**Hand Grip Assembly - The wing style bolt that you screw to attache the hand grip is a little annoying. It seems like there could have been a better way to make this connection flow better when fastening the hand grip.

**I guess I could say Single SD Card Slot - But the EA50 has the same.

**No Zoom - I like the EA50 (lost-less digital Zoom), definite not a deal breaker though


**Hands Down Better Quality Picture

**Better Low Light Performance - Big Difference

**Form Factor (I also Listed as a con as well) - I really like the Hand Grip hand held. It automatically gives you a different perspective by the way you have to hold it. I seem to really like it. Of course you will not be able to do a event with it in that position unless you have forearms like Popeye. I did find a really nice position though with the Hang Grip in the vertical position and rest the back of the cam on my mid section on top of my belly which gives me that contact point that steadys the shot for me.

**LCD Screen (Also listed as Con) - I like the way you can flip the LCD screen around and fold it back down with the LCD Facing straight up. Very nice!

**Slow Motion - I love the way I can quickly access the slow motion option.

**Light Weight - not sure if the FS is lighter than the EA but because of the modular build it seems lighter.

**Modular Build - It seems this cam was made to build up. I get the impression that in it's bare-bones modular design you get great performance and you can also dress it up for more advance practical applications.

For me it is about the quality of the footage first of all and in reason I will build around it.

I noticed tonight that my Tamron 17-50mm crop lens does not work well with the FS100 in auto iris mode. I tried it with the metabones and the commlite adapter and both did the same.

My Tamron Full Frame 24-70mm Lens shows off the footage the best. The kit lens sel18200 that comes with the cam did ok but had noticeable more grain in the image than the 24-70mm.

Well this was all I had time for and I'm on my way to bed. I hope this helps you Mike and anyone else that is interested in my limited opinions.
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Old April 3rd, 2015, 08:11 AM   #21
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

Aaron thanks for the info.

Something to think about picking up for the FS100 is a Berkey cheese plate and handle and Mic holder. As it will give you a better handle and more contact accessory points on the camera.

Also where do you mount your wireless. Since the controls and lcd are on the top, it seems that you lose mounting points for things on the camera such as wireless receiver. Personally I use both off and on camera audio capture. So I have wireless on my camera at all times for redundant monitor/sync audio.

I know you could mount it on a rig easily. But I'm more interested in mounting on camera to keep my initial setup compact to go from tripod to rig to monopod if needed.

BTW speaking of monopod I use a Sirui P-224S monopod with feet for much of the day. I have a bogey fluid head mounted for panning. I get steady shots in a compact package. In many cases it's so solid that I look tripod mounted. In some cases I can even let go of the monopod and it will stand easily with a NX5U balanced on it. Of course I would never leave it unattended but attended it works great.
My main concern especially at weddings is to stay compact and mobile to not draw attention. I fear adding a rig with all of the accessories would be a distraction. So if the FS100 could work balanced on my monopod then this could be a possibility.

Most of your reports I expected especially the picture comparison.
My biggest concerns were how the FS100 works as a run and gun camera and what is involved to make it one.

And for the EA50 it was aliasing and moire as well as sensor sensitivity in low light. With the stock lens and with fast lenses.

Thanks again for your feedback.
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Old April 3rd, 2015, 01:19 PM   #22
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

My monopod is the Benro A48TDS6 Monopod with 3-Leg Locking Base and S6 Head, 4 Leg Sections, Twist Lock Leg Release

Here my fist post when I got the monopod -

In my situation I use at least 2 cams for ceremony and receptions. I have the Audio-Technica ATW-1821 - 1800 Series Portable Dual Wireless Microphone System I normally mount my Wireless on the cam on the tripod. Even though i have two with tripods I always have one ready to run and Gun just in case. My main cam is normally the one on the tripod more than the others. My B cam is the one I float with to get different perspectives. So I'm building the rig as I see fit for me.

I'm still looking and trying decide on the shoulder rig myself. I want one that I can build out to what I need. Will post more options as i find them.
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Old April 3rd, 2015, 04:30 PM   #23
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

I like this for the FS100 - Genus Top Cheese Plate $60 - I just ordered 2 of them.
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Old April 4th, 2015, 07:02 AM   #24
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

From what many who use the FS100, you will need a top handle as well. As the majority of people hate the FS100 handle and Mic mount.
This is why I recommended the Berkey. As it gives you the ability to mount the Mic to with a handle.
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Old April 4th, 2015, 01:58 PM   #25
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

I appreciate that but the Berkley handle & Cheese Plate is $290, I got the Genus Cheese plate for $60 and it is listed for Getting a handle is not a big problem at all as I can get one and ad it at anytime. The amount it takes to dress the FS100 is what turns some off because of the cost of dressing this form factor. So I'm going to slow walk it down and build as needed. I have the Shoulder rig, cheese plate for 2 FS100's, a second monitor on the way. Then i will be upgrading my two tripods to more sturdier ones. In the mean time I'm about to put my EA50 up for sale.

Last edited by Aaron Jones Sr.; April 4th, 2015 at 07:55 PM.
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Old April 15th, 2015, 12:23 AM   #26
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

Ok, I said I would post a few pics of the rig when I finished it. I didn't finish it as of yet but I do have it almost where I want it.
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Old April 26th, 2015, 05:06 PM   #27
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

Originally Posted by Chris Harding View Post
Sounds good Aaron

The better sensor should make you happy so let us know what you think??? Also any comments about what you like and don't like between the two cameras would be useful for others!!

I finally had my wedding shoot with the two FS100's and i just posted my thoughts about the change from EA50 to the FS100.
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Old April 26th, 2015, 07:16 PM   #28
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

Thanks Aaron

Sounds like you are happy!! Yeah because I'm using manual lenses digital zoom for me is very useful indeed as I can double my lens focal length without having to refocus the lens which at a wedding especially if they are saying their vows and you need to go a little tighter but don't want to have the image go soft. I use it a lot and it works great as long as you don't try to shoot landscape shots with full DZ

I wonder why they left it off the FS100?? - Did you sell your EA-50 yet??

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Old April 26th, 2015, 10:55 PM   #29
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

Originally Posted by Chris Harding View Post
Thanks Aaron

I wonder why they left it off the FS100?? - Did you sell your EA-50 yet??

No, I did not. I'm finally ready to let it go for sure after yesterday's wedding. I had it for sale at a higher price for a little cushion. But, now I'm ready to price it to go. I'm going to try one more bundle sale by adding a thing or two. Then if that does not work, I will start selling everything individually.

I have a third FS100 out for repair right now. I originally bought three FS100's. But, ran into a seller that sold that one with a little deception I think. Anyway, when you flip the LCD screen around 180 degrees then flip it down with the LCD facing upward the contents are suppose to orient so that the images does not look upside down, if you are filming from behind the cam. Well, one of the reasons I bought from this seller is the fact that this was their first sale which means Ebay holds on to the money in case of matters like this. So it worked out for me. The crazy thing is because the seller was unresponsive and did not answer to the times they were contacted according to the new Ebay Money Back Guaranty they loose the money and the item. I'm sure that they are trying to filter deceptive sellers. So I was awarded the cam and my refund on the basis of the seller not responding to Ebay's judgement of sending me a prepaid label or refund with in the time alotted. So I sent it off to be repaired and it seems the LCD Screen has to be replaced. Waiting on it to come back this week and I will sell it as well. I do not have need for three FS100's.
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Old April 27th, 2015, 12:29 AM   #30
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Re: AX2000 Selling For More Than EA50 USED!!

Most camcorder LCD's have a little switch in the hinge that flips the image for you so that's what has probably gone faulty. One of my Panasonics did the same thing too!!

Yeah 3 FS100's would be an overkill so that will get you some cash back plus more from the EA-50 .. I found that bundles are less attractive to buyers so you might get better success selling everything individually
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