Finally Got My EA50 Footage to Blu-Ray at
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Sony NEX-EA50 (all variants)
Including NEX-EA50UH / EA50EH / EA50H / EA50UK / EA50EK / EA50K

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Old September 28th, 2014, 01:27 PM   #1
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Finally Got My EA50 Footage to Blu-Ray

I have been doing a few weddings. I was always looking for better ways to present my product to the customer. (By the way I am a Adobe Creative suite user) I was learning the encoding processes and burning to DVD. Well to be honest my DVD's were not that impressive as far as quality. So I ventured into the Blu-Ray arena. At first I was having a hard time with Encore trying to get it right where footage did not scramble, glitch, and have audio drop outs. I finally got it down to a science and process. I have to say the EA50 produces awesome quality footage that shows off well on Blu-Ray. Now that I got the Blu-Ray down I learned to use the same current build for DVD then encode and the DVD's Are better now than when i was doing them prior to the BLu-Ray.

My pastor asked me a little while ago what is the difference between his camera and mine, seeing that I paid more than double the cost that he did. He has a He was so excited about the quality of his camera I did not want to stomp on his parade. But i began to ask my self the same question... Even though I know the quality is better I came up short with a list of other things besides the interchangeable lenses, huh!
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Old September 28th, 2014, 06:45 PM   #2
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Re: Finally Got My EA50 Footage to Blu-Ray

I used HMC80's for many years! They are just an HMC40 in a bigger box and otherwise have the same electronics but no XLR audio. It's hard to convince people about differences especially in the "mine is better than yours" area. I would just tell the pastor that they are much the same and he has a real winner!

That way you stay in his good books!! Just the fact that the 40 has tiny 1/4" chips and a lo-res LCD is a huge difference. However don't under-estimate that lens ...The HMC40 still used a Leica lens and it's real quality glass and actually a way better lens than my HMC80's

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Old September 28th, 2014, 09:09 PM   #3
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Re: Finally Got My EA50 Footage to Blu-Ray

Originally Posted by Chris Harding View Post
I used HMC80's for many years! They are just an HMC40 in a bigger box and otherwise have the same electronics but no XLR audio. It's hard to convince people about differences especially in the "mine is better than yours" area. I would just tell the pastor that they are much the same and he has a real winner!

That way you stay in his good books!!...
LOL!! That is how i handled it.... I helped him pick out his for the budget he wanted...

Originally Posted by Chris Harding View Post
Just the fact that the 40 has tiny 1/4" chips and a lo-res LCD is a huge difference. However don't under-estimate that lens ...The HMC40 still used a Leica lens and it's real quality glass and actually a way better lens than my HMC80's
That lens was one of the main features that sealed the deal for that cam. He wanted one that records to SD Card. That was the cheapest one i could find with a good lens, 1080P, and records to SD. He got his for $900 and a second one for $1100 with 2 XLR inputs. Both were previously owned of course.

When I saw my Blu-Ray of the wedding I shot there is no way I would consider going backwards.

Oh, just a side note: I got an offer to start my own 30 show on a new network that will be going national next year third quarter. I'm pretty excited about that...
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Old September 28th, 2014, 11:13 PM   #4
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Re: Finally Got My EA50 Footage to Blu-Ray

That sounds awesome! Tell us more about the show when you get details?

Bluray sadly here just never took off. I have yet to have a bride ask me for a Blu Ray so as far as they are concerned they simply don't exist! All my weddings go out on DVD and sadly brides don't seem to want USB delivery either ..if I could supply on a drive at least I could render my footage to 1280x720 which would be a huge improvement on SD but if the bride asks for DVD's she gets DVD's and they don't seem to ever complain about the quality.

If I did supply on BD I wonder how they would play over various players

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Old September 28th, 2014, 11:46 PM   #5
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Re: Finally Got My EA50 Footage to Blu-Ray

Originally Posted by Chris Harding View Post

If I did supply on BD I wonder how they would play over various players

Well here in the States they are not the most popular media but it is picking up speed because of the improvement of the TV's that are coming out and the game consoles that play BD. DVD's can only give so much quality. Some people are looking to maximize there viewing quality of their HD TV's and game consoles. 3D TV did not do well here but they are still trying to push it.

I have been trying my best to deliver the best product with in my reach and resources. I try and go above and beyond to give them an assurance for being taken care of with bells and whistles. For instance I just launched my own video hosted site to showcase their Highlight video. They can go and share it from my site and because it is my site i can make a little tribute to them by posting my comments toward them and a few wedding pics and so on. As they share the link it brings potential clients back to my site to see there tribute and also allows them to search around my site and see the photography and other services we offer. If they are impressed with what they see then we have more word of mouth traveling and a reputation of a Cadillac service. It is just my own opinion of course, but every little bit helps and you never know when that little bit takes you over the edge and helps you score more work and raise your reputation. Again, in my humble opinion...
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