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Sony NEX-EA50 (all variants)
Including NEX-EA50UH / EA50EH / EA50H / EA50UK / EA50EK / EA50K

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Old January 20th, 2014, 02:48 PM   #1
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Great News for Metabones Users

Great news for everyone that uses a Metabones adapter on a NEX video camera. I am starting a new thread to make it search friendly for all Metabones users because this is the best info I have ever posted. This is a little known technique that is not even on the Metabones site. This information applies to the Speed Booster and the Smart Adapter. They function on the same firmware. It is the glass element in the Speed Booster that makes them different devises, everything else is the same.

Everyone that has this adapter knows it has two modes: Green mode and Advanced mode. If you are using it on a NXCAM / NEX video camera green mode green mode is useless to you. It is basically a power saving mode for the NEX mirrorless still cams. If you are using the adapter on a NEX video camera Green Mode is a PIA. It is also the default mode for most firmware versions of the adapters. I don’t fault Metabones for Green Mode because these are adapters designed to work with a wide range of cameras and lenses. But, what a pain it is! All of us users know about holding down the wide open button every time you change a lens, shut off the camera, etc. For me, it would even default back to Green Mode every time I turned the camera off. And, when I would hold the W O button down while attaching a lens it would not go into Advanced Mode every time. So I was always looking at the view finder information to make sure it locked in. If you have zoom information and focus distance info you are in advanced mode.

The good news is there is a way to get Green Mode to go away and set Advanced Mode as the default. This fixed everything for me. The adapter now works every time, with simplicity. No more following protocols about what to attach first, no more dealing with the wide open button, no more checking to see if I am in advanced mode if I power down and up. I can change lenses without removing the adapter from the camera if I want to. It all works, every time. Green Mode is gone and so are the hassles it created.

To make advanced mode your default is simple:

1. Start up the camera
2. Attach the adapter to a lens first
3. Hold down the wide open button
4. Attach the adapter / lens to the camera but DO NOT let the wide open button get released
5. Check viewfinder to be sure you’re in Advanced Mode
6. Power off the camera without ever letting go of the wide open button

That is it. Your done, green mode is gone. I have tested all five of my Canon lenses (Four “L” lenses and a 2X extender). Even my old 35mm to 350mm zoom works now without Green Mode hassles. I bought that lens back around 1993.

My Metabones is the Smart Adapter II, Firmware V30 (the latest, recently upgraded).

Here is what I am wondering? You guys can help. Anyone that has followed every Metabones thread like I have knows that some guys have had problems with the adapter, including me. It is almost a mysterious bug because the adapter works, and then at some point looses aperture control, in rare cases. The Sony EA50, FS100, FS700 etc. family of cameras clearly do not like Green Mode. I am wondering if this could be a FIX for some of you, not just a default change. In my case I did the default change on a working adapter and working camera. The only thing that was not working is it would not lock into advanced mode every time I tried it. Sometimes I would have to attach the lens two or three times to get it to lock into advanced mode. Now I don’t have to worry about that anymore, so even for me this was a FIX, of sorts. If anyone else tries this would you please report your results back to this thread. These adapters are critical pieces of kit for some of us. I wonder if it help with the aperture problem? As far as I know almost everyone has working adapters, but there is someone on this site who does not.

One more piece of information. Metabones was very helpful in helping me diagnose the problems I had early on. They proved to me my brand new camera was faulty and I had no way of knowing that. I was blaming Metabones and the problem was my camera. It has been warranty repaired by Sony so I am a happy Metabones user. I am just trying to help everyone else out by spreading information.

I learned about this technique by following a link to another forum posted here by Phil Goetz. I am not sure even Phil knows how important and rare this information is. Thank you Phil!!! I am thrilled to have my adapter functioning so cleanly.

Chris Hurd or Mod, is there someplace else I should have posted this? There are Metabones threads all over the place?

Sorry I burned up so much server space. No one has ever accused me of being succinct!

Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!

Last edited by Steven Digges; January 20th, 2014 at 04:43 PM. Reason: SP
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Old January 20th, 2014, 04:42 PM   #2
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users

People should know that this doesn't work on all firmware versions.
I posted this already in august here:

So you'll need at least V24 as far as I understood.
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Old January 20th, 2014, 05:14 PM   #3
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users

Hi Erik,

I remember bantering with you back then on that thread. I just looked at it again. Your lines about having to push the WO button every time does not explain anything about what I posted here but I understand what your comment means now.

I would at least try this no matter what version of firmware I had. It can't hurt. I do understand your version 24 info came from Metabones though. I wish they would address this on their website.

How is your documentary going? Did you go back and shoot more footage like planned? You must be buried in post production? Can you update us on that tread?

Kind Regards,

Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!
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Old January 21st, 2014, 03:30 PM   #4
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users

Hi Steve,

your information is very much appreciated!

Yes, I am going to shoot again for the documentary.
We planned to go there in december but cancelled because of problems with our translator.

Meanwhile, I switched to the FS100. It just gives me a more pleasing picture in terms of resolution, moire and low light situations, but handling is more of a pain...
We are going to shoot again in february. The equipment will be the same, but the EA50 is now replaced by the FS100. The Canon EF-S17-55/2,8 will hopefully be replaced by a Canon EF 24-105/4,0 on speedbooster.
The rest will be the same again...

I was working on some picture profiles lately, but have to adjust them individually for each situation.
Thank you 8bit!
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 04:15 AM   #5
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users

Nope no good. I have actually tried your solution before, and just tried it again, in case
I had messed it up somehow the first time.

When I first bought the Metabones, I had two lenses other than the FS100/700 kit lens.
A Tamron 17-50 F2.8 and a Sigma 50-150 F2.8. The Tamron worked every time with no fail.
The Sigma worked about half the time. When it didn't work, various combinations of disconnecting
the adapter from the camera, the lens from the adapter, powering down the camera, and removing
the battery from the camera (as sometimes powering down the camera left the Sony logo on) would
eventually get it working.....but sometimes it would take 5 minutes trying all these solutions.
Metabones advised me to send them back to them for firmware update. So I did. When I got them
back, it worked perfectly with both lenses.....sweet! So I bought a Tamron 28-105 F2.8 and a
Sigma 18-35 F1.8. Then...slowly it started failing with both Tamron lenses. It would not recognize
iris on startup. Again, various combinations of what was described above would get them working,
for awhile. But then one day in the middle of a shoot....nothing. My Tamron 28-105 F2.8 would
not longer be recognized. The 17-50 worked for another month, but then it too quit working. Now,
neither of my Tamron lenses are recognized by the Metabones smart adapter. Conversely, both
Sigma lenses work just fine. My Tamron lenses work fine on a Canon DSLR...I can
adjust iris there. But not on my Sony FS700, Sony FS100, or Sony VG 20. I still assert, that
there is something a little strange with the adapters.....when you use third party lenses.
Might work fine for you now......mine did too for awhile. And maybe yours will never exhibit
this behavior. I'm just telling you, I've seen the exact same behavior from two separate
Metabones Smart Adapters that I own.....on multiple cameras with multiple third party
lenses. Metabones again advised me to send them back for firmware update, which I did.
But this time, nothing. Still worked with the Sigmas. Still didn't work with the Tamrons.
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 07:55 AM   #6
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users


It sounds like when they say Canon they mean Canon and not a Canon Mount?? I was contemplating getting one for my Nikon and Nikon mount lenses but the one I use the most is my Tokina 11-16 which is a 3rd party Nikon mount lens.

Looks like the Metabones is a no go for me again as I don't want to pay $600+ for an adapter that doesn't work on all lenses. I wonder if the other brands of Speed Booster/Focal Reducers have any issues as I think other brands are just dumb adapters with no communication with the camera.

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Old January 22nd, 2014, 08:36 AM   #7
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users

See my (short) thread in the FS700 forum. I just had Metabones update my Smart Adapter II to firmware version 30. I easily set it to Advanced Mode, permanently, via the procedure above.

Before and after the update, my Tamron 70-200/ f2.8 behaves strangely and is in any event stuck wide open at 2.8 with no iris control. Canon glass works perfectly on the FS700. Tamron works great on my Canon stills camera. Metabones + FS700 + Tamron is not a good combination. Real shame.
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 11:44 AM   #8
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users

The funny thing is, on an older firmware (somewhere between 15-20 I think) Tamron
lenses worked perfect. Sigma lenses would either have no iris control, or more commonly,
the iris would just open or close randomly without you so much as touching the camera.
The firmware updates seem to have fixed the Sigma lens problem....and now Tamron
lenses seem to have an issue.
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 12:07 PM   #9
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users

I have smart adapter 2&3 firmware 21&22. Should I update the firmware? If so can you tell me how much it cost to update.
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 12:10 PM   #10
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users

Interestingly, LensRentals states clearly and definitively that Tamron "all in one zooms" (like mine) do NOT work with MetaBones: - Rent a Metabones Canon EF Lens to Sony NEX Camera Smart Adapter II. I'm not sure when that was notice was posted, but I do wish I had seen it before I dropped coin for my Tamron. The few user complaints scattered across forums only hinted at issues that, from your post, evidently reflect regress rather than progress!
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 12:15 PM   #11
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users

Originally Posted by Ron Little View Post
I have smart adapter 2&3 firmware 21&22. Should I update the firmware? If so can you tell me how much it cost to update.
The Mark II's are on version 30 right now. I think this version gives you the ability to permanently assign the adapter to Green or Advanced Mode. In the latter mode, the adapter transmits zoom and focus information to the camera body. You decide.

MetaBones charged US $25 for return shipping from HK. It cost me a good deal more than that to send it there. Seems steep for a firmware update that, frustratingly, only MetaBones will do at their factory. I pressed them politely to explain why firmware updates can't be performed by users, but I simply received a response that the update must be performed in HK. Period. Oh well.
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 01:36 PM   #12
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users

How much do you think I should ask for a Mark 2? I got it with may FS100 but I already had a Mark 3.
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Old January 22nd, 2014, 05:07 PM   #13
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users

Originally Posted by Ron Little View Post
How much do you think I should ask for a Mark 2? I got it with may FS100 but I already had a Mark 3.
Done your homework yet?
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Old January 24th, 2014, 12:25 PM   #14
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users

Thanks for adding all the info Guys. Now we know about Tamron. It must be daunting for Metabones to write firmware that will work a thousand combinations of cameras and lenses. This adapter is built for the entire line of NEX cameras.

Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!
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Old January 26th, 2014, 05:55 PM   #15
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Re: Great News for Metabones Users

I emailed Metabones for shipping instructions. This is the email they sent me back.

Yes! New firmware version 30 now…
You can send your adapter to us for update,
service charge is free for you and you only pay US$35 return shipping by Fedex is ok….
If you accept it, pls send your parcel to us and direct pay US$35 to our PayPal account first.
Our PayPal account:
Our shipping address:
Company name: Global Boom International Limited
Attn: Mr. Law
Address:Flat C, 6/F, On Loong Factory Building,
No. 11-13 Luk Hop Street,
San Po Kong, Kowloon,
Hong Kong
Tel: 23218817
Pls let us know when parcel shipped.
Thank you!
Gbi Ltd
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