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Sony NEX-EA50 (all variants)
Including NEX-EA50UH / EA50EH / EA50H / EA50UK / EA50EK / EA50K

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Old December 30th, 2013, 09:06 AM   #16
Inner Circle
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Perth, Western Australia
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Re: Switch to EA50 from HDV?

I did a limo arrival on Saturday in bright sunlight! F16 and 1/6000 shutter and the image is awesome .. the bride will be happy and so am I ...I needed a nice deep DOF anyway and at F16 I was in focus for a huge distance. Be very careful using super shallow DOF ...when it gets down to inches on a really fast lens part of a subject's face can be in focus and some out!!

I can see the advantage of a decent variable ND in bright sun but from a practical POV you don't have to have it unless you are trying to emulate the DSLR style of shallow DOF which I have never had anyone ask for anyway.

As Noa says spend BIG bucks on ND's if you plan to use them ...IR contamination is very common on cheaper ND filters ..I had 3 x ND's costing close to $100 a piece and my footage had a lovely red cast with any of them on. It's useless having a camera capable of great imaging and then screwing a piece of cheap glass over the lens!
Chris Harding is offline   Reply

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