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Sony NEX-EA50 (all variants)
Including NEX-EA50UH / EA50EH / EA50H / EA50UK / EA50EK / EA50K

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Old May 31st, 2013, 12:48 PM   #16
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Re: New wedding with the ea50

Hey Don,

Your one of my heroes on this board. Why? Because you pull it off and make everyone laugh. I am not that funny. I just sound like a pr*ck sometimes. But you know what, I wont deny that occasionally it is intentional. I figure I have earned the right to my opinions whether someone listens or not. In the old days (shortly before my time), all wisdom was handed down word of mouth. If it was that way today I think the world would implode because of a general lack of respect for experience. I listened to my father and other elders when I was young. Was I wise enough at that age to seek their experience? No, if I did not listen they would beat the hell out me! True, and not a complaint, I consider it a blessing. Just like analog cameras, that tool is extinct now, but it worked in its day.....

Wow, is that classic old guy crap or what!

Jerome, your baiting us.....I never jump on bait until there is a small fish there first........
Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!
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Old May 31st, 2013, 03:55 PM   #17
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Re: New wedding with the ea50

Steven, I am a sarcastic, cynical, I really don't care if you like my attitude kind of guy at heart. BUT I learned a long time ago you can call a person nasty names to their face if you do it right and while I've had a few "discussions" here on the boards, I try to keep it civil while letting my disdain and disgust out if only a bit. Since we are 2 of a kind, and I'd throw a few other guys here in that group, that's probably why we get along so well. Hmmm maybe a collaboration. All of us old time grumpy old guys get together and form a production company. Let's see, we could call it; Grumpy Old Men Films or Curmudgeon House Productions, or %$$^&&*()*^%#@!_ Films. Think of the cool business cards we could have and we could cover worldwide and our motto might be, HEY GET THE HE** OUT OF HERE, YOU'RE BOTHERING ME!
Ohhh I feel a new enterprise coming on!

What do I know? I'm just a video-O-grafer.
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Old June 1st, 2013, 09:42 PM   #18
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Re: New wedding with the ea50

Originally Posted by steven digges View Post

jerome, your baiting us.....i never jump on bait until there is a small fish there first........
Jerome Cloninger is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 2nd, 2013, 11:49 PM   #19
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Re: New wedding with the ea50


OLPF? I was hoping for something more exciting than that. Like maybe a firmware upgrade with everyone's wish list fulfilled. Or an adapter that would make the kit lens F1.4 all the way through. What about the FMU coming down to $19.95? Now that would all be stuff worth writing home about. Aftermarket OLPF, nice, but lets see how that gets pulled off?

Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!
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Old June 3rd, 2013, 12:18 AM   #20
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Re: New wedding with the ea50

Originally Posted by Don Bloom View Post
Steven, I am a sarcastic, cynical, I really don't care if you like my attitude kind of guy at heart. BUT I learned a long time ago you can call a person nasty names to their face if you do it right and while I've had a few "discussions" here on the boards, I try to keep it civil while letting my disdain and disgust out if only a bit. Since we are 2 of a kind, and I'd throw a few other guys here in that group, that's probably why we get along so well. Hmmm maybe a collaboration. All of us old time grumpy old guys get together and form a production company. Let's see, we could call it; Grumpy Old Men Films or Curmudgeon House Productions, or %$$^&&*()*^%#@!_ Films. Think of the cool business cards we could have and we could cover worldwide and our motto might be, HEY GET THE HE** OUT OF HERE, YOU'RE BOTHERING ME!
Ohhh I feel a new enterprise coming on!

That is hysterical. I vote for Curmudgeon House Productions, slogan, Political Correctness is for Pansies, We Will Shoot You in Your True Light!

After completing a video interview of a doctor my contract called for a still portrait sitting because he wanted it. The good doctor told me he had seen a magazine portrait of Tom Cruise that was all light on one side and very dark on the other side of his face for extreme contrast and a different character look. "Can you do that?" he asked, "Of course I can". Said me.

So I bare bulbed him at 90 degrees with a Tota light. Adjusted it perfectly so he was a shinning Knight on one side and the Devil on the other. My shot was brilliant, I was very proud of the dramatic effect of an evil twin on the same face. I delivered and he completely freaked out! He went ballistic on me and kept saying "what the hell did you do to me? I want that thing destroyed!" Apparently he expected me to make him look like Tom Cruise, not the devil! I completely misinterpreted his explanation of what he wanted. But believe me, it was easy to make him look like the devil, no one is ever going to make him look like Tom Cruise! I think his ego is still bruised. His office staff loved the shot and asked me for a copy, of course I could not do that.


Sorry last post here off you have a preset for making people look like the devil?
Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!
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Old June 3rd, 2013, 05:07 PM   #21
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Re: New wedding with the ea50

Originally Posted by Steven Digges View Post
Aftermarket OLPF, nice, but lets see how that gets pulled off?

If it works as I hope, I won't be pulling mine off! ;-)
Jerome Cloninger is offline   Reply

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