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Sony NEX-EA50 (all variants)
Including NEX-EA50UH / EA50EH / EA50H / EA50UK / EA50EK / EA50K

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Old May 1st, 2013, 01:30 PM   #16
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Re: Adapter for Canon EOS EF Lenses

Originally Posted by Jerome Cloninger View Post
So this one: Electronic Aperture EOS NEX adapter
works (aperture & IS) with most of your canon lenses and EA50? Not sure if EA50 is your 2nd camera...

Sorry for not being clearer. I have a FS100 as my (A) camera and a VG20
as my (B) camera. I have a Metabones adapter and the RJ adapter at the
link you referenced above which is now at $239. All the lenses I have tried work
with both adapters, yes. There may be lenses that they don't work with, but they
work with everything I've tried...with one caveat. When I first bought the
Metabones, I was an 'early adopter' and thus had to send it back to the factory
for a firmware update. They did this at NO charge for me. So I can't specifically
speak to the EA50, but I can't see why it wouldn't work as it's basically the same
as the FS100 and VG20 in that it's an E mount to EF mount smart adapter. It
should work fine.

Last edited by Gabe Strong; May 1st, 2013 at 02:43 PM.
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Old May 1st, 2013, 02:42 PM   #17
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Re: Adapter for Canon EOS EF Lenses

Originally Posted by Peter Rush View Post
Thanks Gabe - I've emailed RJCamera to check compatibility with the EA50 as it's not listed - If it's compatible I'll go with it :)

Gabe - in your experience does the Metabones speed booster really give you one more exposure stop?
If I was a betting man, I'd bet the RJ camera adapter would work with the EA50....but
I could be wrong.

I actually have not purchased the speed booster yet, I have the Metabone Mark II adapter
and the RJ camera adapter. Both work fine. The Metabones got to me in 3 days and the
RJ camera one took about 13 days. One of these days I'll get the speed booster but
I only have one FF lens so not a huge demand for it with the lenses I own yet.
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Old May 2nd, 2013, 02:12 AM   #18
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Re: Adapter for Canon EOS EF Lenses

I had an email from the general manager at RJCameras saying the adapter does indeed work with the EA50 - now I need to decide between this and the metabones speedbooster!
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Old May 2nd, 2013, 11:31 AM   #19
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Re: Adapter for Canon EOS EF Lenses

As I said before.

If you like something that works and is already approved, you need to take the metabones.

As all NEX lens mounts are nearly the same, the RJcamera adapter will hopefully work too.
But it's not approved.

It's you who must decide.
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Old May 2nd, 2013, 03:52 PM   #20
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Re: Adapter for Canon EOS EF Lenses

Approved? Approved by who? I don't think any of these adapters are approved by Sony or
Canon, they just did some fancy reverse engineering to get them to work. The Metabones
Mark II would not work with any Sigma lenses so I emailed them. They told me Sigma lenses had
'a bug' and the firmware needed to be updated, so I had to mail back the adapter. They
did it free of charge and now it works with my Sigma lenses too. I don't think Metabones or
RJ will guarantee that it will work with all Canon mount lenses but since my firmware
update I've had pretty good luck with the Metabones. The RJ adapter is newer, but has
the square opening that may mean clipped bokeh at apertures of 1.4 (I haven't seen this
as my fast primes are FD mount, but the original Metabones with a square opening had this problem).
But the RJ adapter has worked with the same lenses the Metabones has (not quite the same feature
set but both offer iris control and IS).
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Old May 2nd, 2013, 05:17 PM   #21
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Re: Adapter for Canon EOS EF Lenses


I recommend the Metabones. They are on the second generation adapter. They are very finely machined. I would not want to damage my camera body with something that has poor tolerances. I have not used the RJ adapter but cheap machine work seems to be the standard with discount adapters. And, if you go for the speedbooster the extra stop of speed will be an added benefit.

They did a lot for me with customer service, even after I bashed them. Then the problem turned out to be my camera. They ended up bending over backwards for me. I think the Metabones is your best bet.

Do you have a lot invested in your Canon lenses? How fast are they? The cost of the adapter is relative to the value of getting those lenses in service with your EA50.

Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!
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Old May 3rd, 2013, 12:37 PM   #22
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Re: Adapter for Canon EOS EF Lenses

At least the Metabones is approved by some of us. Not that bad, uh?

Mine is really fine and I tested it with several other lenses from a friend.

As I said before: Forget the AF, it's not meant for video AF.

But it works for dialing the aperture and IS. Also some of the newer Sigma lenses work, as my old Tokina's do too.

I think the RJ will work too. If you just need it here and there it may be worth a try. For me, I want to work with Canon glass most of the time, the Metabones is definitely a keeper, even for the price (349 Euro excl. VAT in germany).

If you need more information, it's here!
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