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Sony NEX-EA50 (all variants)
Including NEX-EA50UH / EA50EH / EA50H / EA50UK / EA50EK / EA50K

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Old June 1st, 2013, 01:27 PM   #31
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

well, its done.

be warned to test only in non-critical videos. im not responsible for any damage it may cause. use it "on your own"

ive made 2 separated installers, the codec and the program itself. if you do not want to do conversion (to intermediate, HD and SD) do not need to install the codec (Canopus HQ codec, x32 and x64)

first, if you want the option to backup all the card to a drive/external drive, create in the root of the backup drive a file named "BACKUPHD.txt" (if windows is set to hide extensions, will be BACKUPHD only). if you want the backup be made inside a directory in the backup drive, just type the folder name inside the text file (like "AE50 backup folder", with no quotes)

install the program

put the cards on the card readers (up to six) all together.

start the program on the start menu shortcut (AutoAVCHD v0.4)

it will show found drives, and it will ask for the output folder. this is your "work folder" or hard drive (it will create later a folder inside)

then choose if want only to copy files, with no conversion, or copying plus conversion to intermediate

if you created a backup file in the backup drive, it will ask if you want backup

then, type the folder name for the event (example: 2013-01-01 new year video), press enter

now sit and relax. i mean, see if it is working properly ;P

if file conversion was choose, it will encode after everything was copied.

verify output folders to see if everything is OK.

to choose the options on the program just type the number of it and press enter.

do not use uncommon characters, preferably alphabet + dot, dash, space, underline.

tested only in Windows 7 x64, but should work on Windows 7 x32 too.

it only work with SD cards, not memory stick cards. the folder structure is different, later it will work on both cards type.

if you selected only to copy the files, but later you want to convert to intermediate, just right click on the desired folder, and go to "AutoAVCHD". it will give options to convert already copied files on the HD. (also is recursive, so it can convert all cards folders inside the main folder)

if any problem occur, please be descriptive about it. "didn't work" does not help.


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Old June 2nd, 2013, 01:24 AM   #32
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

Great! :) could it be that cards from a canon 550d won't work? It didn't recognize the card, it did work with a card from my ea50 but I got a pop up error message first which said it couldn't find the drive and it mentioned "device\harddisc\dr6", I had to press close several times to get rid of this notice, after that I saw another box appear asking for the location of the files and from there on it worked.

What I wanted to ask, after the file transfer, can it do auto back up to another drive?

Thx for all the hard work :)
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Old June 2nd, 2013, 09:22 AM   #33
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

it only work with sony nex cameras. DSLR i believe you don't need something special, cause the file splitting is independent, so just copying is enough.

about the popup notice, i believe is due to empty card readers. i will try to find another method to detect drives that don't cause that ;)

if you created the BACKUPHD.TXT file i mentioned in the backup drive, it will do backup before file copy to the "main" drive. did it say it found the backup drive before asking the output name?
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Old June 2nd, 2013, 02:08 PM   #34
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

new version!

AutoAVCHD: (b3)

Codec (v2)

uninstall the codec and the application if you had installed previous versions before installing newer ones. (uninstall via "programs and features" applet in control panel, the start menu shortcut had a bug)

Changelog (v2 and b3):
# Fixed file encode mode (path problem)
# Fixed Uninstall shortcut (both programs had the same one, now separated)
# Fixed errors when scanning drives (new method used, no more errors on empty card readers)
# Fixed codec in Windows 7 x32
# Now tested in Win7 x32 and Win7 x64
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Old June 5th, 2013, 02:54 AM   #35
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

Originally Posted by Erik Wittbusch View Post
I work with the good old Final Cut Pro 7.
I convert all the material to ProRes LT and work on it fluidly with my 6 1/21/2 years old MacBook Pro.

I consider changing to Premiere Pro or Avid MC as I don't like FinalCut Pro X.

With Premiere Pro CS6 I can just import the material without transcoding. But it's not really fluidly running if you start to add lots of footage or some FX. I know I'll need a new computer soon, but the camera put a hole in my pockets. No money left...
Hi Erik, I too am using FCP7. Although I have recently been using clipwrap to transcode to Pros Res LT due to FCP7's inability to transcode 1080 50p. What do you archive? Do you keep the pro res quicktime files and the AVCHD PRIVATE folder?
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Old June 5th, 2013, 04:16 AM   #36
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

Originally Posted by Marlon Martins View Post
new version!
I still have to test it but will let you know my findings as soon as I can.
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Old June 13th, 2013, 03:39 AM   #37
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

Originally Posted by James Hollingsworth View Post
Hi Erik, I too am using FCP7. Although I have recently been using clipwrap to transcode to Pros Res LT due to FCP7's inability to transcode 1080 50p. What do you archive? Do you keep the pro res quicktime files and the AVCHD PRIVATE folder?
I am in a kind of testing phase with my EA-50 - as I always was with DSLR videography.

I am definitely not that happy with the codec on the EA50. Thats why I convert to ProRes. I like to have a good codec for editing, but converting means a lot of time for me. I archive the ProRes files but hold the AVCHD folder structure too.

At this time I think I'll switch to another workflow this year. I have buy a replacement for my old MacBook Pro but am still not sure about what to come.

Sorry, but I am still not to confident about my workflow to recommend for anybody else. And it seems I am the only one not filming weddings at all... ;)
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Old June 14th, 2013, 08:01 AM   #38
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

Erik, I suggest you look at Lightworks v11.1 as it is the fastest yet editing native AVCHD. However, like you I prefer to transcode AVCHD to ProRes or better still, Avid's DNxHD 185 10 bit as it works faster on the PC.

Lightworks is in 'beta' on Unix and on Mac very soon too, then all three will update together.
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Old June 14th, 2013, 08:04 AM   #39
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

I suggest you look at Lightworks v11.1 as it is the fastest yet editing native AVCHD
Is there a benchmark out there with all existing NLE"s to back up that claim? :)
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Old June 14th, 2013, 08:15 AM   #40
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

Well Noa, Lightworks is one of the few NLEs apart from Avid used by professional editors to edit Hollywood movies, not weddings. But if you read what I actually wrote, you will see that I referred to the new version v11.1 being the 'fastest yet to edit Native AVCHD' That is: the fastest version of Lightworks to date.
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Old June 14th, 2013, 08:22 AM   #41
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

Ah ok, that clears things up, allthough I don't understand the reference with weddings and hollywood movies if it regards to avchd editing, surely hollywood productions aren't filmed in a avchd codec :) If lightworks allows avchd editing I take it it targets the consumer market as well.

Last edited by Noa Put; June 14th, 2013 at 09:10 AM.
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Old June 14th, 2013, 08:59 AM   #42
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

Originally Posted by Craig Marshall View Post
Well Noa, Lightworks is one of the few NLEs apart from Avid used by professional editors to edit Hollywood movies, not weddings. But if you read what I actually wrote, you will see that I referred to the new version v11.1 being the 'fastest yet to edit Native AVCHD' That is: the fastest version of Lightworks to date.
Do you know how it compares running 5 tracks of AVCHD with native files like I do with Edius realtime.

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Old June 14th, 2013, 09:06 AM   #43
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

It doesn't matter really which one is faster, I just misunderstood him when he said lightworks was the fastest for avchd editing, that's all. Must say that Craigs comment about lightworks being for pro editors dealing with hollywood productions and not weddings sounded quite condescending, maybe I shouldn't have bothered to react so we could have go back to the topic of this thread; dealing with ea50 files natively or as a intermediate file..
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Old June 14th, 2013, 04:02 PM   #44
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

Please don't misunderstand me. I do not want to sound rude or condescending but I think some accurate information is required here. The more information we have, the better we can make informed choices.

Lightworks is not some new kid on the block. It has been a popular albeit very expensive high end NLE for over 20 years but it was designed around the standard broadcast codecs of the time. You've all heard of DaVinci Resolve? Similar to Lightworks, it too used to be an $80K 'turnkey' broadcast system until Blackmagic Design bought it and decided to update it then sell the software only for $995 (plus a free 'lite' version)

Similar idea. Editshare in the UK acquired Lightworks through a takeover about two years ago then set about updating it's codec platform before releasing a Free version: which requires transcoding of consumer formats and a Pro version for an annual subscription of only $60. This small yearly fee includes all future updates, professional codec license fees eg: Apple's ProRes, a simple but effective title generator and a greater choice of Export codecs. I should point out here that Lightworks does not set out to be an 'all in one box' post production tool. It is first and foremost, a fast and fluent editor with a very refined code. This is one reason many editors migrating from other NLEs appreciate the development which has taken place over the years.

With the recent release of v11.1, Lightworks Pro now includes native H.264/AVCHD editing without transcoding as this feature has been a popular request on the Lightworks Forum. Naturally enough, when you offer professional software to a wider audience at an affordable price, those operating with DSLRs and prosumer cameras will be a large and vocal group.

Last edited by Craig Marshall; June 14th, 2013 at 05:49 PM.
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Old June 14th, 2013, 06:39 PM   #45
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Re: AE50 - Do you convert to intermediate?

Craig, the list of known issues and problems in the read me file make it almost unusable in lots of cases as far as I can tell. It will not record HDV over firewire, pretty basic, AC3 audio will not import on mov files, no audio linking for AVCHD with AC3 audio, XDCAm ( mov ) Quicktime files will not play correctly etc a long list that for people using AVCHD with AC3 or some XDCAm users makes it an unusable piece of software even if it is free. I have downloaded the free version and will try to see how it works.

Ron Evans
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