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Sony NEX-EA50 (all variants)
Including NEX-EA50UH / EA50EH / EA50H / EA50UK / EA50EK / EA50K

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Old April 22nd, 2013, 11:43 AM   #16
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

Hmmm....using step rings on all my lenses with the Xume system and no problems.
I wonder what they mean by cause them to be not as strong? I'm clueless on that one.
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Old April 22nd, 2013, 11:45 AM   #17
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

They're probably just CYA'ing but I went ahead and ordered 67mm and 77mm adapters and holders.

"Can I still use step rings?
Not recommended for now. Step rings make it impossible to use an over-the-lens hood and the added extension makes the filter more vulnerable to accidental detachment."
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Old April 24th, 2013, 01:38 PM   #18
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

Originally Posted by Gabe Strong View Post
All my
lenses get a step ring to either 77mm or 82.....the wide lenses get 82 to keep any vignetting from
Well I received the Xume adapters today. 67:77 as I had already purchased the 77mm Genustech. With the hood collapsed, I didn't receive any vignetting at full wide 18mm. Took the Genus hood off and still get a slight slight vignette in the corners. So I wish I had the 82mm filter now. I can zoom in like at "2" and its gone though. I may end up seeing if I can return the 77 for a 82mm from Genustech. I can work around this by slightly zooming in and not using full wide, but if I ever get a wider lens, then I'd definitely have a problem on my hands.

On to the adapters... I LOVE THEM!!! Genius idea! Works perfectly! Had no problems at all rotating the ND filter like Noa was mentioning... no problems at all. One thing I like is I can position the ND "marker" where I want by rotating the step ring where ever I want to put it (it always ended up on the bottom without the Xume...)

So if anyone is thinking about getting these, GET THEM! If you don't have a ND filter yet and are thinking about these adapters, get the 82mm version.

Even putting an adapter on the lens cap is a great idea! No more "making sure" it is snapped secure... just pop it on and pull it off. Easy!
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Old April 26th, 2013, 09:21 AM   #19
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

Yeah, that's why I was sharing that info about the 82mm filter, I found that the 77mm could vignette on wide angle lenses....so when I was looking for a 2nd variable ND I got the biggest one I could. Step rings are cheap and they seem to work fine for me with the Xume system, even if they aren't officially recommended.
Another bonus, is if you get a 'cross polarization effect' it is easy to pull the variable ND off and rotate it 90
degrees. Just an all around sweet system for any big sensor cam without built in NDs.
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Old April 26th, 2013, 09:27 AM   #20
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

I remember you suggesting 82 but head 77 was ok--maybe I didn't read all of it with using hood/xume or not. Oh well... I'm sure I can offload the 77 or return it. I didn't get ANY vignetting without the hood until added the xume system to the mix. It was the added thickness to the rings.
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Old May 3rd, 2013, 05:50 PM   #21
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

I'm thinking about getting the Xume's, but a bit confused on which to buy. In the process of saving up enough money to buy the EA50, and would like to order these also.

I will be using the supplied zoom lens that comes with the cam, and lens is shown with a 67mm filter thread. So when mentioned above to purchase the 82mm, is there a particular reason for that, and if so, do Ihave to buy a step ring of some sort? Thinking about getting the Genus Variable ND mentioned.

Also, I wanna buy a simple UV filter. I was gonna get the Tiffen 67mm listed on BH website, now rethinking what I need to get after reading this post. Do I need to get a Xume for both my Variable ND filter, and another for my UV filter?
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Old May 4th, 2013, 05:19 AM   #22
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

Hi Rick. First, let me clear up the discussion about 82mm. That's the size of the ND filter. I bought a 77 & it was fine until I added the xume system. It's just a tad thicker so resulted in vignetting. A larger filter won't vignette.

For the xume system. You need a lens adapter that goes on the lens. Then you need a filter holder that goes on anything that goes on that lens (lens caps, filters, step rings, etc.)

To go from the kit lens to say the 82mm genus nd filter, you'll need 67:82 step up ring. So you'd need the following from xume:
67 lens adapter.
2x 67 filter holder (for step ring & cap)
82 lens adapter (other side of step ring)
82 filter holder (for the genus filter)

UV filter.... I've never ever used them.
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Old May 4th, 2013, 06:48 AM   #23
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

Hi Jerome - thanks for the reply. I am coming from cam's that do not have interchangable lenses, but have built in ND filters, still learning! If I am just going to use the kit lens with the 67mm thread, what would be the benefit of using the 82mm ND filter rather than a 67mm one? And having to get extra adapters, stepup rings, etc?

This is what I was gonna purchase before coming across this post: the Genus 67mm Variable ND filter, a Tiffen 67mm UV filter (I will use this filter when shooting indoors to protect lens), and from Xume, the 67mm starter kit, which includes one lens adapter and two filter holders. Sound correct for just using the supplied lens?
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Old May 4th, 2013, 08:23 AM   #24
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

I would not get the 67 ND filter--especially if you're getting the rubber hood (which I also recommend getting.) The reason is with the 77 ND filter with hood collapsed, there's no vignetting at the wide end of the kit lens without the xume. With the xume, there is vignetting even without the hood. I can't speak from experience, however I would definitely bet that with a 67 ND filter that there WILL be vignetting even without the rubber hood attached to the ND filter.

You will probably end up eventually wanting to use other lenses. The kit lens is ok, but you'll end up wanting better--especially indoors. I'd go ahead and get the 82mm.

Use the stock plastic lens hood inside to protect the lens. Seriously, in all my years of filming, I've NEVER had a scratch on any lens. Sure, there's always something that can happen, but I don't see the point of attaching a UV filter to protect the lens. Might as well get LCD covers and wrap the camera in bubble wrap and protect the whole thing.... not trying to sound like a S.A. but just how I see it.
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Old May 4th, 2013, 11:47 AM   #25
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

Originally Posted by Rick Miller View Post
Hi Jerome - thanks for the reply. I am coming from cam's that do not have interchangable lenses, but have built in ND filters, still learning! If I am just going to use the kit lens with the 67mm thread, what would be the benefit of using the 82mm ND filter rather than a 67mm one? And having to get extra adapters, stepup rings, etc?

This is what I was gonna purchase before coming across this post: the Genus 67mm Variable ND filter, a Tiffen 67mm UV filter (I will use this filter when shooting indoors to protect lens), and from Xume, the 67mm starter kit, which includes one lens adapter and two filter holders. Sound correct for just using the supplied lens?
There are two issues here. First issue. To use the Xume system, you must add a magnetic
ring to both the lens, and the filter. Although they are relatively thin, they put the filter out
'in front' of the lens further. When it is a 67mm lens and a 67mm filter, you will have vignetting
at wide angles if you don't screw the filter right onto the lens (which is exactly what you
are trying to get around with the Xume system, no more screwing and unscrewing filters!)
So you get an 'oversize' filter to stop vignetting at wide angles. Now you could buy a 77mm
filter, but this brings us to the second issue. Second issue. Maximum flexibility. Say you
get a 77mm lens in the future. Now you can't use an 77mm filter with Xume system on it, if
it is wide angle, without vignetting. Step rings are cheap, like $5 each. So to me, it made
sense to buy the largest filter I could now, so I wouldn't have to 'upgrade' filters later if I
bought more lenses. Hope this makes sense.
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Old May 4th, 2013, 01:06 PM   #26
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

Thanks for all the replies. This really does clear it up. I can definately see myself wanting other lenses in the future, and best to be able to go backwards to have everything fit. And obviously, don't want any vignetting if possible.

So when I order my cam, does this look right (as far as getting and EA50 kit lens with the Xume System)

From B & H
67 to 82 stepup ring
82mm Genus Variable ND Filter
82mm Genus lens hood

From Xume
Both 67 and 82 Kits
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Old May 4th, 2013, 01:13 PM   #27
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

Originally Posted by Rick Miller View Post
Thanks for all the replies. This really does clear it up. I can definately see myself wanting other lenses in the future, and best to be able to go backwards to have everything fit. And obviously, don't want any vignetting if possible.

So when I order my cam, does this look right (as far as getting and EA50 kit lens with the Xume System)

From B & H
67 to 82 stepup ring
82mm Genus Variable ND Filter
82mm Genus lens hood

From Xume
Both 67 and 82 Kits
You're welcome.
Your list looks good...
From Xume, you need:
1- 67mm Lens Adapter (EA50 kit lens)
2x 67mm Filter Holders (1 for lens cap and 1 for step up ring.)
1- 82mm Lens Adapter (82mm side of step up ring)
1- 82mm Filter Holder (Genus Eclipse ND Filter)

Technically, you could get by without the 82mm Xumes and leave the ND filter attached to the step up ring, however, as you get other lenses, you'll wish you had the quick release on the step up ring and filter.

So far I only have the 35mm Rokinon as another lens so having the xumes on the step up rings and filter allow me to switch easily with lenses and filter. Best to think ahead.
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Old May 27th, 2013, 04:10 AM   #28
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

Well I've just used this system on 3 consecutive sunny weddings over the weekend and it's a life saver!!! My biggest beef regarding the EA50 is the lack of ND and even though it's not as convenient as flicking a switch, as on my old Z1 it's the next best thing.

The magnets clamped together nicely - no danger of my variable ND filter coming off and nice and easy to rotate securely.

UK buyers beware - you'll be stung for import duty and an £8 Royal Mail 'handling' fee - which, as the parcel sat in the sorting office for me to collect meant they actually 'handled' it less than a regular parcel, I guess is just another stealth tax.

Also I forgot to order an extra filter adapter for my lens cap - you'll need one of these!

All in all a good buy :)
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Old May 27th, 2013, 07:52 AM   #29
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

Originally Posted by Peter Rush View Post
Well I've just used this system on 3 consecutive sunny weddings over the weekend and it's a life saver!!! My biggest beef regarding the EA50 is the lack of ND and even though it's not as convenient as flicking a switch, as on my old Z1 it's the next best thing.

The magnets clamped together nicely - no danger of my variable ND filter coming off and nice and easy to rotate securely.

UK buyers beware - you'll be stung for import duty and an £8 Royal Mail 'handling' fee - which, as the parcel sat in the sorting office for me to collect meant they actually 'handled' it less than a regular parcel, I guess is just another stealth tax.

Also I forgot to order an extra filter adapter for my lens cap - you'll need one of these!

All in all a good buy :)
I shot with an EX1 the other day and guess what... I missed the variable ND filter! I'm finding I like the variable much better than the built in ones!

Glad you like the adapters, photographers I come in contact with are amazed by how quickly I can put the filter on and off. LOL!
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Old June 13th, 2013, 06:59 AM   #30
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Re: I think I found a nice adapter for quick release filters!!!

Sometimes I want to add an ND filter and a polarizer. Can you stack the filters when using the Xume system? Do you need a 2nd adapter to do that?
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