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Sony NEX-EA50 (all variants)
Including NEX-EA50UH / EA50EH / EA50H / EA50UK / EA50EK / EA50K

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Old December 3rd, 2012, 04:12 PM   #16
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Ed, let me know if you can find out in users manual if HDMI output is 4:2:2 and if it is 8 bit or 10 bit.

Also, the spot focus thing folks are bringing up, does this supposedly work for all auto focus lenses, or just sony auto focus lenses? And, if one is using the adapter for Sony alpha lenses, does this adapter communicate information to and from the the camera/lens or is it simply a mechanical adapter, no electrical communication at all?
Stephen Gradin
Dockside Video Productions
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Old December 3rd, 2012, 05:55 PM   #17
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

The manual doesn't say about the HDMI, at least as far as I can find,
I have the Metabones adapter for canon, so, I can only comment on what I've read about the sony adapter, it seems to actually work af with the sony lenses using phase detection, super fast, much faster then the nex lenses, this thanks to the translucent mirror and af sensor built in.. If you find out more, let us know.
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Old December 22nd, 2012, 08:42 AM   #18
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Re: Overview from new owner Ed Betz

Split out from EA50 announcement thread.

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Old December 23rd, 2012, 08:22 PM   #19
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Re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Originally Posted by Stephen Gradin View Post
Ed, let me know if you can find out in users manual if HDMI output is 4:2:2 and if it is 8 bit or 10 bit.
Woah, dude, is the HDMI output optionally clean? I presumed it would have some random matting around it, or display stats that you can't entirely turn off, etc. I guess maybe that's just brain damage I have from DSLR research. Man you just gave me visions of solving the balance "concern" completely by hanging a recorder off the back! ;)
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Old December 30th, 2012, 08:03 AM   #20
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Re: Overview from new owner Ed Betz

Ed can you shed some light (pun intended ) into how it handles in bright daylight - I'm almost convinced on getting one of these but lack of ND filters is a worry for me - I don't want the hassle of screwing in filters in the middle of a busy wedding!


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Old December 30th, 2012, 05:53 PM   #21
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Re: Overview from new owner Ed Betz

Bright light is not a problem. I have the 50 and that is not an issue. Ed's comments about the 50 are spot on. Like Ed, I too am really impressed with the 50 regarding quality of image, build quality and the seamless connectivity to old glass via cheap adaptors. (Nikkors, Angénieux and Zeiss) HTH
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Old December 30th, 2012, 06:47 PM   #22
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Re: Overview from new owner Ed Betz

Hi Peter

I doubt whether you would have any exposure issues without any ND filters as the camera will simply just lift the shutter which won't be an issue at a wedding. However without ND's it will be tough to achieve a shallow DOF in bright light as the cam is unlikely to set wide apertures in bright light. Maybe a variable ND on the front might be a good idea??? I will be shooting some stuff hopefully at the next wedding and I'll see how it behaves in 40 degree Australian sunlight.

Funnily enough I'm not obsessed with shallow DOF anyway..I just like the form factor of the camera and the fact I can click on a fast lens at receptions. My weddings tend to be documentary style anyway!

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Old December 31st, 2012, 01:56 AM   #23
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Re: Overview from new owner Ed Betz

Hi Guys - yes it's as I expected - as long as I don't have to go crazy with really fast shutter speeds - I'd probably buy a good ND filter anyway for those lazy summer 'garden party' type weddings where I'd have time to be a little creative - here is one that's been recommended

Fader ND Digi Pro-HD round

I've recently acquired a 5D and taken it to a few wedding shoots to play around with in 'lull' periods, and even though I really like the quality of the footage - it takes a bit of getting, and not ideal for a solo shooter IMO - plus the form factor, even in a cage with handles etc, is not to my liking - just not versatile enough.

I'm desperate to retire my trusty Z1/FX1 combo for the coming season (which starts in March for me) and I'm sold on the EA-50 - I'm going to call CVP Video in the UK as they have a branch within driving distance - if it's in stock and feels right - I'm buying it!

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Old December 31st, 2012, 02:08 AM   #24
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Re: Overview from new owner Ed Betz

Hi Pete

I think we have made a good decision here...I'll have mine fairly soon and I'll shoot some tandem footage at my next wedding and post it for comments...not sure which profile to use so I'll play with a few!!

If we all share a few hints and tips it will be good...I'll go for a fader too in these bright Summer conditions and outdoor weddings!

Give us some feedback and your thoughts when you get it!!

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Old December 31st, 2012, 02:13 AM   #25
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Re: Overview from new owner Ed Betz

Originally Posted by Peter Rush View Post
I'm sold on the EA-50 - I'm going to call CVP Video in the UK as they have a branch within driving distance - if it's in stock and feels right - I'm buying it!
For what it's worth, I got my EA50 from CVP. I'm located in Sweden, very quick delivery and great service!
Greatest part was that their webpage made ordering without VAT a breeze! (for companies in other countries within the EU)
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Old December 31st, 2012, 02:33 AM   #26
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Re: Overview from new owner Ed Betz

The only thing I really need to decide is if I'm going to spend the £714 on the flash memory unit or buy several of the 64Gb mirroring memory sticks at £177 - they only equate to 32GB in mirroring mode so I would need 3 to be comfortable - possibly 4 - which works out the same price as the flash unit.

I'm loathe to use SD cards (even though I already have quite a few fast 32GB ones) as there's no backup - I can't imagine having the stress of a card failing - I know a few wedding togs who that's happened to!

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Old December 31st, 2012, 03:39 AM   #27
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Re: Overview from new owner Ed Betz

Hi Pete

Over the last 3 years and over 100 weddings and countless Real Estate shoots I have never had a card failure. I was a little worried at first after moving from MiniDV but then I figured the tape drive can fail, the capstan might start slipping, the tape might get jammed so with no moving parts you have to be better off on cards and shucks any decent card is reliable. The flash memory unit is expensive for a 128GB drive.

My solution that gets me out of trouble is a GoPro on a stand next to me on on a balcony at a Church ..plus a second camera of course on my shoulder ...any footage lost on the main cam you can switch to your cutaway cam and really only lose maybe a minute at most to click in a new card. In fact cutting to the GoPro of the bit that is missed (if it ever happens) is considered quite "cool" by brides!!

Bear in mind that the expensive flash drive can also fail ... I feels it's a bit of an overkill personally.

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Old December 31st, 2012, 03:57 AM   #28
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Re: Overview from new owner Ed Betz

Hi Chris - I'm also nervous coming from Mini-DV but i always figure that if a tape chews or I get a head clog error - I'll know about it straight away and can recover everything up to that point at least.

I know of a couple of wedding togs who had cards fail only to found out when they tried to access their images later - one got them partially recovered but the other lost a whole card's worth of images.

I always have several cameras (including a GoPro) on the go for ceremony/speeches anyway so maybe I'm being overly worried - 2 card slots like my 5D or the AC-90 would have been nice though - I suppose Sony thought it might strengthen their sales of mirroring memory sticks!

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Old December 31st, 2012, 05:36 PM   #29
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Re: Overview from new owner Ed Betz

Hi Pete

I think sometimes you must just "trust the system" ..in the same issue are you going to put a radio mic and a DVR on the groom (just in case one fails?) I think corrupt cards are very rare and usually the camera would be designed to stop on a card error anyway. You can only do so much to fool-proof a wedding and then you are really going overboard. I had had cases where I physically missed the bouquet toss (I was in the loo and they threw it early) so those bits CAN be reshot if the bride co-operates.

I remember a local guy here (not on the forum anymore) who forgot to turn on his Zoom recorder so he took the couple to one side in the Church and re-did the vows!!! Human related errors are probably of more concern that mechanical/electronic ones. You can miss an entire ceremony by accidently double pressing record on the camera and that is more likely to happen than a card failure as cameras are pretty darn reliable nowdays. With 3 cameras running at a ceremony I feel pretty safe that I will get enough usable footage to keep the bride happy.

Just make sure you do have a limited liability clause in your contract so she gets a refund of monies paid in a worst case scenario. Equipment CAN fail but it's pretty rare nowdays and spreading the responsibility over three cameras rather than having fail safe systems on just one is the better way to go. If a battery fails on a camera with a dual card and flash drive, you still have lost everything!!

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