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Sony NEX-EA50 (all variants)
Including NEX-EA50UH / EA50EH / EA50H / EA50UK / EA50EK / EA50K

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Old December 21st, 2012, 05:49 AM   #211
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

On my camera 25p or 50p looks exactly the same with the only difference you will get stutter if you pan to quick which is not the case with 50p, 50p also slows down much better so for me there is no reason to film in 25p anymore. I"m interested to see how you perceive the "moire" issue, not everybody seems to be too happy about it.
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Old December 21st, 2012, 06:52 AM   #212
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

To me 60p has a "video" like quality that reminds me of televised sports or soap operas. I've seen major motion pictures on TV's that up the rate to 60p and it looks like it was shot on video. Not sure if there is the same correlation in Pal. Of course I can test that (: I hadn't thought about the slo-motion benefit of 60p.
Based on what I've seen uploaded, there is moire, but it seems to be less than some other DSLR footage I've seen and edited. I think it's reasonable for my clients. Of course I'll know more as I have opportunity to use it. I plan to use this camera mostly for interviews and probably some b-roll. I have a Sony Z7 that has a much faster and a bit longer zoom lens, not to mention a much more usable servo zoom.
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Old December 21st, 2012, 10:16 AM   #213
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

But both 30p and 60p are progressive formats with the second one having the double amount of full frames, so the only difference is that 30p will stutter more when you fast pan, do you feel it is the stutter only that gives that "cinema" feeling?
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Old December 21st, 2012, 06:38 PM   #214
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Hi Noa

Seems like we have the 50 coming in downunder now..I found a supplier over East for AUS$4060 with free delivery which isn't bad at all. I wonder what Global Media will have them for?? Are you buying locally or from the UK?

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Old December 21st, 2012, 08:48 PM   #215
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
But both 30p and 60p are progressive formats with the second one having the double amount of full frames, so the only difference is that 30p will stutter more when you fast pan, do you feel it is the stutter only that gives that "cinema" feeling?
With the Hobbit being filmed at 48fps there is a lot of info on how we perceive frame rates. I think the research show that frame rates below 48fps appear as "unreal" to us where as frame rates above that level are perceived as real. This is why 50i/60i which are field or exposure rates with 50p and 60p being full frames at the same camera exposure rates are perceived as "real" or video like. The temporal rate for 50i is the same as 50p likewise 60i and 60p the progressive version just happens to have a full frame of pixels rather than half the vertical resolution of a field. The lower the frame rate the more unreal !!!! This logic I understand. What I don't understand is using 24p for a documentary !!!! Sort of saying this isn't really true !!!!

Ron Evans
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Old December 21st, 2012, 09:14 PM   #216
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Hi Ron

24p is "supposed" to look more filmic so why use it for a doc or something as standard as a choral group performing..I have a mate also in Canada who shoots everything at 24p and his main shoots are choral groups that his wife performs in which really don't need to be filmic at all. Maybe it's just a gimmick that people use to make their videos look different? At weddings I use a lot of stedicam so I really need to shoot double frame rate purely to get decent slomo rather than anything else...even at 25P or 30P I find that you have to be careful with judder during we shoot PAL here we only have 25P currently which is decidedly slow and juddery when there is movement.

Just looking at the 50's specs in the manual and I really love the fact that it has a focus enlarge button right on the grip ...that's clever!! I always have to hunt for my button during weddings on the HMC's ..I rather like the variable XLR sensitivy too...a big improvement from having either -60db or -50db only.

It hard to see on the manual but do I detect a couple of threads on the top side of the slideout shoulder mount pad?? That would be great for some extra back weight or even sling your receivers off the back

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Old December 21st, 2012, 09:21 PM   #217
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

There are three holes with two having threads, standard 1/4 20.. I have created a weight that fits on that space and has a threaded mount, so it all balances. I don't use it all the time, much of what I shoot is on sticks, or news where I'm off and running, but it's nice to have it if I'm going to be shooting lots of sholder stuff.
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Old December 21st, 2012, 10:15 PM   #218
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Yeah that was a bit of a concern for me as well but Ed did mention in another post here somewhere about the threaded hole. Now that I've seen the manual, I did design a plate to mount my wireless receiver to and that plate will be mounted to one of those holes with a 1/4-20 wingnut that I have been saving in my "misc kit box" for more time than I care to remember. I've even got a piece that I can fit with the help of my sons press as a VHS pin to keep everything in place.
Also from reading the manual and actually seeing where the controls and buttons are located it has made me much more content about the fact that there are no NDs. It appears that the ISO, shutter speed and iris can all be changed very quickly. At least it looks that way. I'll not be ordering until after I return from my vaca so probably not until the end of Jan but unless something else hits me like a ton of bricks or I win many thousands at the casino the NEX-EA50U will be in my case soon enough.
What do I know? I'm just a video-O-grafer.
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Old December 21st, 2012, 10:36 PM   #219
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Chris, the control specs are very similar to my NX5U which also has the advantage of dual SD/Memory card slots ( only one on the EA50). It is starting to look attractive for me in that it gives me a large sensor version that uses the same batteries, FMU128, Lanc controllers etc of the NX5U. It also has the things that would make it usable by my wife who is used to me setting the AE shift point and her using the spot focus. Also has 60p which I would love to go to on all my cameras. Just have to come to terms with the price !!!! Useful thing that is missing from the EA50 that is on the NX5U is smooth gain switching.

Ron Evans
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Old December 22nd, 2012, 02:47 AM   #220
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Are you buying locally or from the UK?
I send a mail to the UK supplier the 19th in the morning with some questions about warranty etc but have not received a reply yet, then I send a mail to the NL supplier the 20th (which is a bit cheaper) and received a reply 2 hours later. I have to say I was a bit tempted by that link that Joris provided to that Swiss supplier so I send them a mail as well yesterday morning but they did not reply yet, they are over 300 euro's cheaper which is a lot but if the camera malfunctions that's a problem as they are located over 700 km from my place and you need to send by post, I"m also not sure if the camera would be returned after repair free of charge.

The fact alone that I got so prompt and to the point reply from the Dutch supplier I think I will place an order next week there, they are located about 2,5 hour drive from me so not a big deal, I often had weddings this year that where 2 hour drives from where I live.
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Old December 22nd, 2012, 08:48 AM   #221
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Re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

This EA50 thread has now morphed into a dedicated EA50 forum:

Sony NEX-EA50 (all variants) Forum at

Please consider starting *new* topics instead of piling onto this one -- thanks!

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Old December 22nd, 2012, 01:14 PM   #222
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Re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Originally Posted by Joris Rens View Post
Noa, I have no idea if this shop (Sony NEX-EA50EH) is any good, but when you check Their price in euro, it's very sharp.
I just found out that because Switzerland is not a part of the European Union you will have to pay customduties and taxes when ordering from Belgium meaning that "sharp" prize will be at the same level as when you buy it here. I"ll be placing my order tomorrow, the Dutch store did not have any stock but the camera was on order, they didn't know when it would arrive but since the UK seem to have stock I guess the first camera's should start to arrive beginning Januari.
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Old December 22nd, 2012, 02:18 PM   #223
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Re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

I just placed the order, lets just hope I won't regret it...
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Old December 22nd, 2012, 04:14 PM   #224
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Re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

You won't regret it. I have one. It rocks. The lossless digital zoom will blow you away as it works with primes and zooms including the kit lens. Output is extremely clean, both for video and stills. I have a VG 20 that shoots superb video and stills. Ditto for the 50. Sony has a winner here IMHO. Thus far, the $$ has been very well spent.
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Old December 22nd, 2012, 04:18 PM   #225
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Re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

If you compare the image from the nex50 to your vg20, is there much difference?
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