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Sony NEX-EA50 (all variants)
Including NEX-EA50UH / EA50EH / EA50H / EA50UK / EA50EK / EA50K

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Old November 25th, 2012, 04:08 AM   #136
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

All these DSLR sensor based camcorders and DSLR's themselves are missing one absolutely critical function when it comes to get ParFocal operation: Back Focus adjustment.

As DSLR lenses don't have back focus adjustment it must be done on the camera. The F3 is the lowest cost s35mm camera with this ability. Without a means to adjust and correct for manufacturing tolerances, ear and tear, temperature etc it will be near impossible to get a lens completely par focal unless you want to start adding shims.

I found the EA50 to be 1.5 stops less sensitive than the FS100 for similar noise.
Alister Chapman, Film-Maker/Stormchaser My XDCAM site and blog.
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Old November 25th, 2012, 05:18 AM   #137
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Alister, did you have to opportunity to compare the EA50 to Sony's full frame VG900 and how both compare imagewise? From what I read in your review you are impressed with the EA50 while others have nothing good to say about the vg900, I know they are different camera's but they are both large sensor camera's from the same supplier in the same price range and with the vg900 even being a full frame sensor I find it strange that it would perform that much worse?
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Old November 25th, 2012, 05:29 AM   #138
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
Alister, did you have to opportunity to compare the EA50 to Sony's full frame VG900 and how both compare imagewise?
OMG the VG 900 is crappy in Videmode to much trown away Pixel
Alaising like hell and Chromatic Abberation

more camcorders german test with more camcorders the VG900

and weeping here...
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Old November 25th, 2012, 09:14 AM   #139
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

I have not tested the VG900 so can't comment. I was pleasantly surprised by the EA50. I thought it did a very good job for a camera based around a stills sensor.
Alister Chapman, Film-Maker/Stormchaser My XDCAM site and blog.
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Old November 25th, 2012, 12:54 PM   #140
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

From what I am reading here, Sony seems to have dropped the ball when it comes the EA50's low light capabilities, something crucial to me for weddings and other low light events. Unless I hear positive feedback on this front, I will wait till NAB in April to see if perhaps Sony updates the FS100 or comes out with yet another camera that may merge the best aspects of the EA50 and the FS100. We'll see.
Stephen Gradin
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Old November 25th, 2012, 01:21 PM   #141
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Sony haven't dropped the ball at all, the reduced low light performance is simply the result of using a sensor with smaller pixels. When you use a sensor designed for high resolution stills, compared to a dedicated HD or even 4K video sensor the pixels will be much smaller and thus the camera will be less sensitive. The EA50 is built to a price point and a big part of the saving comes from using technology and parts from the mass consumer market. The EA50 is still better in low light than most small sensor cameras.
Alister Chapman, Film-Maker/Stormchaser My XDCAM site and blog.
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Old November 25th, 2012, 01:48 PM   #142
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Seems as if Sony took a few things from the NX5U too or the other cameras in the range. Being able to use the FMU128 is good since I use that all the time with my NX5U. I will certainly be interested to see how the low light compares to the NX5U which isn't the greatest in low light. I was looking for an upgrade to my NX5U to improve the noise level in low light to match my consumer cameras, get the touch controls of my CX700 etc and the NEX-EA50 seems to address most of these with the advantage of interchangeable lenses too. ! I am sure it would be possible to make it quite good in low light just not with the stock lens. One built from the FS100 would be better for me as I do not want to take any stills with the camera but I am sure if this was the case the consumer touch features I would like would not be included !!!

Ron Evans
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Old November 25th, 2012, 01:50 PM   #143
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

How does it compare to a Canon 7d for low light?
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Old November 25th, 2012, 02:33 PM   #144
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Originally Posted by Alister Chapman View Post
The EA50 is still better in low light than most small sensor cameras.
Alister, you say "most"... which small sensor camera have better low light performance than EA50?

Besides ergonomics, is there a reason to get this over an FS100 for events? I guess maybe its a bit less expensive and has a servo zoom rocker on the side and handle which is nice. But its also 1.5 stops less sensitive than the FS100 and neither have an ND filter or HDSDI outputs. Oh, but I guess the EA50 also has a "near lossless" digital zoom which would conceivably extend the stock lens to a 400mm one. Hmm. Decisions. I too am starting to hope that come April 2013 at NAB, Sony will hopefully release another option in the similar price range.

Last edited by James Hobert; November 25th, 2012 at 05:06 PM.
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Old November 25th, 2012, 10:48 PM   #145
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Originally Posted by James Hobert View Post
Fascinating comparison of the FS100 vs EA50. However, he mentions that the EA50 requires +9db of gain to reach the sensitivity of the FS100 which "equates it to 3 stops of exposure". I always thought that +6db is one stop so wouldn't that make it 1.5 stops less sensitive instead of 3 stops?? Forgive me, kinda new with some of this math.
copying from Wikipedia:
A change in power ratio by a factor of two is approximately a 3 dB change.

Meaning that one stop equals 3dB and not 6dB as you assume. In general even in sound, a difference of 3dB means either half or double the amount. The initial claim of 3stops between the 2 cameras is valid.
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Old November 27th, 2012, 05:27 PM   #146
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Plakiotis View Post
copying from Wikipedia:
A change in power ratio by a factor of two is approximately a 3 dB change.

Meaning that one stop equals 3dB and not 6dB as you assume. In general even in sound, a difference of 3dB means either half or double the amount. The initial claim of 3stops between the 2 cameras is valid.
It's all very confusing, yes. However, I'm quite sure I'm right in that +6db = 1stop. I read that wiki page you quote...or tried to anyway (ha!), and it may have more to do with audio or when it refers to video its a bit different with "logs" and such. Regardless, however video works and without getting too crazy technical, I'm pretty sure +9db of video gain is 1.5 stops. See this article by video-pro Alister Chapman for reference:

What is ISO and how does it compare to gain? |

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Old November 27th, 2012, 06:28 PM   #147
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Thanks James

So even a two cameras one with a native iso of say 100 and one with one of 300 can produce the same image relative to IQ when noise is taken into account ??? Your ISO 300 camera might start off with a noisy picture yet the lower iso one might be squeaky clean!! The Panasonic AC-90 is a good example..It only has a native ISO of only 40 but you can add 30db of gain and still have a noise free image so the picture can actually look a lot better than a higher ISO camera that has a noisy image!!

Just for reference what is the native ISO of the EA50 with the stock lens???? The specs say "auto ISO" is 160 -1600 so does that mean the native ISO at 0db is 160???

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Old November 27th, 2012, 07:04 PM   #148
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Originally Posted by Chris Harding View Post
Thanks James

So even a two cameras one with a native iso of say 100 and one with one of 300 can produce the same image relative to IQ when noise is taken into account ??? Your ISO 300 camera might start off with a noisy picture yet the lower iso one might be squeaky clean!! The Panasonic AC-90 is a good example..It only has a native ISO of only 40 but you can add 30db of gain and still have a noise free image so the picture can actually look a lot better than a higher ISO camera that has a noisy image!!

Just for reference what is the native ISO of the EA50 with the stock lens???? The specs say "auto ISO" is 160 -1600 so does that mean the native ISO at 0db is 160???

Yes, it all comes down to how each camera handles noise at different ISO settings. Some cameras clearly handle gain better than others. I doubt the AC90 is completely noise-free at 30db, but it sounds like it's pretty dang good. Then again I've ready that the EA50 is also fairly noise-free at even higher ISO's. I'm not totally sure but I do believe that the EA50's is at 160 ISO at 0db, yes. Of course the stock lens that is used is the other factor that may drive that sensitivity down but the advantage is that you can switch it out for a faster one if needed. As for the auto iris question, I never use auto settings on cameras (maybe an occasional auto focus) so I'm not 100% certain (I'm saying that a lot these days) but I think that means that if you leave the camera on "auto ISO" it will go up to 1600. But I do know that in video mode, you can push it past that manually up to 5000 or 6400 ISO I believe. If you decide to use the camera to shoot stills it can go above 12000 ISO I believe. Again, this is from memory of what I read in the past but that's how I understand it.
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Old November 28th, 2012, 05:23 AM   #149
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

Thanks James

I'd like to know how the EA50 with the stock lens and 12db gain would look like..Admitedly the AC-90 would need 24db to reach the same sensitivity as it's on a native ISO40 so at 24db is would effectively be ISO320 and to get to a 320 ISO the Sony only needs 12db gain BUT the 90 is absolutely squeaky clean at 24db so I would expect the EA50 to perform up to at least 24db with zero noise (double the 90's sensitivity since it costs twice as much!! ) Take a look at the posts on the wedding forum and there is an image there from Tim with the FX1000 and AC-90 side by side ...the 90 is running at 30db gain and it's tough to find much noise at all!!

I guess we will really only discover performances once people actually start using them??? I really do like it's form factor even though it's not really balanced..I'm sure you could hang a battery off the end plus a couple of audio receivers too.

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Old November 28th, 2012, 11:21 AM   #150
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re: New Sony NEX-EA50EH Announcement

The explanation for why 3db of gain represents a doubling of power in a loudspeaker yet it takes 6db of gain to represent the doubling of light (1 f-stop) in a camera is that the former is expressing power (P) while the latter is expressing voltage (E). Power is (E^2/R). The R is dropped since we assume output inpedance is equal to input inpedance.

In the former, gain is 10 log (Pin/Pout) db. In the latter, gain is 10 log (Eout/Ein)^2 db, which reduces to 20 log (Eout/Ein) db.

Therefore, 6db equals 1 f-stop.
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