Buying Z7 here in UK. And what does the U, P, E mean at end of model number? at
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Sony HVR-Z7 / HVR-S270
Handheld and shoulder mount versions of this Sony 3-CMOS HDV camcorder.

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Old September 3rd, 2009, 12:41 PM   #1
New Boot
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Buying Z7 here in UK. And what does the U, P, E mean at end of model number?


This is my first post on the forums. Seems really informative and friendly. I wonder if you can offer any advice on the following?

I am looking at buying a Z7 here in the UK. I really want one which either comes with the pal/ntsc switchable mod (one company I found in Singapore sell one already modified) or one which I can send away to get the mod fitted, as I shoot for both UK and US companies. Now the model of Z7 here in the UK is the Z7E - I'm guessing the E stands for Europe - but just a guess. Buying one of these is £1500 (UK) more expensive than buying the Z7P model here in the UK. Some sellers are selling the P model here - but I'm guessing its a grey import model, and also guessing that if this is the case, the I likely wouldn't be able to send it to a Sony service centre over here to get the mod fitted. Anyone know?

My other alternative is to buy the already converted version from Singapore, but I would likely get hammered with import duty charges. So I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place! I don't want to spend £1500 more for essentially the same camcorder, but I would like the mod fitted, so not sure which option to go for.

Anyone got any advice?

Thanks, Paul A
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Old September 4th, 2009, 03:06 AM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Cornsay Durham UK
Posts: 1,992
Hi Paul you are right that the E is for europe and the reason that they are more expensive is that they have the registration for 2 years sony silver service back-up and support.
They are also sold through known distributor networks and you have their back-up too.

The others are for sale in different world regions and are therefore grey imports.

As a side note I have an as new S270 for sale with very low hours and over one years silver service remaining:
Over 15 minutes in Broadcast Film and TV production:
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