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Sony HVR-Z7 / HVR-S270
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Old June 21st, 2009, 02:02 AM   #16
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Did you also take a look at the new Frezzi MRAX2 Dimmable 15W Micro-Sun Gun HMI?
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Old June 21st, 2009, 06:31 AM   #17
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As said, I use this HVL-LBP clone:

LW 1200 Ledlamp 6V/12V

I will make a short footage when it's dark tonight so you can see how it operates at 16:9.
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Old June 21st, 2009, 08:59 AM   #18
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There is a Comer CM-LBPS1800 LED lights that is similar to Sony's LED light but more powerful. It's also cheaper than the Sony lights too. It takes NP-F770 and F970 batteries. I have tried the SWIT/Varizoom light, it's nothing compared to the Comer light. I did a comparison in this thread. The shootout includes SWIT/Varizoom light as well as LitePanel Micro.

Another good thing for the Comer light is, it is color corrected to 4500K rather than 5600K day light. So when use indoor, you don't need to use the gel to lower the color temp to 3200K. It works great already.

The smaller CM-LBPS900 light is cheaper but it doesn't have a dimmer switch. Only 2 level brightness settings.
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Old June 21st, 2009, 01:56 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Luc De Wandel View Post
The HVL-LBPA LED-light from Sony does have a dimmer, but it's far from cheap, I'm afraid.

I was referring to the Sony 10/20
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Old June 21st, 2009, 02:00 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Taky Cheung View Post
There is a Comer CM-LBPS1800 LED lights that is similar to Sony's LED light but more powerful. It's also cheaper than the Sony lights too. It takes NP-F770 and F970 batteries. I have tried the SWIT/Varizoom light, it's nothing compared to the Comer light. I did a comparison in this thread. The shootout includes SWIT/Varizoom light as well as LitePanel Micro.

The smaller CM-LBPS900 light is cheaper but it doesn't have a dimmer switch. Only 2 level brightness settings.
An on camera light without a dimmer is basically useless IMO.
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Old June 21st, 2009, 03:18 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Rob Morse View Post
An on camera light without a dimmer is basically useless IMO.
I couldn't agree more! I have been using Canon VL-10 light. it's 10W with only an On/Off switch. Then I came across LitePanel Micro, SWIT/Varizoom. They both have dimmer. It works great but the default 5600K day light color temperature doesn't work well indoor. Adding the included filter will just lower the brightness.

The Comer 1800 light is great with everything I need. But not everybody can afford a $400 camera light, the Comer 900 light is a more affordable choice. With 2 level brightness control is still better than just on/off selection. Because the light is set to 4500K already, I don't have to flip down the gel to use it indoor. With a little DIY, I made it good for close-up interview use without blinding the subject.

I taped the white foam piece on the top orange gel. Everytime if I need dimmer light, I just flip that piece down.
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Old June 21st, 2009, 04:41 PM   #22
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As promised, a footage of this light:

LW 1200 Ledlamp 6V/12V


16:9 testing LED light Zideo, If you share we share
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Old June 21st, 2009, 05:03 PM   #23
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Thanks to TakyC for the video's and this helped if I can buy the Comer CM-LBPS1800 here in the UK i'm sold.........
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Old June 21st, 2009, 05:07 PM   #24
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on Camera light or mini portable?

Hi a silly question I asked before regarding a Camera light BUT what about a portable solution??? more in line with bigger than a Camera light but not as big as a redhead????

Only reason I ask if I can buy a light that can do both and uses main power or battery?

I don't have any background in lights BUT the posts on my previous question has helped and I do appreciate all the responses......any pointers on this one is a great help.

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Old June 21st, 2009, 05:19 PM   #25
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The Sonly HLV light only works with Sony batteries. But the Comer lights take third party Sony compatible batteries. I tested it for each charge, it runs almost 3 hours.
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Last edited by Taky Cheung; June 22nd, 2009 at 09:24 AM.
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Old June 24th, 2009, 02:32 PM   #26
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OK first off there is no such thing as a 4:3 light or a 16:9 light. Anyone using those terms are using them as just catchy sales phrases. It is like saying a Dodge Minivan is an "interstate vehicle" because is can drive 70mph.

For any light, be it field, studio or on camera, there are many types. LED, fluorescent, halogen.... Open face, softbox, fresnel....

Each of these are tools and are best for different things.

Today most people will want a softer on camera light with a wide spread to fill the 16:9 frame. Since lights use a LOT of power, nearly everyone is going to LED lights, which take much less power, give off a softer light, and can be placed in a housing that provides a wide spread.

Personally I think the Litepanels Micro is the best bang for the buck. It is mostly plastic so it won't take a lot of abuse. If you're going to be in rougher shoots, then go for the Litepanels Mini or something that is mostly metal. The Micro runs on AA batteries or you can get an adapter to use Sony Batteries. It gives off light at 5600k, so you can use it outside in the daytime for a little extra punch, and it comes w/ some gels so when you need 3200k light you're all set.

If you are ONLY going to be inside w/ 3200K lights, then you can look around at other LED lights which are balanced for indoors, because anytime you use a gel for color correction you are losing a lot of light.

The biggest thing to remember, and this is a MUST, is if you go LED, go with something high quality. LED flashlights are cheap at Walmart, but purchase a few and you'll see that they don't all give off the same color light. I know people who have gone to NAB & seen slight color differences in the LED lights some companies are trying to sell for video use.

Litepanels makes some of the BEST professional LED lights out there, and so I trust them even with their budget Micro light. But just do your research if you buy an LED light so you don't waste your money.
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Old June 24th, 2009, 02:44 PM   #27
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I agreed with the 4:3 light and 16:9 light.. there is no such thing. I have LitePanel micro which case a 4:3 box and the vidled light which is a candy bar. They both cast a soft circle to the video.

Litepanel does make high quality professional lights for professionals in their expensive models. however, LP Micro is just a rip off. It's plastic and flimsy. The battery compartment metal contact pushes the batteries out. I contacted them and they told me to super-clue the contact myself (WTF?). The dimmer switch already broke. Worst thing is, I only got about 50 minutes usage on 4xAA high rating recharable batteries. Near the end of life of the battery, the light start to flicker. the flickering will be recorded to the video too. For a 4 hour wedding reception, I have to keep monitoring the light output and keep replacing batteries. Not fun. Then with it 5600K output, i have to put the 1/4 CTO. the light output is very weak. I paid $340 for the light. Total rip off.

I put together a comparison video including the LP Micro. The LP micro output is more similar to the 10-watt Canon VL-10 light but 4 times the price.
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Old June 24th, 2009, 09:55 PM   #28
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I have to agree with Taky in saying that the LP Micro is junk.
Besides being flimsy in its construction the light output is anemic, 4 feet at best. And for the price, it's not what I would call a bargain.

It is great because it's so small and lightweight. I found that it worked best on a boom and used as a hair light. Besides that i found it useless for field use. The new LP MicroPro will be a better option, but still nowhere near the light output of the Comer 1800 light, or even the Sony HVL light for that matter.

I have tried LED lights from Vidled, Sony, Switronix, Litepanels, and Zylight.

The best solution I have seen is the Zylight as it can literally do anything you ask it to for a small onbaord LED light, including display any color of the spectrum with a turn of the dial. But it's very expensive.

For a small good light I might recommend the Switronix LED light, as it's somewhere around 35w for output, self powered, and small enough o put on a DSLR.

But the best output I have seen to date from a LED light is the Comer 1800. It is bright with great throw. But I will say the light will be blinding for whomever looks into it. But it seems that every LED is blinding compared to its Tungsten brethren.
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Old June 24th, 2009, 11:05 PM   #29
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I was using 2 SWIT lights. The light is much powerful than LP Micro. The built is very solid too. That was the best on-camera solution I have until I came across the Comer lights. However, even with 2 of them, the power is still quite weak as I have to gel it to 3200K from 5600K which dramatically reduce the output power.

Now I compared using just one Comer 900 light (much cheaper than the Comer 1800 light) is still brigher than two SWIT lights together.
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Old June 25th, 2009, 10:54 PM   #30
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I agree that the LP Micro is very fragile & I completely believe that it can easily broken. But for my needs it gives off more than enough light for close subjects while shooting with a Z7 or S270.

In my personal opinion I think on camera lights are a last resort when you can't have a real lights package. I also think that on camera lights can be TOO bright, they'll blind anyone near by and just don't light up a room nicely.

Most pro still photogaphers don't use their flashes head on, they usually try to bounce off something or use accessories that makes the light less harsh.

If your strongest light source is coming from your lens, the subject will look flat. The standard 3-point lighting set up is all about adding 3D to a flat 2D video screen.

I do think it can be helpful to have a camera light which can be dimmed while on the camera and can double as a stand alone light on a light stand.

Figure out what you want to use the light for and how you plan on using the light and go from there.
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