Here are the issues I have with my HVR-Z-7 Camera. - Page 3 at
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Sony HVR-Z7 / HVR-S270
Handheld and shoulder mount versions of this Sony 3-CMOS HDV camcorder.

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Old July 25th, 2008, 07:09 PM   #31
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I agree

Originally Posted by Jon Oneill View Post
When you say resolve these things what do you mean, could existing owners get an update?

8) Continuous recording without breaks does not seem possible, i.e tape > cf (whilst tape change) > tape. image attached. always seem to get a break for some reason.

This is my one pet hate with the camera, it never seems to work, I lose up to around 3 seconds sometimes changing tapes, surely this is not a desirable function with regards to the operation of the memory recording unit? I do hope Sony have a fix for this problem. The rest of the issues stated, don't really bother me, however I think the Final Cut Pro ingestion thing is a problem with this dropped timecode as the card continues it's timecode from the tape, but then starts a new timecode when inserting a new tape. Maybe if recording simultaneously, you need to set the timecode to be continuous and run over multiple tapes, but this is only a guess.
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Old July 26th, 2008, 05:03 AM   #32
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DOF Adaptors

What about an image flip function for 35mm adapters?

I brought up that point during my meeting with the guy from Sony, and pointed out that a several other cameras now have an image flip feature. He took note.
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Old July 26th, 2008, 06:55 AM   #33
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Pete, how does this work? May the Sony manager actually implement these updates if we ask? 35mm flip function would be great, what's the likelihood?

They would sell more cameras with a few of these new functions, initial programming would payoff. Compete with hvx and new panasonic models, on a simple hdv tape workflow. It would be a great camera.

Imagine if these cameras were user customizable, with our own firmware...

ps. What about a 35mm flip function which actually recorded flipped images, so there was no need to flip back in post. Meaning reduced light loss, without the need for a flip adapter.
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Old July 26th, 2008, 07:39 AM   #34
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If enough people contact him with regards sensible suggestions, i.e. LCD flip, he then has a better case to present to the designers with regards adding features to the Z7.

I was told that every bit of computing power is presently being used by the camera; so not much left to process new features. However, the LCD flip may not involve processing, possibly just a simple switch option in a menu. Who knows, we will have to wait and see what upgrades appears on any future firmware.

Meanwhile, it’s best to email the Robert France (the product manager) direct with regards suggestions/issues.

The forum won’t let me publish his email address, so you can find it at this page on my website.

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Old August 2nd, 2008, 12:53 PM   #35
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Sony HVR Z&U or Sony EX1 or Pan HVX P2?????

Been researching for about a month. I need a basic camera package to start shooting a documentary that will eventually hit big screens so want to be sure quality is good enough. Only have 10 grand to work with to get camera, tripod, mic, and car.

I've boiled it down to the HVR, EX1 or P2. Problem with these new camera's is the after cost of cards and lap tops so here are three combinations I've come up with:
(prices based on B&H as I was told not to trust the "best prices" from questionable dealers)

Sony PMW-EX1 w/free 8 gig SXS card: $6449

SXS Card 8 G: $449

Tripod, mic, Ext. Hard drive: $689.95

= $7587.95 + tax? $607.03
= $8194.99 (No laptop (at first))

Sony HVR-Z7U: $5599

Tripod, mic, Ext. Hard drive: $689.95

= $6288.95 + tax ?: $503.12
= $6792.06 (Use Tapes - No cards or Lap Top ((at first)))

Panasonic HVX 200A w/free 8 gig P2 card: $5499
P-2 16 Gig Card: $850
15” MacBook Pro: $2000

Tripod, mic, Ext. Hard drive: $689.95
= $9038.95 Tax ?: $723
= $9762.06

As you can see only the HVR allows me enough room to buy a car as well. But word on the street has been that the EX1's 1080i 24p is just so much better it justifies the added expense.

The reason I put ??? after tax is because I also heard if I buy out of state it won't apply. Is this true?

Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.
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Old September 19th, 2008, 09:15 AM   #36
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If you haven't already decided on your purchases, I think the Sony EX1 package is the way to go among the choices you are considering. 1/2" CMOS will give you a far superior image, especially if your goal is the big screen.

(I really can't address your additional need for a car and a laptop within your $10k budget)
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