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Sony HVR-Z7 / HVR-S270
Handheld and shoulder mount versions of this Sony 3-CMOS HDV camcorder.

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Old January 16th, 2009, 10:39 PM   #136
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Pilot error, of course. One of the settings on the MRC1 got changed. All is good. I am really getting to like this camera.
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Old January 18th, 2009, 11:59 AM   #137
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New Z7U problem with internal battery

Hi all,
I just received a new Z7U and every time I remove the battery or disconnect the AC thingie the camera loses all stored information and asks me to reset the date. I know the camera has a rechargeable battery inside somewhere to retain these settings but my camera acts like the battery was never installed at the factory or was put in backwards or something. I read in the manual that you should leave the camera plugged into the AC wall outlet for 24 hours with the camera off, to charge the internal battery I did this for more than 24 hours yet the instant I disconnect power all settings are lost. I store the settings in one of the memmory spots and load it each time I turn on the camera but that is a pain.
So my question is. Does anyone know where this internal battery is located? I would rather fix it myself if possible because this is my main camera and I can't really go without it for more than a day or two. I already looked around and found no obvious place for the battery.

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Old January 19th, 2009, 12:13 PM   #138
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Who did you buy it from?

I would try to see if you can put a deposite down, get a new one sent to you, & send back the problem one.

Many hard drive makes do this. If you don't send back the problem device in 30days they charge you for the new one they sent out, but in the mean time you don't have to go with out.
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Old January 24th, 2009, 08:48 PM   #139
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Interchangeable lens capabilities example video...

Video on the Z7's interchangeable lens capabilities:
MacVideo - Camera Technology - Reviews - Interchangeable Lenses on the Sony HVR-Z7

Why they don't show clips from the wide-angle is beyond me.
I'm still waiting to see footage from the VCL308BWH.

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Old January 24th, 2009, 10:50 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by Bill Petropoulos View Post
Why they don't show clips from the wide-angle is beyond me. I'm still waiting to see footage from the VCL308BWH.

I was looking forward to that also. Since I have some decent Nikon lenses I guess I will have to spring for the Nikon adaptor. That was pretty cool looking. Thanks for the link.
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 02:35 AM   #141
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UV Filter

Hey Guys

I am having issues my my uv filter from tiffan when i shoot towards where the sun is shining i am getting a reflection i think from the lens because its in the shape of a circle

which is the best UV clear filter to use
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 10:30 AM   #142
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UV Filters

I used multi-coated B+W filters on my HVR-V1U's and they worked great. When I upgraded to the HVR-Z7U's I went with the Hoya HMC series (also multi-coated). Both brands work great. The Hoya is less expensive and does a great job too.

Hope this helps.

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Old February 5th, 2009, 08:02 PM   #143
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HVR-Z7u in Sports/Biographical/Journalistic Application (Video)

I haven't been much of a contributor to this forum, but I'm always curious to see different applications of the HVR-Z7u. I've not seen much in the arena of Sports/Biographical/Journalistic application, so I thought I'd share a recent project that I worked on:

YouTube - Arlovski 360: On the Road to Reckoning - Episode 7 (Arlovski vs. Fedor)

This video was exclusively shot with the Sony HVR-Z7u and HVL-LBP LED Light (most indoor shots). The camera was mostly shoulder mounted for run and gun, and the light had to be geled for indoor use in mixed lighting, which still ended up being a challenge. The only shots not from the HVR-Z7u were the HDNet Weigh-in shot (denoted by HDNet logo at bottom right), the actual fight footage (Showtime), and the closing sequence with the dog (Panasonic HVX-200 w/Letus-Canon 28mm F2.8).

Camera Settings:

Full Manual

The previous episodes were all shot with a combination of the Panasonic HVX-200 w/Letus-Canon 28mm F2.8 along with the HVR-Z7u.
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Old February 11th, 2009, 02:35 PM   #144
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Shot Transition HELP

Hi I have hit a wee snag with my Z7E, I have followed my manual and my Vortex DVD and I can not setup the Shot Transition. I blame a wee bit on the fact I don't know what I am doing but my friend who owns a FX1 tried today and wouldn't kick in for him either....

Can someone provide me with an idiots guide and hopefully I can figure it out.

My Settings are as follows my

1) focus ring is in Mode A
2) Camera at full Auto and so is Iris?You can switch off Iris also?
3) S.Trans/F.Mark is set to Shot Transition.
4) Recording as 1080i50
5) Shot Transition settings only Change is 5.0 secs

I follow my DVD and manual BUT when I press, Store/Check/Exec Button nothing happens no red light?

If any one can shed some light on what I am doing wrong, as I have had some issues with the camera and my lack of experience and knowledge is being fully tested since my Z7E purchase.

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Old February 20th, 2009, 06:40 PM   #145
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Update to my problem

Hi there, I have found out what was wrong with the Shot Transition on my Z7E only after going to BVE2009 at Earls court...I spoke to Rob France. As I could get Shot Transition to work on TWO Z7E's at the Show but not mine. He said to contact prime support which I have and once I am finished filming I will send my camera back to Sony for a third time.....

The question I forgot to ask was even if I have not properly setup Shot Transition or Focus Marking does the wee red light still come on or in what setup would the light not come on?? I only ask this as Sony keeping treating me as if I am stupid but with this fault and the Firewire problem I had(kept frying itself) Sony said because I had connected it wrongly to my computer, I had never even connected it to one......

So if someone could tell me as with mine not playing game.....

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Old March 20th, 2009, 03:15 AM   #146
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Clipwrap - .IDX .M2T issue

Anyone who has used clipwrap, do you know if the app needs the .IDX file to rewrap the .M2T?

I have a coule clips off the CF card where I don't have a .IDX file (long story), and I was wondering clipwrap can do its magic w/o those files.

Or am I just better off exporting the M2T files through MPEG StreamClip?

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Old March 22nd, 2009, 06:36 PM   #147
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Can't capture entire clip

Hey guys, I'm shooting CF card only on my Z7 and for some reason the clip is 13:53 but I can only capture 11:23 of the clip. I'm losing the last 3 mins of the clip, my Log and Transfer window tells me the media is 13:53 in duration. I also used clipwrap and I have the same results. I'm using FCPS 2 on both macbook pro and mac pro.
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Old March 22nd, 2009, 07:09 PM   #148
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Hey I got it to work. Check this out, I had to use the MR unit to capture and not the Verbatim Card reader. So I don't know if its the card reader or not but it worked fine from the Camera MR unit.
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Old March 1st, 2011, 07:18 PM   #149
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Re: Sony Z7 / S270 various topics


I tried sending you an email thru dv info, not sure if they are going through.

I am about to purchase a Z7U and saw your post about the time/date. I am a legal videographer. I just wanted to confirm, if you do not have a tape in the camera. You can record the timedate to CF, out fire wire and out composite?

Thank you for your time.


Originally Posted by Kevin Walsh View Post
If anyone is interested I found a way to do this. It works if you do not have a tape in the camera. You can record to the CF and output the date and time to composite. As soon as you put a tape in the camera the REC/STDBY indicator appears in the LCD and it is also sent to the composite out.

Don't know if anyone besides me will ever need to do this, maybe the legal deposition guys can use this info.
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