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Sony HVR-Z5 / HDR-FX1000
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CMOS HDV camcorder.

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Old May 19th, 2013, 03:38 PM   #16
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

Thanks Mark, I'm also extremely happy with the Z5 and it performs flawlessly with the MRC - however I take your point that to move to the next level a Ninja is probably quite a cheap option. I think I would swap out the MRC and NInja as all jobs don't need pro-res.
I love the Z5 20X lens and run it with a zoom through wide converter. Also having peaking and XLR's makes the Z5 too good to get rid of if it can be upgraded.
Mark, would the output of the Ninja's or Samurai from the Z5 be broadcast spec. I think most TV stations ask for 50mb/s.
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Old May 19th, 2013, 03:50 PM   #17
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

Originally Posted by Chris Duczynski View Post
Mark, would the output of the Ninja's or Samurai from the Z5 be broadcast spec. I think most TV stations ask for 50mb/s.
Yes, easily. Why not download the manuals from the Atomos site Support | Atomos and yuo can check out all the details for yourself.
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Old May 19th, 2013, 04:27 PM   #18
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

Thanks got them, but just need to do some background on what actual pro-res bitrate I end up with. It seems normal 4:2:2 is 144mb/s but I'm not sure whether the Z5 will record a proxy 35mb/s. I'll ask atomos as they have great technical support.
So, it seems if you go down this path, cost will be something like this:
Samurai Blade $1300
Connect HDMI-SDI converter $350
Optional hood $50
Batteries we all have as they work off the NP's
So about $1700 - that's a pretty significant but good value alternative to buying a new camera.
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Old May 19th, 2013, 04:44 PM   #19
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

No, it doesn't record a proxy 35Mbps. The Ninja takes the HDMI feed which is straight from the Z5's sensor and records it in whatever version of ProRes you choose.

Of course, if you're happy with the Z5's LED screen, and didn't think you needed a good external monitor, you could buy a used Ninja 1 for about $400 - $500 and you have everything you need to record ProRes and spend the rest of the money on other toys... or beer. Recording-wise, the only disadvantages over a Ninja 2 or a Samurai is that the original Ninja formats HDDs in FAT32 so all the files are broken up into 4GB sections, whereas the Ninja 2 records seamlessly, and you don't have the AvidDnX codec as an alternative. Also the more modern versions of the Atomos OS have file recovery tools, and other enhancements. Anyhow, that's the bargain basement budget solution!
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Old May 19th, 2013, 05:48 PM   #20
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

Ninja 1 and lots of beer, Ninja 2 and less beer, Samurai and no beer but a good monitor. Hmmm, there's a few decisions to be made.
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Old June 19th, 2013, 11:29 AM   #21
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

Had a Z5 for 4 years and loved the camera but I am fed up with Tape, dropping frames when filming in 1080p and long capturing times if I shoot a few hours of film.

I hired in a second camera on my final shoot, it was the NX5 and I have to say the Z5 was sharper so for that reason I won't be buying the NX5.

I considered the Panny 160A but I think I will be going JVC HM600.
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Old June 20th, 2013, 12:00 AM   #22
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

So just slap an MRC on the back of your Z5.
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Old June 20th, 2013, 04:45 AM   #23
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

+1 adam's comment....

meanwhile back on the ranch.....

if i thought of another camera, it'd probably be a black magic. why? because i couldn't rationalize spending $100k's on a cinealta whereas a black magic is relatively affordable, as are lenses for it. that said, it sill wouldn't be THAT cheap when you've added all the necessary paraphernalia, and let's not talk ergonomics, audio, etc.,

but then again, compared to a lot of footage i've seen from pretty expensive cameras, it's not necessarily what it's shot on but how it's lit. and in daylight, well, there's not really THAT much difference between picture quality in the prosumer camera range (of course there is in nearly every other way ;-)) that the z5 fits into.
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Old November 15th, 2013, 11:57 AM   #24
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

Anybody have a good explanation of why there's been a big price jump in the Z5/Z7 recently? At B&H $600 jump on the Z5 and $900 jump on the Z7. I've been using Z5's a few years and they are great cams but in this price range they really are outdated. They must still be selling a lot of them and the only thing I can come up with is that they're the last of the really good HDV cams being made. I have no intention of replacing my Z5's in the near future but if I was I would certainly be looking at the newer technology.
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Old November 15th, 2013, 05:45 PM   #25
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

well, having written earlier that i'd be looking at a bmpcc or similar i have to say that:

a. to bring either (or any dslr) up to the ergonomic standard and flexibility of my z5 would likely cost the same as buying a new z5 ;-(

b. with the cf recorder (and tape as instant archive), there's little other choice out there that gives such bang for the buck.

c. not a great fan of avchd anyway

looks like i too will be hanging on to my z5 for a while longer than i anticipated....
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Old November 15th, 2013, 06:08 PM   #26
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

I have a NX5U and it took me almost a year to get the nice sharp image I now get. If you just rented one and shot with default I can understand. It can produce a lovely image much better than my old FX1 which got to look a little old when I got a small Sony AVCHD SR7 when they first came out.

By default my NX5U had flicker reduction ON and Macro focus ON. They need to be OFF to get a nice sharp image. Also exposure as with most Sony's overexposes in auto if that is what you used. Focus is VERY critical and I always use the expanded focus feature to check and keep peaking on also. Once set though the lens holds focus well through zooming. Auto focus is unreliable. For sharpest image iris needs to be in the F1.6 to F4 range. Smaller than F5.6 I use an ND filter. Gain above 9db introduces grain and I set 12db as max really.

I would not go back to tape. I shoot with 3 or 4 AVCHD cameras and can transfer to the PC all 4 cameras for a 2 hour show at about 8 mins per camera. Transfer to PC and backup to LTO3 data tape in about 1 hour compared to 8 hours to transfer tape !!!

Over the few years I have had the camera I have come to like it a lot especially now I know how to get the most out of it.

Ron Evans
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Old May 8th, 2014, 06:04 AM   #27
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

So I am just about to pull the trigger on the NX3.
From what Ive read-
Low light is better than Z5
Zoom is same and better (extended zoom to 40x)
Write to both cards at same time. I like safety :)
Overall it looks like a great upgrade.
Anyone have any insights on this cam?
cheers people.
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Old May 8th, 2014, 09:46 AM   #28
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

Note that "40x" zoom is meaningless, as at least half of that is digital, which isn't a whole lot better than cropping and zooming in post.
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Last edited by Adam Gold; May 8th, 2014 at 11:14 AM.
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Old May 8th, 2014, 03:01 PM   #29
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

I hear you Adam, but this seems to be a bit better than the traditional digital zoom.
This is pretty impressive. Skip to 4.40 for zooms example
Any other thoughts on the cam Adam?
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Old May 8th, 2014, 10:29 PM   #30
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Re: Where to after the Z5...

I don't really know anything about the cam but the video makes it look pretty impressive.

Check out this thread for more informed opinions:

"It can only be attributable to human error... This sort of thing has cropped up before, and it has always been due to human error."
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