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Sony HVR-Z5 / HDR-FX1000
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CMOS HDV camcorder.

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Old August 3rd, 2009, 10:13 PM   #1
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V1p v Fx1000

Hi all

I am looking at doing 2 camera shoots of dance concerts using a FX1000 and a friends Sony V1p.

Anyone out done a comparison and seen how they match up together?

Idealy I would have 2 matching cameras but this is not possible.

I know the FX1000/Z5 are known for their great low light capabilities but what about V1p.

I used a FX1000 and Canon HAX1 together last dance season and didn't like how they matched up at all.


martin Duffy
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Old August 3rd, 2009, 10:40 PM   #2
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The V1 is the same as the FX7, image wise, and my FX7s and FX1000s match up nearly perfectly, as both are CMOS-based. The V1 gives you even more controls and options, so I should think you'd be all set. You should probably spend some time tweaking both on a calibrated monitor before you shoot.

V1 isn't great in low light but it's okay. I've never had a problem with my FX7s, but the FX1000s are markedly better.

(I assume you mean a Canon XH-A1. Yes, Canons are reputed to have a very different look than Sonys. Not better or worse, just different.)
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Old August 4th, 2009, 01:09 PM   #3
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If you're doing two camera shoots of dance concerts Martin, it suggests you'll be running both cameras for long periods so that you simply sync them up on the timeline, then cut between them as you see fit.

But before that I'd simply set both cameras to artificial light w.bal (assuming this is an indoor theatre stage) and then before you do your first cut do a time-line colour correction (or better yet white balance correction) on one of the long files so that it matches the look of the other camera.

Once done, leave well alone. The act of cutting on action hides any slight discrepancies I find.

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Old August 5th, 2009, 08:24 AM   #4
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I shot a ballet using the V1 and FX1000 and they cut together easily. We used the V1 up close to the stage were the lower light sensitivity did not seem to hurt it. Actually we used 3 cameras on this shoot. The third was a Z7. They all played well together.
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Old August 6th, 2009, 10:55 AM   #5
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I was going to suggest using the V1 for closeup work as well and the FX1000 for long shots. Great way to balance out the two cameras.
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