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Sony HVR-Z5 / HDR-FX1000
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CMOS HDV camcorder.

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Old June 2nd, 2009, 05:00 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Adam Gold View Post
The Memory STICK is for stills only, not video. Video goes to the HDD. But the manual makes no mention of any file size limitation.
A few corrections. They do record video to the memory stick. They will even record from the HDD in camera to the memory stick just a few selected clips. In fact one can record still to the HDD and video to the Memory stick if you want. Storage is independently selectable for video and still to the media of choice. They do have LANC but it is on the "D" connector so the new Sony consumer tripods have this connector and will control with variable zoom these new cameras as well as buttons for photo and guide frame. I just bought one of these tripods and took the handle off and put it on my Manfrotto. Cables are available to go from this new 10 pin connector to the old style LANC. lKan have a new unit that will control these cameras with a built in monitor too. File size is FAT32 as are all these flash cameras. I think one reason for this is that FAT32 is economical for small memory sizes in the amount of overhead it uses. The camera is not perfect but for about $1000 it is wonderful.
Editing with the output is easy if one doesn't try and do it the same old way. Use the Sony Browser software to capture to the PC and the FAT32 files size limit is invisible. Use Cineform or Canopus HQ conversion and editing speed is not an issue. Just archive the AVCHD , they use less space than HDV ( about 2/3 thirds). The XR500 may not be as sensitive as the FX1000/Z5 but it is more sensitive than my FX1 with more apparent latitude and a lot less video noise. The controls are not there to satisfy me as a main camera but as an unattended camera that will do a credible job on AUTO it is very good. And the XR500 will record about 14 hours continuously at 1920x1080 double that time for the XR520. As a family camera totally meets all the requirements I have for a one camera unit. Good stills, superb OIS, excellent face recognition features and really small.

Ron Evans
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Old June 2nd, 2009, 05:59 AM   #47
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Jeff, if you've got the AVCHD editing issue resolved, why would you even consider additional CMOS-based units, let alone keeping the Sony, considering how strongly you feel about RS? You feel the 150 is a superior camcorder, has no RS issues, so I'm confsued.

I'd think you'd stick with your Panny, sell the Sony and add to it from there.

As to my comments in the other post, it's perfectly fine to point out issues of the camera being discussed in the thread, but your touting of the 150 as a better camera is pretty pervasive regardless of the discussion or thread.
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Old June 2nd, 2009, 06:00 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Adam Gold View Post
The Memory STICK is for stills only, not video. Video goes to the HDD. But the manual makes no mention of any file size limitation.
Adam, I've got the Sony 500 and you can actually record video to a memory stick if you so choose. Oops, I just saw Ron addressed this.

As to it matching up with the bigger Z5 or 1000, it does have a somewhat similair color balance, so that's good. However, as you'd expect, the Z5 has a great breadth of color and, as Ron pointed out, greater exposure latitude. What I find fascinating is that the XR500 actually has less noise than the Z5 (or any other camcorder I've ever seen!) but the Z5 will have a brighter picture at the same low lux readings.
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Old June 2nd, 2009, 12:19 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Jeff Harper View Post
... using the Sony software you can have hours of footage come off of the drive as a single file if that is how it was recorded. Sweet, eh?
In theory, yes. But read the posts in the Tapeless forum and you'll find it doesn't always work.

And really, Jeff, how would you feel if I called you Jerry?
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Old June 2nd, 2009, 12:28 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Ron Evans View Post
A few corrections. They do record video to the memory stick. They will even record from the HDD in camera to the memory stick just a few selected clips. In fact one can record still to the HDD and video to the Memory stick if you want. Storage is independently selectable for video and still to the media of choice.
Good point; I stand corrected.
Originally Posted by Ron Evans View Post
They do have LANC but it is on the "D" connector
Then it isn't LANC. I didn't say they didn't have remote.

Don't get me wrong: I think this little beauty is a gem. I've seen screen grabs where it blows away the EX1. I just want Jeff to know more about it before he jumps.
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Old June 2nd, 2009, 12:54 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Adam Gold View Post
Good point; I stand corrected.Then it isn't LANC. I didn't say they didn't have remote.

Don't get me wrong: I think this little beauty is a gem. I've seen screen grabs where it blows away the EX1. I just want Jeff to know more about it before he jumps.
It is indeed LANC. LANC doesn't only come on a 1/8" connector. LANC protocol started life on a 5 pin DIN connector( I still have an SVHS Sony with the 5 pin DIN and a 5 pin DIN to 1/8" adapter cable), then migrated to the 1/8" connector labeled remote or LANC depending on model. You are correct that if someone has a 1/8" LANC remote control it is not immediately usable. There are several adapter cables that will make this work though. So all that is needed is an adapter. Some of these adapter cables will also make audio and video available for monitoring.
You also mentioned issues with files in your response to Jeff. Could you reference that for me as I have not had any such problems with SR7, SR11 or XR500 and these were and are all used as fixed wide cameras unattended sometimes for up to 3 hours. This over a two year time frame and all these files have been transferred to the PC as one clip as expected. However one MUST use the Sony Browser software. It is also very easy to divide the clips in camera and delete unwanted video before transferring. Most of the response of problems are usually people trying to bypass using the manufacturers software and just bring the files over to the PC and then trying to join them together.

Ron Evans
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Old June 2nd, 2009, 01:16 PM   #52
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Well, semantic bickering aside, you're right that my point was, if you have a LANC remote you can't use it with the XR as-is.

Here's one thread about the Sony software not doing a great job seamlessly joining clips. There are others.

Good to know you've had good luck with this, though. I know one of these is in my future at some point.
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Old June 2nd, 2009, 01:40 PM   #53
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You will like them Adam for the price. I have no knowledge of the software that comes with the MRC1 and don't know if it is different from the Sony Motion Browser that comes with the Handycams. The reference to drag and drop in the post you referenced is certainly different as the Sony Motion Browser is one of selection ( check the boxes on the clips in the preview) and press the Import( think that's what its called , not in front of editing PC now) button to bring the clips into the PC. Drag and drop and then use a stitch utility doesn't sound like a Sony approach. I would expect the software even for the pro unit to present the clips in a preview, have the user select the clips and then the software would transfer to the PC. Still sounds like user error to me. The Motion Browser software allows you to select folder for the clips to go to and will log them for future reference. Excellent for family stuff as with the new XR series it even logs the GPS coordinates!!!!

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Old June 2nd, 2009, 08:40 PM   #54
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Ken, I've generally held the cameras are different, and that neither is better. I've said repeatedly that these are tools, nothing more. I mentioned that the Panasonic comes close to perfect but more accurately what I meant was is a nearly perfect value, not a nearly perfect camera as I said.

Sony vs Panasonic? CMOS VS CCD? I personally cannot decide which image I like better. Generally so far I like the Sony better still because the Panasonic has not been tested properly, and I've not learned to use the camera correctly yet to get decent images. I haven't even figured out the white balance, it's a bit weird to me.

Truth be told, 90% of the time the rolling shutter is really not a big deal. But when it is bad it is very bad. Those occasions are relatively rare, but they really stand out.

When you encourage me to sell my camera, you are actually saying "go away". You have asked me to go away a few times. How is that working out for you.

But is that what you really want? A group of mindless loyalists to pat each other on the back and congratulate each other on your purchases?
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Old June 2nd, 2009, 09:04 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Jeff Harper View Post
I haven't even figured out the white balance, it's a bit weird to me.

I believe it should be similar to most other Panny cams. There is a button on the front of the camera just below the lens barrel on the left side which you need to press. Press once for white balance, press and hold for black balance. Extremely simple.
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Old June 3rd, 2009, 04:08 AM   #56
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Thanks David.

It seems with this cam you are supposed to push the joy stick, but I was rushed and the results didn't look right, it diddn't seem to take, so I just went with auto for the last shoot. That was a mistake!
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Old June 3rd, 2009, 05:35 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Jeff Harper View Post
Thanks David.

It seems with this cam you are supposed to push the joy stick, but I was rushed and the results didn't look right, it diddn't seem to take, so I just went with auto for the last shoot. That was a mistake!
Thats not correct Jeff. I just checked the manual and its exactly as I said previously. The button is marked AWB located on the front bottom left of the camera.
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Old June 3rd, 2009, 07:36 AM   #58
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Thanks David, I went into the manual and that is what is says.
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Old June 3rd, 2009, 08:13 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Jeff Harper View Post
When you encourage me to sell my camera, you are actually saying "go away". You have asked me to go away a few times. How is that working out for you.

But is that what you really want? A group of mindless loyalists to pat each other on the back and congratulate each other on your purchases?
Wow! We are a bit paranoid Jeff are we not? I meant nothing of the sort. I always try to help people out and telling them to go away is not the right way to do that. However, when I see someone that is always extolling the virtues of one camera and finding serious flaws with another, I think it's pretty reasonable to encourage that person to go for the unit he very obviously prefers.

Your only obstacle was AVCHD editing and now you've got that solved. You said on several occasions that if it weren't for you having issues with AVCHD editing, you'd 'sell the Sony in a heartbeat'. You said it Jeff, not me. So now, at least as of the last post that you mentioned AVCHD editing, you've got it solved.

So why would you not sell the Sony and get the Panasonic? If you interpret that as me telling you to 'go away', you are quite wrong.

And no Jeff, I don't want 'mindless loyalists', c'mon now, you really are getting a bit silly.

I have found flaws with the Sony and have mentioned it. I don't like the autofocus, I wish it were lighter, I have some issues with the MRC unit, etc. No camera is immune to flaws and discusing the flaws of THAT camera in THAT forum are very appropriate. What is not appropriate in my opinion, is constantly touting another camera in a different forum.
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Old June 3rd, 2009, 08:14 AM   #60
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You are welcome.
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