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Sony HVR-Z5 / HDR-FX1000
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CMOS HDV camcorder.

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Old February 1st, 2009, 07:01 PM   #46
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Bryan, the delay has nothing to do with CCDs vs CMOS...absolutely nothing. It has everything to do with HDV and the FX1/Z1 is an example. Those were/are also HDV units and have the same long delay when in pause for a prolonged period despite having CCDs.

Martin, yes you can record to the CF card and not record to tape. In fact you don't even need to have tape in the camera. The CF reader has no idea if there's tape there or doesn't care. For you, the 14 second buffer can be of absolutely immense value. Just imagine when you hit the record button you can have the recorder set up so that the recording would have actually started 14 seconds PRIOR to when you hit the record button!

For you the Z5 is the clear answer.
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Old February 1st, 2009, 09:47 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Ken Ross View Post
...the delay has nothing to do with CCDs vs CMOS...absolutely nothing. It has everything to do with HDV and the FX1/Z1 is an example. Those were/are also HDV units and have the same long delay when in pause for a prolonged period despite having CCDs.
Ken, Thanks for your input. I am familiar with the limited delay that the FX1/Z1 experience, however, with the hd1000U it can be substantially longer when shooting motion. I know of this also happening with the V1U with trying to start shooting in high motion which is where I wonder if the CMOS plays a role (even a small one) given that I am now hearing about it in reference to the FX1000 and Z5U. In my experience, it is most pronounced when run and gunning with a fast motion subject and had nothing to do with being on pause for a prolonged period (that delay is unavoidable as the tape has to thread.) Considering that Martin is a convert from the Z1 to the FX1000, I am extrapolating that his delay experience is similar to mine in that while you are waiting for the camera to start recording you have enough time to shout about 15 expletives as your subject flies on by. Not the delay you associate with waking up the heads but something else. After i stumbled across the idea of covering the lens with a stationary subject for a sec by accident, we tested it on a friend of mine who had a V1U that did the same thing and she says it works for her too. I think it might work for Martin as well but then again it might just be coincidence. No matter what the root cause, if it works then great, if it doesn't then great. The issue is this is a longer pause then associated with waking the camera up and threading tape and how to work around it.

And a patently agree with Ken on the recorder. Spot on.
3x-HD1000u - Ikan 8000HD- custom i7 PC - Vegas Pro 13 and 11 64 bit - Premiere Pro CS4 - and a whole mess of other equipment...
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Old February 1st, 2009, 10:05 PM   #48
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Martin, if I'm not mistaken the shooting style you're describing is shoot to edit, which is the way to shoot when possible. I do the same thing. As to the remark that in camera edit is how grade school kids do it, in camera edit is a legitmate shooting technique described below along with shoot to edit.

Basic Training: Shoot to Show or to Edit

I do love the support here, but on the other hand it is unfortunate how personal and acidic comments can be from some when they don't like what they read. It becomes like a free for all.

I doubt that those who make insulting comments would speak to someone this way in person. If you do I would imagine you get into a lot of fights, or have no friends. Argue ideas, but back off with the insults and stop getting personal.
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Old February 1st, 2009, 10:06 PM   #49
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Bryan, come on by anytime, just shoot me an e-mail.
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Old February 1st, 2009, 10:12 PM   #50
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Will do Jeff, despite some of the concerns listed about these models, I still feel like a kid at Thanksgiving waiting for Xmas and can't wait to see this in action. It was actually your wedding short form on one of the other threads here that put the Fx1000 into top contention for me. Thanks for the invite!!!!

And Martin, when i mention that the shoot to edit is not for me it is because I don't feel comfortable doing it myself which is why my last bridal prep shoot i had 2 hrs of footage that i edited to about 6 minutes, definitely not the most efficient way for me to shoot but I am just not there yet to shoot for the edit.
3x-HD1000u - Ikan 8000HD- custom i7 PC - Vegas Pro 13 and 11 64 bit - Premiere Pro CS4 - and a whole mess of other equipment...
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