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Sony HVR-Z5 / HDR-FX1000
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CMOS HDV camcorder.

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Old September 16th, 2008, 09:00 AM   #106
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Originally Posted by Greg Laves View Post
I am not sure I understand where the $500 difference comes from. B & H has the Z7U at basically $6500. If the street price of the Z5U comes in at $4500, that is $2000 difference. They both have xlr's and the same size CMOS. The Z7 comes with the CF card recorder ($940 option for the Z5, available in Oct.). And the Z7 does have interchangeable lens capability. But the Z5 now boasts the widest lens offered on this class of camera and it is also a 20x zoom. And according to what I have read, the Z5 has slightly improved image processing which is supposed to deliver a slightly better image and slightly improved low light capability with less noise. So is the interchangeable lens worth $1000+ extra especially when you consider the improved image processing of the Z5? Tough call, for sure. For those on a limited budget, the Z5 seems to be a pretty attractive package.
This list pricing is a bit of a bummer for those of us in the $3,500ish camera market, a little higher than expected. I can't see the the Z5 (list $4,950) competing with the Canon XH-A1 (list $3,999) because it's at a higher price point. Yes, it should, be a better camera, but it leaves Sony with nothing to compete with the XH-A1. The FX-1000 still has no XLR inputs or presets. Is there another Sony camera at the $3,500 level Im missing.
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Old September 16th, 2008, 09:09 AM   #107
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Originally Posted by Jeff Kellam View Post
This list pricing is a bit of a bummer for those of us in the $3,500ish camera market, a little higher than expected. I can't see the the Z5 (list $4,950) competing with the Canon XH-A1 (list $3,999) because it's at a higher price point. Yes, it should, be a better camera, but it leaves Sony with nothing to compete with the XH-A1. The FX-1000 still has no XLR inputs or presets. Is there another Sony camera at the $3,500 level Im missing.
Yes the FX1000 won't have XLR inputs, but it does have 6 custom picture presets. But the Z5 will have some additional picture profile adjustments that the FX100 won't.

And whiile Canon has a more in depth feature picture profile set, compared to Sony cameras, for many the Sony camera's picture profiles are more than sufficient.
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Old September 16th, 2008, 09:10 AM   #108
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Actually the XH A1 is around $3400 at most places today. The new Sony Z5 does make Sony more competitive with Canon, since now it will do 24p and has a real aperture ring like the Canon lens. There are some things about the Sony I like over the Canon but I don't see it being worth $1500 more. If you are in a production house and already have some Sony HDV decks, then I can see maybe choosing the Sony over the Canon, because to play Canon's 24 or 30F modes, the only deck that will do that is the new Sony M35, and in a production house with clients breathing over your shoulder, most people want a deck, not a camera to load footage. I'm assuming the new camera's 24p will work with older HDV decks, but who knows for sure.

I do like Sony's traditional better balance and the LCD screen up on top of the handle. Unfortunately for us but fortunate for them, Sony does seem to always be able to keep the price up. The Z1 has never gone down as much as other cameras do that have been out that long.
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Old September 16th, 2008, 09:13 AM   #109
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Originally Posted by Jeff Kellam View Post
I can't see the the Z5 (list $4,950) competing with the Canon XH-A1 (list $3,999) because it's at a higher price point. Yes, it should, be a better camera, but it leaves Sony with nothing to compete with the XH-A1. The FX-1000 still has no XLR inputs or presets. Is there another Sony camera at the $3,500 level Im missing.
In terms of overall features, the closest competitor to the XH-A1 is the Sony V1U. If Sony would upgrade that camera with the 1/3" Exmor sensors and corresponding low-light response, that would be stiff competition for the XH-A1. But the FX1000 should do okay for those willing to use an XLR adapter, and it presumably offers the same "picture profile" presets of the FX1. Factor in the high-resolution LCD monitor and this is competition for the XH-A1, just without build-in XLR.
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Old September 16th, 2008, 10:34 AM   #110
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re Z5

Peaking. Does it have color selectable peaking like the V1 or is it just white peaking like the Z7 & EX1?

Push Autofocus button. Does this work like the EX1 (push it and it hunts until it finds focus) or does it work like the Z7/ V1 push it and it focuses until you let go.

I am also interested in adding a teleconvertor to it. What system/ size is the front? Will any on the current Century / Schneider optics lenses fit it?

If anyone gets to play with one of these cams please check these features out!

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Old September 16th, 2008, 10:35 AM   #111
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Originally Posted by Kevin Shaw View Post
In terms of overall features, the closest competitor to the XH-A1 is the Sony V1U. If Sony would upgrade that camera with the 1/3" Exmor sensors and corresponding low-light response, that would be stiff competition for the XH-A1. But the FX1000 should do okay for those willing to use an XLR adapter, and it presumably offers the same "picture profile" presets of the FX1. Factor in the high-resolution LCD monitor and this is competition for the XH-A1, just without build-in XLR.
Thanks for the info. I think the FX-1000 will really be a nice camera, especially when it sells for a little under the list price after the introduction period. As long as the FX-1000 has a mini audio jack with manual levels and a good pre-amp, all is well. And the XLR/overall sound on the Canon is not earth shattering anyway.
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Old September 16th, 2008, 10:47 AM   #112
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Originally Posted by Ali Jafri View Post
I still don't know what most of the features mean, but I'm sure I'll have fun finding out :) Anyone care to shed some light?
If you don't know what these mean, try this one: smile shutter.


Smile, and have fun!
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Old September 16th, 2008, 11:42 AM   #113
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What kind of issues have you had with Canon's XLR inputs?
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Old September 16th, 2008, 04:47 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by Jeff Kellam View Post
I think the FX-1000 will really be a nice camera, especially when it sells for a little under the list price after the introduction period.
I'm guessing $3200 U.S. is as low as you'll see this thing sold at. If anything, the price may go up if it's selling like they want it to. Especially if the Z5 sales are sluggish.
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Old September 17th, 2008, 07:06 AM   #115
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The V1u's price dropped from $5000 to about $3700 in a matter of months, back in early 2007.

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Old September 17th, 2008, 07:27 AM   #116
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Z5 Review

I know B&H has their review for the US model, but I was directed to this review for the European model.
Review is y Kevin Cook

Sony : HVR-Z5E Reviewed by IoV's Kevin Cook : United Kingdom
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Old September 17th, 2008, 07:40 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by Rick Steele View Post
I'm guessing $3200 U.S. is as low as you'll see this thing sold at. If anything, the price may go up if it's selling like they want it to. Especially if the Z5 sales are sluggish.
Actually Rick, it's not unusual for Sony to lower their price a few months after the initial release.

After all Sony is has the listed price the same as B&H, and we all know that B&H usually can see products at lower prices because they do so much volume. They just can't advertise the lower price online.

I wouldn't be surprised if the price came down a couple hundred and it settled in at $2,999 or so. I think eventually whenever the RED Scarlet comes out, that Sony and Canon might have to seriously look into changing their pricing structure on a lot of their product line.

Competition is good.
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Old September 17th, 2008, 10:18 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by Michael Liebergot View Post
After all Sony is has the listed price the same as B&H
Hey, you're right. And if you want to save $200 you can still get a VX2100 for the bargain price of $3k. :)

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I just think the FX1000 at sub $3k will come later rather than sooner (if it does at all) because they're putting the Z5 out of reach. Maybe they'll do that with the Z5 too - who knows?

I think eventually whenever the RED Scarlet comes out, that Sony and Canon might have to seriously look into changing their pricing structure on a lot of their product line.
By the time the Scarlet actually shows up folks will have worn out their FX1000's. :)

All good points Michael.
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Old September 17th, 2008, 10:28 AM   #119
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[QUOTE=Rick Steele;937595]Hey, you're right. And if you want to save $200 you can still get a VX2100 for the bargain price of $3k. :)

Yeah I was kind of joking about the Scarlet. Never know when Red will release their cameras. I think that the original RED was in development for over a year before they were finally able to deliver any for use.

Actually I see the the Z5 coming down in price a little too after its initial release. And while the Z5 might be expensive for your needs (I think you mentioned that you need to purchase 3 HDV cameras next year), the overall price of the Z5 is very attractive, when compared to the original Z1 or the now released Z7 and EX1.

I am eying a Z5 and maybe a couple FX1000's to eventually replace my 3 FX1s.

Gonna wait a bit, until user reviews and feedback is in after the initial release though.

Before I get any new cameras, I'm going to pickup 2-3 MRC1's to use with my FX1's.
Going tapeless (for quick editing), along with tape for archival purposes is the most appealing to me right now. My FX1's still produce great images, so a new camera right now is not of major importance for me as it is for you.
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Old September 17th, 2008, 05:12 PM   #120
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My FX1's still produce great images, so a new camera right now is not of major importance for me as it is for you.
Yes, I'm looking at 3 new cameras no latter than next February/March. A couple of FX1000's can be in the budget but I'm getting old and fat and really need that 3rd one to cover my slow lazy arse. The cost of this one will be tight though. I need some rich relatives to croak. :)

Going tapeless (for quick editing), along with tape for archival purposes is the most appealing to me right now.
Going tapeless would be a dream but I'm wondering if the FX1000 will work exclusively with CF only (i.e. not needing the heads recording to an actual tape in order for the MRC1 to work).
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