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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
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Old December 23rd, 2006, 04:54 PM   #1
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Help for HDR-FX1 first HD test

Hey everyone!

I want to film my first HD test on my FX1, i have all the equipment neaded, (HDR-FX1, HD tapes, Vegas 7 etc...) and i want tu use this awesome place to get a head start, you guys know how long these tests can take!!

If someone is kind enough to give me step by step guidelines that i could use for my first HD test, from filming with the FX1 to capturing, editing and rendering with vegas 7.

I know i'm asking a lot but maybe i'll get lucky?

thanks in advance!
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Old December 24th, 2006, 09:42 AM   #2
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Hi Donald,

Your question is too broad for anyone to actually be able to help you, I think. You're asking for a complete video course practically.

I would start by searching online for HDV workflows with Vegas. I think there is a Vegas forum right here on DVINFO. Also, the manual and help file of Vegas is a logical place to start.

Dig in and start researching and learning the stuff yourself. Then if you have specific problems, people here will be better able to help.

Good luck,
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Old December 24th, 2006, 11:23 AM   #3
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Vito, i know i'm pushing it and i don't want to sound lazy or arrogant...

I've been doing so many tests on this FX1 camera (Picture profiles, manual settings etc...) and other things as well like different editing programs (now i've chosen vegas) lighting (i've chosen fluorescent) Mics and sound (i've chosen a shotgun) Chromakeyng, i even built a crane, it's really a passion of mine that's been time-consuming.

With all the money i've invested in this "passion" I think i'm just getting a little impatient...

Last edited by Donald Blake; December 24th, 2006 at 12:23 PM.
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Old December 24th, 2006, 12:49 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Donald Blake
Vito, i know i'm pushing it and i don't want to sound lazy or arrogant...
It's not so much that, it's that people really don't have the time or energy to try and answer such a broad question, so you probably won't get much response. It's much easier to help with specific issues or questions. You notice your question has been viewed 56 times, and you have only my response so far...

I've been doing so many tests on this FX1 camera
Sounds like you're ready to stop just testing and start shooting. Shoot anything and try to get it in and out of Vegas. Write back if you have trouble...
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Old December 24th, 2006, 02:09 PM   #5
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Since it sounds like your into the "film" look set ups, start with the Picture Profile settings. (Check your manual on how to access.) Sony has some general ones set up, see the manual what they say they are for. Start shooting scenes using the profiles, then adjust. If you are into film like look, use Picture profile 4 to start with. Then try adding Cineframe 30 or Cineframe 24 adding to the settings.

Also read manual, and learn to use the "Shot Transition" techniques. You can do transitions from close to far focus automatically, you can shoot scenes that change for black and white to color (though I would rather do that in post), scenes that change in exposure preplanned for a pan, and so on and so forth.

Point is, you learn as you go with this camera.

As far as editing, you will work fine in Vegas 7, editing native M2t files, assuming you have the computer horse power. Remember multiple renders will degrade the image, because of the GOP properties of HDV files. So if you plan intensive editing, you are better off editing in Cineform intermediate, which will have to added to your software arsenal.

I have had my FX1 for over a year, and I am just now starting to learn some of the capabilities.

Of course, I am not depending on this as a profession, just a hobby, and you may need courses to help. Check out the website, for resources and training.
Chris J. Barcellos
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