Which Beachtek adapter for the FX1? at DVinfo.net
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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
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Old November 10th, 2006, 02:00 AM   #1
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Which Beachtek adapter for the FX1?

Hey guys,

I may be securing an FX1 myself real soon (i know i know the XH-A1 is so much better...) so I am wondering which beachtek adapter to get.

Do most of you FX1 owners use this Beachtek adapter? DXA-4: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/cont...ughType=search

What about this one? DXA-FX, this one says it's perfect for hte FX1 (dunno what the techinical sound difference is compared to the DXA-4 other then the crazy pricetag):

Also for those that use the FX1 with the DXA-4, could any of you please post a picture? I would be grateful!

Thanks in advance!
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Old November 10th, 2006, 10:54 AM   #2
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I had a DXA-4 that I used with my VX-2000. It worked the way it was supposed to for me and got the sound into the camera, but I really would've benefitted from having the DXA-6 for the phantom power, but I don't know if that's important to you.
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Old November 10th, 2006, 10:57 AM   #3
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Yes, I got the DXA-6 with phantom power for using with my FX1. Works like a charm. I’m as happy as a pig in a bog!
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Old November 10th, 2006, 01:54 PM   #4
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I highly doubt I will need phantom power as I will be connecting both a

Rode Videomic & a Sennhesier G2 wireless system:

to the beachtek, so the DXA-4 is definately looking attractive at the moment.

Ryan, you wounld'tn have any pictures of your setup would you? I would love to take a gander!
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Old November 10th, 2006, 02:21 PM   #5
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I thought I had a couple of pictures, but I must've deleted them. I sold the camera and beachtek a few months ago, so I can't take any new ones. Sorry.
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Old November 10th, 2006, 03:41 PM   #6
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If you are going to be using the Rode VideoMic and the Sennheiser G2 Wireless system, you do not need phantom power. Either the DXA-4 or FX will work fine. I believe the FX is basically the same as the DXA-4, but just designed to fit better with the FX1.

Are you wanting to get a Beachtek because you're wanting to use both the shotgun mic and wireless system simultaneously and record each source on a separate track (L & R)? If not, just so you know, you don't need a Beachtek to attach either one to your FX1.

I'm not sure, but there might be a much more affordable solution to record both sources at once without having to shell out a few hundred bucks on a Beachtek. Not to mention to added size and weight to your camera. The FX1 is not as lightweight like others in it's class.

Does anyone know if there is a simple "Y" connector that two mono sources can connect to and be outputted as two separate stereo channels (one source record on the L and the other on the R)??? If so, that would be perfect.

(P.S. - Firefox 2.0 is so great with spell check!)
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Old November 10th, 2006, 03:51 PM   #7
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If you ask me, something like this will do that job.

Martin at HeadSpin HD on Blu-ray
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Old November 10th, 2006, 04:52 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by John M. Graham
Are you wanting to get a Beachtek because you're wanting to use both the shotgun mic and wireless system simultaneously and record each source on a separate track (L & R)? If not, just so you know, you don't need a Beachtek to attach either one to your FX1.
Yup that is exactly what I am trying to do.

Originally Posted by John M. Graham

Does anyone know if there is a simple "Y" connector that two mono sources can connect to and be outputted as two separate stereo channels (one source record on the L and the other on the R)??? If so, that would be perfect.
Ah yes this could work too, basically use a 2 mono->1 stereo Y plug adapter into the 1.8" line input. This would yeild both sound sourses to be record on separate L/R tracks.

My concern is that teh camera may not adjust the audio gain properly since its likely that the volume and sound strength from both the mic and the wireless would not be the same.

Thanx for the help guys!
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Old November 10th, 2006, 05:26 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by John M. Graham
If you are going to be using the Rode VideoMic and the Sennheiser G2 Wireless system, you do not need phantom power. Either the DXA-4 or FX will work fine. I believe the FX is basically the same as the DXA-4, but just designed to fit better with the FX1.
The DXA-4 and the DXA-FX are quite different machines. The FX is an active preamp, with limiters, which is a very important option.


It's a pity Beachtek did not do a streamlined version of the DXA-10, which is their best product. They probably could have added a 48v phantom powering on the FX too rather easily, so it's difficult to get all you want on one unit.

Are you wanting to get a Beachtek because you're wanting to use both the shotgun mic and wireless system simultaneously and record each source on a separate track (L & R)? If not, just so you know, you don't need a Beachtek to attach either one to your FX1.
That's certainly so. You should ask yourself what will you be doing with your audio setup. To start with, an on-camera mic is useless for most situations. You may need a mic that you can detach and go closer to your subject, using a mic stand or a boom. In that case you will need a balanced interconnection, and some kind of interface like the Beachtek and phantom power.

Go read this tutorial if you have some time:


That PAP preamp is not made anymore, but the advice still is valid.

I'm not sure, but there might be a much more affordable solution to record both sources at once without having to shell out a few hundred bucks on a Beachtek. Not to mention to added size and weight to your camera. The FX1 is not as lightweight like others in it's class.
That is a very good advice when you say a Beachtek will add to the size of the FX1, though not so much about the weight. The camera balance might be off too.

The first thing I think you should get is an Y cable adapter, having a threaded 1/8" stereo plug on one end and two XLR-3 females on the other end. Plug that on the FX1 and never move it again, except if you get a Beachtek. In that way you will preserve the mic socket, which is quite delicate.

Does anyone know if there is a simple "Y" connector that two mono sources can connect to and be outputted as two separate stereo channels (one source record on the L and the other on the R)??? If so, that would be perfect.
Sorry, I can't quite understand what you are looking for. Which mono sources are you talking about?
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