z1u or 2/3 inch chip for doc at DVinfo.net
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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CCD HDV camcorder.

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Old May 28th, 2006, 12:33 PM   #1
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z1u or 2/3 inch chip for doc

We have both z1u and dsr 500 (2/3 inch) cameras and are struggling as to which camera to use as the primary for a travelling (out of our market area) doc. It will be released on dvd, with a second priority to shoot for the possibility of broadcast. Which of the two formats which most broadcast stations be happiest with? We are guessing the dsr 500 will be best for dvd but the z1 better for hd content?
The whole hd release is a distant possibility but we struggle with
the whole, hdv for tomorrow and sd today (with possible hd up conversion if we shot with the dsr 500) tomorrow. The doc involves a lot of interviews, some "outdoor in the woods" type of shooting. We realize the convience factor of the samll z1 for airplane and portablity.
Your opinions are appreciated.
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Old May 28th, 2006, 03:22 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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You'd need to check if the broadcaster will accept HDV as a HD format. Some only allow it for special shots, but insist on the main camera being a higher HD format like HDCAM or DVPRO HD.

Quite a few people are shooting HDV for broadcast on SD.
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Old May 28th, 2006, 08:30 PM   #3
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Personally, if you are doing a travelling doc, the Z1 is smaller and less threatening. Especially for those who arent exactly exposed to high tech technology in the third world, you want them to ignore a camera.

However, haveing 2/3 chips sounds nifty, but I think having a HDV camera and down ressing to SD is better because if you ever need HDV, you have it. If you shoot with dsr, and upres I dont think the quality would be as good as the High res picture a Z1 can take.

but thats my 2cents.
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Old May 28th, 2006, 10:08 PM   #4
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Alan, I agree with Leo, aquire in the highest possible format and convert to the studios format. If you feel that the Z1 renders colors that are similiar or better than the dsr-500, then you'll have 3X the resolution as well. Do some tests.

As far as HDV, the studios might not accept a miniDV cassette with HDV on it. But having that tape transfered to their preferred format, and the image holds up, then is it "HDV"? I've read that folks have done this with media shot in DV25 for BetaSP, etc. If the image holds up, whose to know? Again, do some test if the decision is that important.
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Old May 28th, 2006, 10:18 PM   #5
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Yeah I market everything I shoot in HD, if I transfer it to HDCAM whos to deny it. I have never had anyone say "isnt that HDV?"
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Old May 30th, 2006, 09:25 PM   #6
MPS Digital Studios
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Though a 2/3 inch camera is nice, trust me (I used DVCPro at a TV station I used to work at), shooting HDV is great. It's future-proof, plus you can re-sell it as a Blu-Ray or HD DVD later on down the road, among other things. And convert it to HDCam, as well.

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