Z1U - Different Mic Mount? at DVinfo.net
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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
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Old May 11th, 2006, 10:53 AM   #1
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Z1U - Different Mic Mount?

Would anybody know if this is available?

The mic mount - wondering if it could be replaced with one that would move it further away from the body offering more isolation against transmitted noise and would also keep the wind screen from appearing in the frame. I'm aware that there are adaptors that allow placement of two items but I want to keep the single shoe on the camera for the light and the distance of a few inches offers a some insurance as it does generate some heat. Is there something out there that can fill the bill?

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Old May 11th, 2006, 01:06 PM   #2
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Hi there

Ive been using this bracket which although expensive is very good...
I had one on an FX1, that needed a slight adaptation and now on my Z1....



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Old May 11th, 2006, 04:32 PM   #3
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Greetings Gareth,

Thank you for your reply - that's EXACTLY what I had in mind. The challenge is that they're "across the pond" from the colonies. I'll try and track it down here in the states - if all fails I'll contact them and order the item. Translates to about $387 US dollars but it resolves the issues I'm concern with. Well worth the money for me. Once again thanks!!

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Old May 12th, 2006, 12:47 AM   #4
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Hi George

The bracket is actually made specially for them at Creative video in the UK ...So you won't find it in the States (?)
The part that holds the mic is a standard Light wave mount


It may be cheaper to get a metal bracket made up that you can screw the Lightwave mount to... this is all they have done. You attach it to the two holes on the side of the Z1, once you've removed the stock (crap) mic mount.

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Old May 12th, 2006, 01:58 AM   #5
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The price of the rode mount is 69 $

Rode SM5


Online Shop


On my Z1


Z1 Full Res Pic



Last edited by David Lombard; May 12th, 2006 at 05:03 AM.
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Old May 12th, 2006, 03:40 AM   #6
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That Answers That!

Gareth - David,

You're absolutely right - none here - also you've put it all together and totally unmasked it - I'll see if I can get a bracket made - beyond my skills - like the concept of also putting the wireless on the bracket. If it becomes too much of a challenge I'll definitely go to with "Rode" product. That also solves the problem (thank you David) - either way it's a comfort to know there are other great minds out there!

May I ask what mic that you're using?

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Old May 12th, 2006, 03:48 AM   #7
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Hi George

Hope you get it sorted...the Rode is a cheaper solution...

I haven't used the wireless mount yet (it can be detached), prefering to velcro my receiver on the battery at the rear of the Z1...

re: the mic I use... I've been using an AT897 with good results..

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Old May 12th, 2006, 04:06 AM   #8
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My mic is a AKG ck98 + se300b


But the SENNHEISER MKH 416 is a better choice, if you have the money


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Old May 12th, 2006, 11:13 AM   #9
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Gentlemen - you two have answered/solved all my issues. The Lightwave since I have no contacts to have the bracket built - it's off the list. Mounting the wireless on the battery picks up that feature - neat solution - still leaves the shoe for the light! So the Rode is the one I'll purchase - I was able to find everything but what I was looking for as a answer. Your responses totally made all the pieces fall into place!

I suspect the SENNHEISER MKH 416 mic is more than likely outstanding and I'm seriously considering stretching to make it happen - if not I'll go with AKG ck98 + se300b.

Again thank you both - I now have purpose in my life!!


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Old May 12th, 2006, 01:02 PM   #10
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Hi George

I don't know which radio mic set up you use... but I use the Sennheiser G2, which is pretty light weight.

You can get the extra strong vecro in hardware stores... it grips well and I've never ever had it fall off, even when using the Z1 pressed to my shoulder for stability.

It works well, as I can swap things out if I need to change batteries. (Although with the big Sony ones I've never run one out, in a days shooting)

And as you say all this leaves the hotshoes freed for you video light for example...

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Old May 13th, 2006, 09:51 AM   #11
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Hello Gareth

That's a very thoughtful follow-up on your part. On my end I did locate Light Wave here in the states and discovered they do offer a product similar to the Rode designed for Canon's XL series - the question is will it fit into the mic holder on the Z1.


I will get that answered this monday - I prefer their product - but if not I can live happily ever after with the Rode solution and will order it. The actual mic I'm wrestling with is that Sennheiser 416 - pricey BUT I'm confident it's worth it's cost.

On the wireless - that also is on the list as I'm retiring an Azden unit that has served me well for nearly 8 years. Your recommendation on the Sennheiser G2 answered any questions I might have had about size, weight and success on usage with using the velcro approach - I'm going for it - will order all items this week . One question - the G2 series has two models the EW112P and the EW100ENG. I'm leaning towards the EW112P. Would this by chance be the unit you have? As a footnote I also have Sony's shoulder brace and it won't interfere with the wireless on the battery. Just need to resolve which shotgun mic.

Again thanks for your feedback on the wireless - amazingly that's where I was headed next!!

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Old May 14th, 2006, 02:50 AM   #12
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Hi George

I had a quick look at the Lightwave mount you linked to and it certainly looks like it would work on the Z1. Bet it's cheaper than the bracket I got too.

Re: Wireless I've actually got the 100 set, but it's very good... its the seciond on I'd had, and can't fault them for ruggedness, reliablility and battery life.

The Senny mic you mention is a good mic from all I've heard...but they cosst £600+ in the UK, which is outside my budget. Everyone I asked told me that for the money the AT897 was the best mic on the market...without spending at least twice as much. I'm happy with it..

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Old May 15th, 2006, 07:24 AM   #13
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Sony has an Eng mount that I bought for my PD-150----it was 82 US dollars. Works pretty well, but you really do need a shockmount if you want to isolate the mic from the camera.
Red #97
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Old May 15th, 2006, 08:39 AM   #14
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I've got the Lightwave shockmount and the actual mic holder is very good. However, I've had problems with the plastic plate which slides into the camera shoe. It's not very strong and if you happen to gently knock the mic in it's windjammer against something, it will just shear off. The first time it happened, I was able to get a free replacement from ProAudio in the UK. When it happened again, I just didn't bother to ring them and have gone back to the Beyer mic mount...
It's a shame that they don't make this part a bit stronger, but I guess that they think that this serves a purpose to stop any damage to the actual camera mount - although if that's the case, there ought to be a number of the little plates supplied with the outfit.

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Old May 16th, 2006, 01:16 AM   #15
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Thanks Robin - I'm trying to get some feedback as to whether on not this unit will fit into the mic holder. The goal is to keep the shoe available for an onboard light. Both Lightwave and Rode make units that use the existing mic holder. Lightwave's will fit the Canon XL series - Rode's will definitely fit the Z1. I prefer the actual mic holder on the Lightwave but if it won't fit - then I'll go with the Rode. It's just a different approach using "rubber bands" to hold the mic which actually might be a better mousetrap.

I totally agree it's distressing to have grief over such a basic accessory! Since that's the weak link - then at least supply some extra (and needed) links!!

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