Z1: Can I use Cineframe 25 over 24 for NTSC? at DVinfo.net
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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
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Old April 26th, 2006, 01:53 AM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Los Angeles, CA (formerly Austin, TX, and NYC)
Posts: 14
Z1: Can I use Cineframe 25 over 24 for NTSC?

I'm sure this will require a conversion, but what if I were to shoot in Cineframe 25 (which has gotten more positive feedback) in PAL, then convert to NTSC in post? Would this not give a close to 24p look? Or would I just lose resolution? Would people notice the extra frame?

I'm sure someone has to have thought of this, and there's probably a problem in the conversion that would make it less than the best way to go, but it couldn't hurt to ask.

Also someone mentioned that PAL has a better color pallette than NTSC. Would that be possible if one camera did both, as is the case with the Z1?
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Old April 26th, 2006, 02:54 AM   #2
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Elliot, do a search, this is one of the most discussed issues on this board. I recommend a bit of reading and research.

Shortish answer(s)
  • yes, it would be close to 24p, people would not notice the frame as you'd slow the footage down 4%.
  • you'd need to convert the speed of the sound and correct the pitch.
  • NTSC is not 24p so you'd need to convert it to 2:3 pulldown 60i (unless making a progressive scan DVD),
  • PAL does not have better colour than NTSC but has a different, not better, colour sampling scheme (4:2:0 rather than 4:1:1) but it does have higher resolution.

Even short answer - people have been doing it for years...
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Old April 26th, 2006, 09:00 AM   #3
New Boot
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Location: Los Angeles, CA (formerly Austin, TX, and NYC)
Posts: 14
My apologies, chalk it up to newbieness, that was my first post. Thanks for the info, looks like that may not be the solution I'm looking for, not with a 4% slow down.
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Old April 26th, 2006, 10:36 PM   #4
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You can read all about this (Z1 25p to 24p conversion) at the CineForm web site. Shooting 25p and slowing down by 4% is done all the time to convert PAL to 24p. It is a lot better than using CineFrame24 alone unless you have Connect HD which will reverse telecine the Sony CineFrame24 back to 24p for you. Connect HD will also do the 4% slowdown from 25p to 24p for you as well. It’s a great tool to have if you want 24p out of your Z1 because you have both options available.

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