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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CCD HDV camcorder.

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Old April 13th, 2006, 06:19 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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My shopping list unless NAB produces a golden nugget.

Well, unless NAB drops a bomb and there's something that will fit better, this is what I will purchase within a month.

As always, many here I respect your opinions, so feel free to say if my list is out of wack. The only two items that I'm a little fuzzy on are the monitor (if it's good enough) and the tripod (if it'll fit together hehe.)

My goal is to have future flexibility and the ability to do my event stuff with better final product. My Gl2 is great, but I'm looking for an upgraded picture and that whole future thing. I know I dont' have to go HD, but it's my guess at least from what I've read that HD will stay around for a while, the delivery format may change, but the recording format will stay.

So anyway, thanks for taking the time to read and give feedback. You all are really great.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 06:55 AM   #2
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A word on your selections
1. I have that same tripod combo and it's heavy!! If your going to be traveling with it something to consider.
2. I have the same Z1 and Deck combo. I would skip the deck and buy another camera.
3. Didn't see a good mic set up. The on-camera mic on the Z1 is pretty much worthless and if you use one of the XLR inputs like for a wireless Lav, it shuts off and you get no second channel nat sound.
4. I have no idea on the production monitor, but DV Rack would be another option. If you already have a laptop.

Just my opinions.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 07:24 AM   #3
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Wait for the new HDV VTR that accepts standard size tapes. You can store up to 4 1/2 hours of HDV footage on a single tape.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 07:39 AM   #4
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Yeah, that $3200 for the deck and warranty could buy a nice laptop and have enough left over for an HDV Sony CMOS palmcorder. You can then buy DVRack with the savings from the 10" monitor. Assuming you edit with a computer, you only need to playback your tapes once so a cheap camcorder will be fine as an edit deck. It will also be easier to transport than a deck.
Marcus Marchesseault is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 13th, 2006, 08:02 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Marcus Marchesseault
Yeah, that $3200 for the deck and warranty could buy a nice laptop and have enough left over for an HDV Sony CMOS palmcorder. You can then buy DVRack with the savings from the 10" monitor. Assuming you edit with a computer, you only need to playback your tapes once so a cheap camcorder will be fine as an edit deck. It will also be easier to transport than a deck.
The only reason I was looking at that deck was because according to the BH dude Steve, I'll need a HD deck to get the HD footage to my computer. So that's the reason, otherwise, heck I could save a lot of money on a deck by using my handy dandy palm cam. Did I mention it was a lot of money. hehe.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 08:04 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Ben Hardy
Wait for the new HDV VTR that accepts standard size tapes. You can store up to 4 1/2 hours of HDV footage on a single tape.

Excellento! Hmm, I wonder if this is the reason that they are offering a rebate on the one they have now. The method to the madness so to speak. Nice, I will probably put off till June then for the deck, possibly the cam, it depends. Thank you Ben.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 08:11 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jerry Porter
A word on your selections
1. I have that same tripod combo and it's heavy!! If your going to be traveling with it something to consider.
2. I have the same Z1 and Deck combo. I would skip the deck and buy another camera.
3. Didn't see a good mic set up. The on-camera mic on the Z1 is pretty much worthless and if you use one of the XLR inputs like for a wireless Lav, it shuts off and you get no second channel nat sound.
4. I have no idea on the production monitor, but DV Rack would be another option. If you already have a laptop.

Just my opinions.
Hey Jerry,

1. I was going for the heavy tripod because I have a caddy that I was considering putting the VTR as I use a dolly in most of what I do. Prior to the information from Ben about the new release of new HDVTRs from Sony, I was thinking since the VTR is 16lbs and the camera is what, 4lbs, then I would need a heavy pod combo.

2. I already have an AT shotgun and a G2 mic so I'm good on that. I don't immediately see my self needing another shotgun. Unfortunately I don't have a laptop myself, my business partner i.e. wife has hers, but it's pulling a lot of duty, other wise I'd do live capture to a laptop, it's still someting I'm looking at. As I mentioned above, I was told by the BH dude, that I can't get the HD footage without either useing the Z1u as a deck or the VTR. My skin crawls thinking of useing the Z1 as a deck.

This information is great. I'll wait see the price on the new VTR's prior to purchase, heck, maybe the VTR currently available will come down even more in price. This is all so exciting. I'm such a geek.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 06:28 PM   #8
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I don't know anything about that monitor, but from the spec's it looks like it's standard definition only. You could still use it via s-video, but you won't see anywhere near full quality.

Have you used the "fig rig" before? If not, then what do you expect from it. I have no idea - never used one - but I have a glidecam 2000 which I bought for my PDX10 (about 1/2 the weight of the Z1). It's very exhausting to hold with the Z1, doubt that you could shoot for even a full minute at a time unless you're really in great shape. I'd think twice about any sort of handheld stabilizer for the Z1 unless you have some specific use in mind that involves very short takes.
Boyd Ostroff is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 13th, 2006, 06:32 PM   #9
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"As I mentioned above, I was told by the BH dude, that I can't get the HD footage without either useing the Z1u as a deck or the VTR. My skin crawls thinking of useing the Z1 as a deck."

Incorrect information was conveyed. You can use any HDV device. Heck, an FX1 costs the same as that deck and you would get a backup camera with the same optics and CCD as the Z1. Like I said before, if you are editing on the computer you only need to play the footage once which won't put that much stress on any mechanism. Old-style editing used multiple decks to store the clips and FF/REW constantly. That is the situation where you need a heavy-duty deck. Instead, just dump all your footage to the hard drive once and sort it out there. Hard drives are cheap.
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Old April 13th, 2006, 10:02 PM   #10
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A great tripod for the Z1 is the Miller Solo with a DS10 head, carbon fibre so it's light, doesn't get hot or freezing cold and as it doesn't have a spreader you can rig it with one hand. Also as you can set the legs at different angles great for when you're out in the wilds / on the side of a cliff or whatever.
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Old April 14th, 2006, 10:25 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Boyd Ostroff
I don't know anything about that monitor, but from the spec's it looks like it's standard definition only. You could still use it via s-video, but you won't see anywhere near full quality.

Have you used the "fig rig" before? If not, then what do you expect from it. I have no idea - never used one - but I have a glidecam 2000 which I bought for my PDX10 (about 1/2 the weight of the Z1). It's very exhausting to hold with the Z1, doubt that you could shoot for even a full minute at a time unless you're really in great shape. I'd think twice about any sort of handheld stabilizer for the Z1 unless you have some specific use in mind that involves very short takes.
Hey Boyd,

I've run over and over in my mind about the fig rig vs. something like the glidecam 4000 etc. The conclusion I have come to is, I need something I can run and gun with in terms of people walking. The main benefit to the fig rig is it uses the same plate that my tripod (s) use so I could go from one to the other without having to switch.

I did everthing in the world to get my hands on a fig rig for a test drive. The Bogen carrier in our town Richmond Camera declined to assist me in getting one for a demo. Needless to say I won't be buying anything from them, but that's another story.

So that's the deal, I can't demo anything in this hick town I live in. So when I look at the demo on the fig rig, it's demod with him walking around actors walking down the street. I can only replace those actors in my mind with a bride and groom.

I could be dead wrong, the only repreave I have is that BH told me that if I hate the thing I can send it back.

I tried for weeks to find one around here, without going to NY, I have failed to do so.

About the monitor, I know it's not the best, I'm just trying to get something that will give me a clear picture so I can shoot and post better.

I've posted somewhere on this thread that I am still in the waiting stage, I will take your thoughts as well into account.

I also could not get my hands on a Z1u to test it either. Which is the reason I read read read and read some more.
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Old April 14th, 2006, 10:29 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Marcus Marchesseault
"As I mentioned above, I was told by the BH dude, that I can't get the HD footage without either useing the Z1u as a deck or the VTR. My skin crawls thinking of useing the Z1 as a deck."

Incorrect information was conveyed. You can use any HDV device. Heck, an FX1 costs the same as that deck and you would get a backup camera with the same optics and CCD as the Z1. Like I said before, if you are editing on the computer you only need to play the footage once which won't put that much stress on any mechanism. Old-style editing used multiple decks to store the clips and FF/REW constantly. That is the situation where you need a heavy-duty deck. Instead, just dump all your footage to the hard drive once and sort it out there. Hard drives are cheap.
Hmm, very good points. Very good indead. "You can use any HDV device." You are talking about another camera?, not another deck.
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Old May 3rd, 2006, 08:29 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Boyd Ostroff
I don't know anything about that monitor, but from the spec's it looks like it's standard definition only. You could still use it via s-video, but you won't see anywhere near full quality.

Hey Boyd, Bob, Marcus, Ben and Jerry (that's an icecream btw) anyone,

I called B&H and talked to the Steve about my monitor choice, and he agreed it's a bad choice.

He mentioned the Sony PVM-14L2 as being a much better choice. I also saw the Sony PVM-14L1 which is half the price. Since I've never had a production monitor or a field monitor, I could really use some help in figuring out which one to buy.

I'm done with the rest of my shopping list and this is the last item. I really just need something that will help me in post. I've done a decent job getting good field shots, and the B&H dude said I would go blind with a 10inch monitor, which I was going to get to use in both post and field.

So I know ultimately it's my choice of what to get...............ok, yes, it's my wife's choice, but I could use some advice. :}
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