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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CCD HDV camcorder.

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Old April 1st, 2006, 06:49 AM   #61
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on the australian applestore they still sell it.
but strangely the price in insanely... high (6000 AUS$=more than 4000US $)
I think they try to get the money back from the sales they made in US at loss.
the swiss apple store indicate same unreasonable price (about 4200$)
Same from the spanish side (even pricier 4400$)
Best score is UK shop - most crazy price ?(4700$)

seems the us offer was really a mistake (or for the 30 years anniversary of Apple ?).
But in that case why on a Sony product and why only in USA?
Giroud Francois is offline  
Old April 1st, 2006, 08:01 AM   #62
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it was a mistake. If you get one you will be very lucky. I wish I would have lived close to a Apple store yesterday. If they had one in stock, walk in a walk out.

They might not have caught the mistake as fast but if it was true about the Ebay people trying to buy 50 at a time probably tip them off.

P.S. to you Ebay sellers. I never buy crap off of Ebay.
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Old April 1st, 2006, 08:05 AM   #63
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It's sad that Apple apparently reneged on most the orders, but it was such a fantastic price, from a respected company, that I wrote the post yesterday. I figured it was worth a shot at least.

My guess is that they simply wanted to clear out some aging inventory, and didn't think about it very carefully beforehand, not considering what would happen when the word got out to a community such as this one.
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Old April 1st, 2006, 08:26 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by Robert M Wright
It's sad that Apple apparently reneged on most the orders, but it was such a fantastic price, from a respected company, that I wrote the post yesterday. I figured it was worth a shot at least.

My guess is that they simply wanted to clear out some aging inventory, and didn't think about it very carefully beforehand, not considering what would happen when the word got out to a community such as this one.

Apple failed. About two years ago the same thing happened at Dell---they were offerring the Canon L series 70-200mm IS Lens for about 800 bucks under street price---definately a typo. Well the orders poured in and Dell showed some class by honoring ALL of them. Some people had to wait 6-8 months for their lens but they got it.
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Old April 1st, 2006, 09:29 AM   #65
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Sorry but I don't think a company has to honor a typo to have class. It was a mistake. Everyone ordering the FX1 at $2000 knew it was to cheap and probably a mistake. It wasn't a bait and switch. For the people who got one man they got a good deal.
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Old April 1st, 2006, 10:05 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by Pete Tews
Even if it was a typo, Apple should honor the lower price. They make a ton of money anyway...
What am I missing here?

It was obviously a mistake. Apple's site clearly says they are not responsible for the mistake.

And people are complaining.

I'm just posting my view of it. Don't shoot the messenger.
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Old April 1st, 2006, 10:37 AM   #67
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That's why the link comes up to a page asking what are you looking for...
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Old April 1st, 2006, 10:53 AM   #68
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I do not know what about USA, but in europe, when you put a price on something you have to assume mistake, except if it was too obvious.
(20$ for the FX1) . But at 2000$ it still could be a promo (after all some NY shop advise it for 2500$) , especially this day was the 30th anniversary of Apple.
After all on the other Appleshop (UK, Spain, etc...) they also got i price that is not aligned with the market (up to 1700$ more expensive than B&H) so what can we believe ?
My advise would be to sue them until they assume all orders (probably deleted know and they will probably says : we do not sell sony camera)

Poor communication (not even a link on their website to explain or say sorry or left the page with the FX1 with the correct price, it simply vanished) just make me think that it looks like the Mac attitude: we are the best, we are right. The intel processor was crap... until we put it into our machine , blablabla...

Last edited by Giroud Francois; April 1st, 2006 at 11:40 AM.
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Old April 1st, 2006, 11:08 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by David Saraceno
What am I missing here?

It was obviously a mistake. Apple's site clearly says they are not responsible for the mistake.

And people are complaining.

I'm just posting my view of it. Don't shoot the messenger.

It was indeed an honest mistake I'm sure. But they absolutely are responsible for the mistake itself. They listed it incorrectly. Even when many of us called to confirm the price, and even told them that it was unusually low, they stated that it was correct. That doesn't mean they have to honor typos, but to say the mistake was not their fault is incorrect.

But what do you do when you make an honest mistake?
a. You admit you made a mistake.
b. You apologize for making the mistake.
c. If possible, you do everything possible to fix the mistake and make amends.

I never got a call or email to let me know my order had been cancelled. If I hadn't gone to check it myself, I would have never known. Even when I called them, nobody there could tell me why my order had been cancelled or explain why I hadn't been notified.

Apple did none of the above, which of course they have the right to do. But I also don't have to support them with any business either, which is my right. I wouldn't feel this way if they had just offered an explanation and apology.
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Old April 1st, 2006, 12:13 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by Greg Flowers
Apple did none of the above, which of course they have the right to do. But I also don't have to support them with any business either, which is my right. I wouldn't feel this way if they had just offered an explanation and apology.

I guess we disagree. Anybody who thought Apple was selling the Sony at well below cost had to be put on notice. And people jumped at an obvious mistake.

The fact that Apple wasn't aware of the problem for a half day seems pretty reasonable to me. But if someone didn't know this was a clear mistake when someone purchased it, that someone had to have blinders on.

Exactly how is Apple supposed to "make amends" for something everybody knew was obvious?

You got me. But to throw the baby out with the bathwater. C'mon.

There ain't no free lunches out there. I for one didn't even want to enter the fray because everything from the get go clearly portends what exactly happened.

Anyway, that's my three cents.

Take care and best wishes.
David Saraceno is offline  
Old April 1st, 2006, 12:36 PM   #71
Inner Circle
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on the UK site, Apple is selling the sony 1700$ above the price of B&H, i am supposed to believe it is a mistake or they are just crooks ?
And you supposed that everybody knows the average price of the FX1 ? take a quick look on the web, what is it ? 1800$ as USAPhotoNation ?3000 as B&H ?3500? 4000 ? 4700 as the uk apple store display ? so why not 2000 ?
I am often purchasing stuff in the first store who has it, and i am confident in the price displayed (until i discover that the shop next door is 25% cheaper).

If I call Apple because they display a nice price (and not so silly) and get approval from the guy on the phone, Am I supposed to feel guilty because i take over a good deal ?.
for sure if i would have a proof of purchase at AppleStore, i would sue them (and there is no doubt i would succeed) , just because they are so... haughty ?
Giroud Francois is offline  
Old April 1st, 2006, 01:24 PM   #72
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Once in Walmart... they had a computer listed for $400 bucks... the price should have been $500 bucks... but they honored the price because of their pricing mistake...

So if Apple posted it on the website for $2,000 anyone who ordered it at that price Apple should honor... but once the mistake was caught... they don't have to honor the price...

The funnier thing is... at the Apple Store on the web has the Canon XL H1 for $8,999... its not the price... its that FCP is not supporting 24f yet... even in the newest upgrade... now that's what I call a mistake... selling something that your editing software doesn't fully support yet...
Gary McClurg is offline  
Old April 1st, 2006, 02:30 PM   #73
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Absolutely , they should honor the price to everyone that made a confirmation that it was real. The bucks' got to stop somewhere. No fairplay just saying that typos aren't covered , that's my opinion , since it's much more than a typo when it's on their site . But to then not honor a verbal agreement is something entirely different. I never in 6 years , since I bought my g3 , have looked at another computer , but Apples' got an arrogant attitude lately and I'm beginning to " think different " . I didn't buy one but I did give second thought. I also called a buddy who had mentioned buying another for a pair. If I had made a verbal agreement with a salesperson , I believe I'd by willing to pursue it further. I believe that might be a line that's drawn by law also, although , even though I slept in a Holiday Express last night , I'm not an attorney.
Goes to show you , good things are few and far between. Kurth
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Old April 1st, 2006, 02:30 PM   #74
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actually is was for about 2 days on the site for that price..

Originally Posted by David Saraceno
The fact that Apple wasn't aware of the problem for a half day seems pretty reasonable to me.
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Old April 1st, 2006, 02:33 PM   #75
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I printed the page confirming my order... which includes the time that the order was placed (6:39 am PST), the total price for 2x Sony HDR-FX1 HD Camcorders + Sales Tax, Estimated Ship date of April 3, and Delivery April 5.

When calling apple I was told that they no longer sell that camcorder. They did yesterday when I placed an order, and I have the printed confirmation to prove it. However, I'm told I was never charged for the purchase. I don't think there are any legal grounds, but if so it would be interesting to know. I believe that apple should honor the mistake, any reasonable business would, but it all depends which side of the fence you are on.
Matt Trubac
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