Maybe going for the HDR-FX1 or HVR-Z1… good/bad idea? at
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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CCD HDV camcorder.

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Old February 11th, 2006, 12:21 PM   #1
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Maybe going for the HDR-FX1 or HVR-Z1… good/bad idea?

Hi guys

First off I’ll explain where I am at, I am starting up a new wedding video business, I was thinking of buying the XL2 but after posting on these forums it became clear to me this could be a bad idea… after all in two years or so I will have to go HDV and selling the XL2 could be very hard and I could loose out on a lot of money.

I am now thinking of the HDR-FX1 or HVR-Z1… if anyone could give me some advice I’d be so grateful, it’s a very hard decision and a lot of money so I am not rushing into anything without real considering. Also I have read that the mic isn’t the best on either so any suggestions on this too would be very welcomed.

Thanks in advance guys.. and again any advice will be gladly welcomed.
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Old February 11th, 2006, 03:53 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Time to make your decision!


I know that this is a difficult decision for you to make, but eventually you have to grab that check book or credit card and "Just Do It!"

No one here can make the decision for you, all we can do is give you our opinions and views and provide you with information. Some of it will be honest and open, and some will come from those who have a bias one way or another. You have to discern the difference.

You have started four threads:

1. Video equipment buying on Monday!... please comment on my equipment list

2. Camcorder recommendations for a new wedding business

3. Thinking of getting the XL H1… good/bad idea?

and now

4. Maybe going for the HDR-FX1 or HVR-Z1… good/bad idea?

At last count 1831 people have viewed your posts, and 83 have given their opinions to you.

There are hundreds of threads here covering all of the cameras you have mentioned. Peruse them, and get a bunch of information. Then, take you best shot, buy what you think is the best for you now, and don't ever look back or question your decision! In the end the camera is only a very minor tool in what you are trying to get into!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What you do with it is far far more important!!!!!!!!!! Plus, accessories like sound equipment.

I am willing to bet, that you have yet to put one of the cameras, that you are contemplating buying, into your hands and see how it feels. “VERY IMPORTANT!" Now is the time to visit that camera store, even if you have to make a little trip to do it. See how they feel to you. Almost all of the owners’ manuals can be downloaded from the manufactures website before you even buy. Read them and see how that feels to you.

Most have advised you to go with the Z1U, PD170, or XL2. They are all good cameras and will leave you with some money left over for other items you will need, tripods, lights, batteries, sound equipment, editing software, keying screens, bags or cases, monitors, cables, close-up lenses, blank DVDs, cards and broachers, advertising, training tapes and DVDs, and on and on.

No matter what camera you choose, you should be able to pay for it with just a few weddings, if not your in the wrong business! Also, no matter what camera you choose, you will loose some money when you replace it, but if you take good care of it you will not loose more than half the cost. There is always a market for the camera if is well care for. Most Z1Us, XL2s, and others are still selling for nearly full price on ebay. And they have been out for a long time!

In the end-------you just have to make a decision! Consider this a gentle, kindly, fatherly hand on your shoulder-----guiding you to your local store and comforting you while you look at all of the available cameras and accessories. Perhaps you have a friend that can go with you.

Good luck my friend!!!!!!!

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old February 13th, 2006, 06:57 PM   #3
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Decision made… finally!!!

It’s been a long week (far too long!!!) but after a lot of research, headaches, more research, more headaches etc and changing my mind a few times I have finally made up my mind on which camcorder to go for!!!

I am going for the Sony HDR-FX1... after taking a step back and looking at what I wanted, I feel this will be the best camcorder for me at this time. I wanted one which has the option of HD as I want to try and get in on the ground floor of the wedding HD market and try to get ahead. There where a few HD camcorders I considered but I felt that this was the one which is best for me at this moment in time. Possibly two years or so down the line I will change it (or most likely hold on to it as a second Camcorder) as HD camcorders will be much better and I will have a better understand of the world of HD because as far as editing etc goes I know very little at this time. I also looked at the HVR-Z1 but I personally couldn’t justify the big price difference between these two camcorders and will spend the difference on accessories etc.

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who posted on my four threads!!! For starting so many I apologise, I am new to the whole posting on forums thing and I now understand starting that many threads isn’t the thing to do… it will not happen again!!! Another big thank you goes to Mike… sometimes all of us need a little push in the right direction!!!

As for my good self I will now order this camcorder and will not look back or question the decision, after all in the end the camera is only a very minor tool in what I am trying to get into ;-)

Thanks again guys
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Old February 14th, 2006, 02:46 PM   #4
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Andrew- I told you so in your other thread. It's always cool to spend 3x less and still have something that will blow your socks off. Believe me , you will love the fx1. Now you have 6 or 7 grand to spend on other things, like a second camera. Go for the HC1. You still have enough money for a new dual 2.0 powermac and fcs and , oh yea , how about a canon 20d for your stills. I don't know how many thousand businesses I've seen bite the dust 'cause they were started at too high a capital expenditure (spent on things for appearance only) and , despite the opinions , you will still look professional enough . good luck- Kurth
Kurth Bousman is offline   Reply

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