Audio problem w/ FX1 & Sony Repair Center ineptness at
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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
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Old December 2nd, 2005, 06:59 PM   #1
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Audio problem w/ FX1 & Sony Repair Center ineptness

About two months ago I posted about a problem with my Sony FX1. That post is located here:

In summary, the issue was that handling noise of the camera was being transferred through the body of the camera (even with an external mic being on or off), and there was no bass being recorded. Currently, I don't have a good example test to upload to display the second problem, but when I compare audio from the same microphone recorded on my GL2 (or a friend's Z1U) to that of the FX1, the FX1 seems to lack almost all bass.

So Sony received my camera the 20th of October, and I was told the standard turn-around time for repairs was 14 days from when they get it. After about 17 days they called to tell me they could find nothing wrong with it. I explained the problem again and they proceeded to hold onto the camera for another 20 days, after which time I finally got a hold of a technician who told me he same thing. So far I'm not impressed.

Finally, today in my penultimate conversation with Juan at the Sony Repair Center in Lorado, TX (I'm going to call again Monday), I was told that they were shipping it back to me. I asked about the issue with the bass and he said (in effect) that these cameras don't record bass.


Needless to say, I'm feeling pretty let down by Sony at the moment. Has anyone else experienced similar issues with their FX1, or do I get to be unique?

As soon as it comes in on Tuesday I'll be sure to post some tests to make sure I'm not crazy.

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Old December 2nd, 2005, 09:57 PM   #2
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My experience with the service department in Los Angeles for the Z1U was not truly great either. The viewfinder quit working, ostensibly a simple thing to diagnose, yet after about two weeks they called to say they couldn't find anything wrong. They did fix it, took several weeks.

I do really like the video it produces.
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Old December 8th, 2005, 01:26 PM   #3
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Audio Tests

Ok, I've recorded some tests comparing my FX1 with my GL2. It's not really an even comparison, but it demonstrates a fairly significant difference in sounds from the different cameras.

Nothing has been done to process these clips except I boosted the gain on the GL2 recording to bring it to the level of the FX1.

To me the FX1 sounds "tinny" and without much bass. Of course, I can introduce lower tones using an EQ in post, but it seems that I shouldn't be obligated to do so in order to get decent audio.

Does anyone else with an FX1 get different results from what I'm finding?
What do your ears hear?

Here is the file:


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Old December 8th, 2005, 10:35 PM   #4
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I saw this after my email to you. If the other camera works with exactly the same setup, something's wrong. If you were in Baltimore, we could have some fun.


Ty Ford
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Old December 11th, 2005, 04:23 PM   #5
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Actually, I am going to be in MD later this month (in case you were serious, TY).

Does anyone know what to do with a situation like this? I mean what can one do when the product manufacturer says there is no problem when clearly there is one?

Any suggestions? I would greatly appreciate any wisdom on this matter.

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Old December 13th, 2005, 11:08 PM   #6
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Am I SOL on this issue?
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Old December 14th, 2005, 06:44 AM   #7
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Chad Terpstra


Am I SOL on this issue?
You need to do some more detective work.

Using the EXACT same configuration, plug into someone else's camcorder to make sure there's not something wrong with your rig.

Ty Ford
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