Z1U 50i downconverted to SD? at DVinfo.net
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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 03:51 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 2
Z1U 50i downconverted to SD?

When shooting with the PAL option on the Z1U at 50i (or even CF25) what steps are necessary to be able to edit in HDV at 24fps, but then transfer the video to an NTSC 30fps signal for use on a DVD?
I want to be able to shoot in the 50i or CF25 mode and then convert to 24fps. I have read a lot of forums on the topic but have yet to here one clear step by step solution. Any suggestions?
Justin Lomax is offline   Reply With Quote
Old October 22nd, 2005, 08:20 AM   #2
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Take a look at DVFilm Maker. I think it will do all of this, although I'm not completely sure about the 25cf to 24p part....

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Old October 23rd, 2005, 08:08 AM   #3
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This is the sort of query that should be in the HD/HDV editing forum... not so much about the cam - more about what to do with what it records post the event!!

You are much more likely to get the sorts of responses you're after there.

Boyd's suggestion is one to look at; although (correct me if I'm wrong) but I thought DVFilm Maker was a Mac only app...

If you run PC then it'll depend on the NLE you use to an extent. I believe you can use Gearshift (for Vegas) for the sort of frame rate adjustments you are after.
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Old October 23rd, 2005, 09:06 AM   #4
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Yes you can use GearShift to convert to a 24p SD proxy but, as was pointed out, you need to be using Sony Vegas as your NLE. You can work with that and then render to 24p using the original M2T files. GearShift automates the swapping of proxies to M2T at the push of a button.

Another good workflow is to use CineForm Connect HD. This will allow you to capture in 24p. What you do is shoot CF25 and Connect HD has an option to convert that to 24p and slow the audio down by 4% as you capture. What you get is a 24p stream to work with that you can also render from because it’s a very high quality AVI file using the CineForm codec.

If you are serious about 24p with the Z1, you should download the trial of Connect HD and give it go.
The step-by-step instructions would be:

Step 1: Shoot CF25
Step 2: Capture to 24p using CineForm Connect HD or use GearShift to make 24p
Step 3: Set your NLE up for a 24p project and do all you editing in 24p
Step 4: Render to 24p MPEG2 for DVD (let the DVD player worry about the 2:3 pulldown AND you’ll get more movie per DVD)

I would not output back to 30fps (60i) because your DVD play has the ability to play 24p MPEG movies. Just keep everything 24p all the time.

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