HVR-Z1U A/V & Component cables. ? at DVinfo.net
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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CCD HDV camcorder.

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Old June 3rd, 2013, 12:58 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Dallas, Oregon
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HVR-Z1U A/V & Component cables. ?

Hello all; I'm getting started with a nice low-hour HVR-Z1U purchased locally, and have cable questions.

No Component cable came with the camera, and No A/V cable either. I think it would be quite handy at times to be able to view footage on a TV set: my Samsung 1080p panel has no S-video input; besides, I'd like to view in HD.

So, a search of the forum turns up Sony # 182941421 as the Component cable, and apparently a VMC-15VC or VMC-30VC, like I see on eBay, are the same cable ? (although none of the listings for these list HVR-Z1U as a suitable fit) (?)

182941421 (actually 182941461) is available at servicesplus.sel.sony.com for $62.91
The eBay VMC cables from China are much less expensive: are they a viable alternative?

And for audio, my understanding is I'll need the A/V cable which appears to be their own type.
*So, what is the part number of the A/V cable, and are they available?

Thanks much,
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Old June 4th, 2013, 12:01 AM   #2
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Re: HVR-Z1U A/V & Component cables. ?

You have to be careful because Sony has a couple of different connectors and they don't make them all anymore, especially for discontinued models like the Z1.

As you have discovered, the component versions are the VMC-30VC (and the shorter 20VC). The composite version is the VMC-20FR and 30FR. The only difference between these two should be the length.

Later models used an all-in-one connector but these early ones had separate plugs for component and composite so you must be careful. At this late date it is likely your only option is the Chinese knockoffs. If it were me and I could find the official Sony version, I'd grab it.

If any cable lists the FX1 as a suitable fit, it's fine for the Z1 -- they're the same cam in that respect.
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Old June 4th, 2013, 05:47 PM   #3
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Re: HVR-Z1U A/V & Component cables. ?

I purchased the VMC-15VC a few weeks ago on Ebay. It works for replay of footage on TV. Cost me about $AU15 or so.

Last edited by John Mahoney; June 4th, 2013 at 05:48 PM. Reason: left out details.
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