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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
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Old July 4th, 2005, 01:18 PM   #16
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I have had good luck (notice I said LUCK) using lower field first throughout the process. Neverless. if the fields get inverted, the motion will be VERY stroboscopic on an INTERLACED display. I have an option for field order in TMPGEnc (MPEG encoder) as well as my editor. Think about it, if the fields get reversed, then the motion between fields will be reversed, causing, well stuttering - the best name I can think of.

ANYTIME you display interlaced scanning on a progressive display you will get the effect in your pictures. Evaluate your DVD on a regular, interlaced scanning CRT (a TV set). Obviously, your editor AND your MPEG encoder must BOTH treat the two fields properly. If it is de-interlaced at any time, then you will have two progressive frames (with the artifacts in your pictures). There then is no way to get rid of those artifacts.

The problems you are having exemplify the difficulties in converting interlaced to progressive (and vice versa). Since the CRT is the only truly interlaced display (where interlaced stuff looks GREAT), it seems to me that interlaced scanning will die with the CRT. (If you haven't noticed, I've said this elsewhere.) At any rate, you should be able to properly reduce 1080i to 480i. Good luck!
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Old July 4th, 2005, 07:06 PM   #17
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1. What are your specific template settings in Vegas during edit? During Render?
2. Uncompressed using what codec if any? What do the frames look like while looking at a parked frame in Vegas with the uncompressed?
3. Render/encode settings in Procoder?

Converting CineForm to SD is very easy IF you don't mess with the Vegas templates. But as soon as you start playing or manipulating, it gets squirrely. I've converted hundreds of CineForm avi's to 4:2:2 YUV, and then to MPEG 2 SD, and I assure you, if you use the templates provided by Sony, you'll not have problems.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old July 5th, 2005, 01:51 PM   #18
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ha! been there dun that! yep i can never tell which field is which , thats why i gave up a long time ago and just burn my dvd as progressive mpeg's (after de-interlace of course) and its become of force of habit.
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Old July 7th, 2005, 06:16 AM   #19
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Ok, I think I got it. I tried using David's suggestion and shooting with Cinefram 30 on. I was real careful when tying my shoes (interlacing, OK bad joke.

If you got a minute or 10 let me know how I did.

Thanks again guys.

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Old July 7th, 2005, 06:50 AM   #20
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I am not someone who can judge the technical part, but I do like your work as always. It played poorly on my laptop and I am firing up the desktop to take a better look at it.

It looks like you are posting your clips to you Bellsouth personal web page. If so, how? I have been on the phone with Bellsouth several times and they can't even figure out how to get me thru to their FTP server! I see no way to post it directly from my website using editing tools or new page or anything!

Anyway, great work again.

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Old July 7th, 2005, 09:33 AM   #21
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Nice job. Quite stirring.

If I may make a technical comment, for next time, I suggest you experiment with keying out the flag so you can put the fireworks behind the flag using a matte made from an AVI of the flag video turned to black and white.
Steven Gotz
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Old July 7th, 2005, 11:15 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Jim Montgomery
Ok, I think I got it. I tried using David's suggestion and shooting with Cinefram 30 on. I was real careful when tying my shoes (interlacing, OK bad joke.

If you got a minute or 10 let me know how I did.

Thanks again guys.

Whoops, bandwidth level exceeded when trying to access the site.

How much resolution is lost when shooting Cineframe 30 and is the lost rez unoticable when converting to DVD widescreen SD?

For shaper images, try an Unsharp mask (can't remember if vegas has this) using a large area setting (80-100) and a low amount setting. Very nice effect.
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Old July 8th, 2005, 07:09 PM   #23
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Jeff can you expand on that unsharp mask method, in Vegas the unsharp mask has three properties:




What values should I try? (I'm assuming you apply the filter to the HD clip before downrezzing to SD?)


Anhar Hussain Miah
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Old July 9th, 2005, 11:01 AM   #24
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High Radius
Low Amount
Threshold is probably fine but should be set to affect the whole image

This is a technique often used in photoshop work.
Canon C100, 5D3
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Old July 9th, 2005, 07:11 PM   #25
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OK, I think I got it up on a web site.
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Old July 10th, 2005, 09:58 AM   #26
CTO, CineForm Inc.
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back to you original issue of double images when exporting to DVD. As a Aspect HD user you should download the new Aspect HD 3.2. For the any upgrade the down conversion scaling engine is much better. Simple take your 50i or 60i Premiere project using version 3.2 create scaling interlaced output with any field dominance you need (DVD -- lower field first) using the Adobe Media encoder.

Another user has already found scaling so much easier with the new release :
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