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Sony HVR-Z1 / HDR-FX1
Pro and consumer versions of this Sony 3-CCD HDV camcorder.

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Old August 10th, 2005, 03:04 PM   #16
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Greenville, SC
Posts: 1,415
Really? Then why would Sony say it shoots in 1080i.
Do a search in the HDV forums and you'll see the actual resolution. Yes, it is very confusing!

looking into getting a 32" LCD has a super cheap 32" LCD but I doubt it has firewire input. The TVs which do have firewire input can only display SD (not HD). At least any that are currently on the market and made for consumers.
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Old August 11th, 2005, 07:39 AM   #17
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Katoomba NSW Australia
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Originally Posted by Fred Foronda
after researching and browsing...CRT is crossed out of my list. to darn heavy!!! looking into getting a 32" LCD to add to my goodies. any seggestions?? need to have that 1394 input and good response know only the best.

Why do you need firewire? If you intend watching clips you've shot straight from the FX-1, then the best result comes from viewing via the COMPONENT input.

As for the CRT vs LCD arguement. Hitch your camera up to the HDTV you're thinking of buying... If the staff at the store aren't interested in seeing what the products they sell are capable of - go somewhere where they will.

My own personal experience as a HDV camcorder owner who has both CRT and LCD HDTVs. I watch the LCD (Sharp Aquos 83cm) all the time - sold on my Panasonic CRT 78cm HDTV (BTW, make sure you get at least 100Hz when going CRT) to my best friend.

I hope he doesn't read this - but now that he's got it, he thinks he has it tuned just right... Unfortunately he keeps changing all the settings I put in, and it doesn't even display 16:9 correctly now - but he swears that he got the better end of the deal, because everyone says CRT is better... BTW - he watches SD on it and reckons that it looks better than HD via the D-Gtec HD set-top box I gave him as well. Ho Hum... The moral of the story is - You can point out a Constellation in the night sky, just don't be surprised to find out that the person you pointed it out to just can't see it, even if they swear they do...

Any LCD panel has to have at least 1280x720 native pixels to be truly worthwhile - contrast and black levels are also worth investigating.
As for the guff elsewhere in this thread about interlaced looking superior on CRT HDTV... must have been a pretty crappy or non-HDTV LCD that was being viewed.

HDTVs - not monitors... HDTVs are designed to accomodate both interlaced and progressive signals. Generally it's the ability of a set-top box to decode the signal that's more likely to present visual differences with interlaced or progressive video. Plug your HDV camcorder in via the component connection and watch HD on a proper HDTV (either CRT or LCD), that even broadcasters would find hard to match in quality.

Too many people here are making their conclusions based upon viewing on substandard or inappropriate equipment. While some computer monitors are capable of showing HD/HDV stuff quite well when set up correctly... the simple fact is that a computer monitor ISN'T the best place to evaluate HD/HDV.

So... whether you decide to CRT or LCD, you need to make sure that there's enough 'Native Resolution', that the refresh rates are high enough, that black levels and colour controls are comprehensive enough to obtain the most natural image possible - and last but not least, that you're getting as much 16:9 screen real-estate for your dollar that you can afford, without having to rebuild your home to fit it in of course!!

All this arguing about which is better is ultimately pointless. There are great HDTVs out there at the moment. Go and check them out for yourselves. If you can't find one that you like yourself - no amount of recommendations from here or anywhere else for that matter will make your viewing experience any better.

If you find one - regardless of whether it's CRT or LCD and you love the way your FX-1/Z1 or HD-10u stuff looks on it... BE HAPPY!! :)
Steve Crisdale is offline   Reply

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